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Wow, love the post, it was hilarious reading through the medical files and seeing the resident healer's thoughts on the cast! Really fun storytelling :D

Figured, I'd open with a bang, and try something I've never done. A murder board can tell quite a story by itself. XD

That said, lots to improve and fix, so I'll definitely be doing an overhaul (if only for myself) over the week.
Finally, posted.

You will see that Rallis is blank, and that is because his stats are not correct on his sheet; he has 2 of each star. If it's ever fixed, I will fix his file. Until then, I'm so glad this is done and dusted. Time for some video games...

Interacting with: No-one
Location: Home|| Action: Studying|| Emotion: Pensive

It was early morning, as Nibiria shuffled through the cottage she’d claimed as a homestead, and milled around her office. There was nothing on her calendar; no patients to be seen, no appointments to be made. Everything was scheduled off for the week, because she was on vacation for once.

She needed it. Badly.

Hearth was no normal, sleepy hamlet in the backwoods and nowhere. It was a place of tortuous secrets that had kept her wide awake for almost a week since she’d started to notice things were off about the people she’d been living around for close to a year.

There were dark people with dark secrets; runaways and strays; hunters and hunted; monsters clad in the flesh of mer and in the clothing of men. Pictures were pinned to a white wall; various coloured yarn strung up between them like a colourful web...

As she downed her fourth cup of coffee, the wired alchemist glared at the pictures.

I need the common denominator...” Nibiria says, pouring her fifth cup. “What about this place makes it a beacon to troublesome individuals?


BBCode is a demon in design, but you can do some very cool shit with it. Unfortunately, I do a lot of my reading on mobile, because I work 9~10 hours a day, and this site wasn't designed for mobile users, imo.

That aside, I've passed the hell day known as Cinco de Moe's, and I can finally start on my post in earnest after work and, hopefully, have it out by the end of Sunday coming.
Collab with @Polaris North, featuring dialogue from @AzureKnight
@Enkryption hope that helps!

Totally did, actually. I can read it on mobile, now.

Okay? I wasn't really expecting pushback in a reasonably simple suggestion.
Just a suggestion, but, due to the finicky nature of how [*h1], [*h2], and [*h3] interact with [*center], it is better for the "Location", "Action" and "Emotion" to be placed on their own lines, as:

[sup]Interacting with: No-one
[h3]Location: Nibiria's Cottage[color=a9a9a9]|[/color][/h3]
[h3]Action: Relaxing in her study[color=a9a9a9]|[/color][/h3]
[h3]Emotion: Neutral[/h3][/sup][/center]

Which results in;


Interacting with: No-one
Location: Nibiria's Cottage|

Action: Relaxing in her study|

Emotion: Neutral

Instead of:


Interacting with: No-one
Location: Nibiria's Cottage| Action: Relaxing in her study| Emotion: Neutral

I really like the original set up, but it very finicky with bbcode and screen space.
@Enkryption colour me intrigued! Looking forward to what you come up with.

I'm going to be SLAMMED at work for the rest of the week, but I finished the hard part for the most part, so I just need to knuckle down whenever I find time. I hope to have a post by the end of Sunday.

And, secret.
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