There was a fountain in the palace.
Or, to be more accurate, there was a sculpture in the palace, located in one of its many gardens. It was structured like a fountain, the varied fish that sat around the central column sat with mouths agape and spouts in their mouth, but the basin was dry, barren. Empty. One of the shards had shattered over this fountain, and as the Monarch of All cut off the primordial energy He had so generously provided to the shards, something miraculous began to happen.
It began with a gurgle. Then a few bubbles burst forth, spluttering out and splashing down shimmering droplets onto the parched stone. Then, slowly, rivulets of water began to surge forth, spilling down in even arcs, arcs that grew and grew with every passing moment. Soon, the spouts were spewing water out, splashing across the earth and then into the air.
Then, with a tremendous crack, the central podium of the fountain burst. Marble exploded outwards, shards of white stone fanning out like a bomb had been set off. In the centre of the column, the water gushed upwards, defying gravity as it sat, suspended in the air. The water swirled and rushed about, frothing and rising, until at last it split itself from the remnants of the central column and moved.
Ao-Yurin had been born.
The figure of water took a moment to appreciate themselves. Water crashed about, rising up into a curling arm that twisted about, as if being analysed. The figure swayed this way and that, waves crashing around but always pulled back into the centre, held together by divine force. The figure turned and looked towards the Monarch of All, then left the light.
From the depths of Galbar's surface, a primordial force stirred. Ao-Yurin felt their form's edges become hazy, light bleeding from their vision as they raised up their form, and the water began to rise. To any other god, such a tremendous amount of water would have been crippling, and although indeed they could feel themselves taxed, this was their role. The world needed water, and Ao-Yurin would provide a flood that nothing could withstand.
In just a few moments the puddle they had been standing in had increased in size tenfold. It rushed out from their form, a wave that began to rise up, higher and higher in height, rushing across the uneven surface of the world. As Ao-Yurin's form grew in height and stature, the water's power increased, the wave racing faster and faster, higher and higher, chasing its crest but never managing to reach its. The water grew still, now a pool, then a spring, then an oasis, then a lake. The wave was now higher than anything the land had to offer, overtaking any hill or mountain and overwhelming any gully or valley.
Still more water flowed. Triumph surged through Ao-Yurin, as on the opposite side of the planet from whence they stood, the four rushing waves came together, taller than anything that would be seen on Galbar again, and crashed into each other. The force from such an impact shattered the form of each of the waves, sending a spray of water up into the sky and another great ripple back towards Ao-Yurin. Even as the waves clashed, Ao-Yurin continued, more and more water pouring forth from nothing until at last the skies themselves became so saturated that they could not hold themselves back, and began to gush with water as well.
Then, Galbar was only the water, dark and deep, blanketing the world in the liquid from which it would be born.
And Ao-Yurin looked down upon the sea, and saw that it was good.
Or, to be more accurate, there was a sculpture in the palace, located in one of its many gardens. It was structured like a fountain, the varied fish that sat around the central column sat with mouths agape and spouts in their mouth, but the basin was dry, barren. Empty. One of the shards had shattered over this fountain, and as the Monarch of All cut off the primordial energy He had so generously provided to the shards, something miraculous began to happen.
It began with a gurgle. Then a few bubbles burst forth, spluttering out and splashing down shimmering droplets onto the parched stone. Then, slowly, rivulets of water began to surge forth, spilling down in even arcs, arcs that grew and grew with every passing moment. Soon, the spouts were spewing water out, splashing across the earth and then into the air.
Then, with a tremendous crack, the central podium of the fountain burst. Marble exploded outwards, shards of white stone fanning out like a bomb had been set off. In the centre of the column, the water gushed upwards, defying gravity as it sat, suspended in the air. The water swirled and rushed about, frothing and rising, until at last it split itself from the remnants of the central column and moved.
Ao-Yurin had been born.
The figure of water took a moment to appreciate themselves. Water crashed about, rising up into a curling arm that twisted about, as if being analysed. The figure swayed this way and that, waves crashing around but always pulled back into the centre, held together by divine force. The figure turned and looked towards the Monarch of All, then left the light.
From the depths of Galbar's surface, a primordial force stirred. Ao-Yurin felt their form's edges become hazy, light bleeding from their vision as they raised up their form, and the water began to rise. To any other god, such a tremendous amount of water would have been crippling, and although indeed they could feel themselves taxed, this was their role. The world needed water, and Ao-Yurin would provide a flood that nothing could withstand.
In just a few moments the puddle they had been standing in had increased in size tenfold. It rushed out from their form, a wave that began to rise up, higher and higher in height, rushing across the uneven surface of the world. As Ao-Yurin's form grew in height and stature, the water's power increased, the wave racing faster and faster, higher and higher, chasing its crest but never managing to reach its. The water grew still, now a pool, then a spring, then an oasis, then a lake. The wave was now higher than anything the land had to offer, overtaking any hill or mountain and overwhelming any gully or valley.
Still more water flowed. Triumph surged through Ao-Yurin, as on the opposite side of the planet from whence they stood, the four rushing waves came together, taller than anything that would be seen on Galbar again, and crashed into each other. The force from such an impact shattered the form of each of the waves, sending a spray of water up into the sky and another great ripple back towards Ao-Yurin. Even as the waves clashed, Ao-Yurin continued, more and more water pouring forth from nothing until at last the skies themselves became so saturated that they could not hold themselves back, and began to gush with water as well.
Then, Galbar was only the water, dark and deep, blanketing the world in the liquid from which it would be born.
And Ao-Yurin looked down upon the sea, and saw that it was good.