Following one sodden man came another. This one was not dressed in red, although the now-tranluscent white shirt he wore, along with the black waistcoat, trousers, very polished shoes and dripping wet fedora hat suggested that he had, indeed, been dressed for some sort of occasion prior to his current state. In one arm he held a hard case for a music instrument, in the other was clutched a now entirely soused slip of cardboard. He sighed heavily, reached up to the top of his head and let the rivulets of rain that had collected there spill down onto the ground, sweeping them back out the door with his foot. "Apologies for the mess," he would mutter, before looking around and processing the information that he was taking in.
Placing his instrument case against the ground, he patted his waistcoat down, as if searching for something, before pulling out a sleek stainless steel cigarette case. It flicked open with ease, the man drawing out a single hand-rolled white stick, placing it to his lips, and then extracting a match. Rubbing frantically at his trousers with his forearm, once it had been dried enough he would spark the match against the roughspun fabric, before touching the lit match to his ciagarette. Breathing in deeply, he let out a sigh, shaking out the match in a single smooth action.
Picking up his instrument case, he would head towards the bar, looking in faint amusement at the woman with the fancy suit and the other woman with the glowy robo-leg. "There a con in town or something? You guys put a lot of work into those costumes, huh." He would turn to the bartender, before noticing that another patron was smoking too.
"S'cuse me, mind if we share the ashtray? He let out what was supposed to be a winning smile, but in his drenched state was really more of a wilted grin, then turn to the bartender for good. "This is gonna seem a might bit weird what with this being a bar and all, but you guys have coffee? Doesn't have to be good, I promise you."