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Dryus are just male Dryads, and that's all that's different about them.

And, of the Buggirl types, Arachne are Queen.

Onto the skills, even if there are gaps, what is presented is a really good approximation of her skills, as she's very much self-taught from the books that she gathered and trial and error; hence, her goal of mastering medicine.

There maybe come time in the story for why she was self-taught.

I'm looking forward to the magic, and I'm glad you like her, overall. Very spur of the moment character for me.
Where I live changed slightly to squatting in toolshed Wormwood calls woodbox.

Sheesh how many of us are just various stages of hobo? 🤣

Nibby is a self-imposed hermit. Far more respectable than hobo, lol
@Enkryption I can sense that Nibby might find a Kindred spirit in Wormwood, being their both not close to the village. No that I think about it maybe Wormwood is squatting in your cottage and is often a bit of a pest trying to eat the tasty leafs in your garden.

I could see, maybe, if he was in the immediate area behind the house, like, if he was squatting in her toolshed, he could definitely get away with that, if he was careful enough. And taking bits and pieces of her greens could be seen as wild animals being a pest, for certain.

But, Nibby is far too meticulous to not see anything amiss inside her cottage, and doesn't want her secret getting out, so she wouldn't allow anyone to stay over.

Her Druidic Transformation comes undone while she's asleep.

Race is ??? pending confirmation. The rest is done.

EDIT 1: I assumed the Inventory section was placeholder text, and would vary from character to character, so I did change that, since Nibby wouldn't carry those things around with her.

EDIT 2: Updated Race to Forest Arachne. Not particularly clever, but puns take time.

EDIT 3: Added all Skills.


Curiosity: Can there be half-breeds of Monster and Monster? I had the idea, as I was putting her together, that my character is the half-breed daughter of a Dyrus and an Arachne, giving her an innate talent with growing all matter of green and making *wink*toxins*wink* medicines from them, and would give her the ability to make a rather human form through Druidic Transformation, as she hides her true nature, because it's already hard enough to be taken seriously in her Human Form....

That said, a Dryad in disguise will work just as well. I just like to get the crazy ideas out first. XD
I was imagining 1 PC per player. I was thinking of an option where people can have multiple characters but stable them so they have one active one (so they have one at a time they're actively playing, but the other character can do something basic in the background e.g collect basic materials, take a trade caravan to another town,ect) so people can experience different aspects of the game if they feel like their 'main' is too specialised.

However, I think I'd want the game to be underway a bit before then, if I opened that up at all.

That would be really helpful for characters like the one I'm planning, as her "empire" (see: shop) expands, a stable of NPCs that do the background work of such things would be handy to have, and offer flavour and life to the town, as they would offer up other players someone to talk to in their day-to-day, but won't require a whole collaboration for chatting with an NPC.

For instance, someone comes into my shop, and I'm not there, my NPC Staff can attend to them as a wordless affair in their post, or ask them for assist, and I reply in my post later on, and get them to where they need to be, or a combination of both where I would fill in the blank space between where they come and go.

<Snipped quote by Enkryption>

That's what I was thinking with my character but more like I sell actual garbage or at best scrap I find in monster warrens.

I'm leaning towards an apothecary with a green thumb that grows herbs and makes potions that have "quality" to them, so they are much better than the run-of-the-mill stuff as she progresses from Apothecary to Pharmacist.

So, your junk dealer will be an interesting contrast. XD
@Enkryptionwho knows, perhaps the Hamlet will grow to a city one day

Maybe so. I love making merchants that start from the bottom and learn to make moves that grow their local economy. Rags to Riches is an underappreciated writing cliche.
@Enkryption that's exactly the type of thing this RP is set up for.

3 peeps is a happy minimum for me so i'll start wrangling together an OOC. May not be up today as I have dnd tonight. Character sheet is almost there.

Sounds great. The only solid detail I have about my character is that she tired of the humdrum of the countryside and has aspirations to go to the city and make it big, but maybe she'll find there's something or someone to keep her around and appreciate what she truly has.

The rest will come with the CS.
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