_______________________________________________ Aart Gustaf Bakker _______________________________________________ July 4th, 1994 | 26 | South Afrikan _______________________________________________ Single | He/Him | Straight _______________________________________________ 'Arty' | Computer Sabotage Consultant (Hacker) _______________________________________________ Physical Profile ___________________________________
Basics: • Height | 6"1
• Weight | 190 lbs
• Build | Athletic
• Hair Color | Platinum Blond
• Eye Color | Hazel
Physical Profile ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Arty stands at approximately six foot one, he's kind of a slim athletic build. His hair is a notable platinum blond as it is wavy and kinda freaking awesome. His face is covered in minor scarring, above his right eye and under it is some kind of light chemical scarring. Near his left eye there is some minor scarring presumably from a blade as his young and beautiful face is scuffed up a bit. The scars just don't do him justice.
In Neon Miami, Arty is usually seen wearing casual clothing. He is no stranger to the deadly heats that he endured most of his live in Afrika. He is found wearing an awesome Hawaiian shirt, usually, they vary in patterns and colors depending on the day and what he's feeling along with a pair of khaki shorts. He's usually carrying a slick piece with him too, a backpack to carry his gear when needed and of course he's rocking a pair of bootleg Yeezys. Off-white white Yeezys.
His mannerisms scream foreigner like wow is this guy fresh off the boat or something? He's usually displaying a face of being simply unimpressed, though it can change once the choobs are done staring. His true emotions are reserved for the awesome, the wicked and the royals.
Psychological Profile ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Calculated: Cool, calm and collected. Arty is calculated and often is forced into deep thought as he makes his next move, both up the professional and cool ladder.
Unimpressed: Arty holds things and people to a high standard, it's hard to impress him considering he's seen it all.
Smoke and Mirrors: Arty has a knack for detecting bullshit and he simply doesn't put up with it.
Criminal-Past ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Aart was born into a poor and starving family in the poor slum district in Johannesburg, South Africa His father was a petty thief and his mother worked as some secretary thing for an executive at Fairview Collectives. Growing up as an only child had its perks but Aart often found himself on the streets messing around with gangs he wasn't supposed to, making money the not so legal way. This caused him to run into a few not so awesome encounters with the police. Though he made his way through, he found a passion in computers especially hacking. He built his first computer from parts gathered from the local junkyard, eventually finding his way onto the net where he began exploring the deep and darkest parts of the web.
Later on in his life after high school and into his young adulthood he found work with a private military company as a hired gun. Roaming around with a band of ruffians in the rural areas of South Afrika, defending oil interests and rich people. Of course, he had interests outside of just being a hired gun, so he worked on his computer magic - hacked the company he worked for and took off with what he could. It was all encrypted, mostly but he used what he could to get the fabled United States of America.
He ended up landing in Neon Miami a shit hole city that just loved its vibrant lights, it's nothing he had seen before. With a skill set like Arty's you could say, well fuck he could of worked for a tech giant or something but it turns out some highschool bum coulden't get a job worth shit. Who knew if he was even legal, it was just simply unknown. So, he turned to crime or rather some people took interest in him. The Royals picked him up, he was just some gun to them until they saw him crack into a ATM causing it to spit out it's load. He was reassigned to do the gangs cyber ops, despite his poor English. He manages to get by.
Arrest & Sentencing Information ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Criminal Offense | Notes
Unlawful Network Access | For all those times he accessed the 'wrong' networks
Identity Theft | Was that credit card yours?
Wire Fraud | Fraud including wires.
Skills & Equipment ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
Compooter Skill | He has the hacking skills to fit the bills.
Bi-Lingureal | Speaks Afrikaans and English - poorly.
Diamond in the Rough. | Can usually pick out good, or useable parts from junk heaps.
The Tek-9 | The Tec-9, famous for being the Tec-9. It looks worn, used and is it even the real Tec-9 or a rip off? Known for the ability to be awesome and going pew pew, the Tek-9 everybody.
The Laptop | An American (???) made laptop, full of Arty's viruses and programs which he carries in a courier bag.
Fuel Siphoning Equipment | Not carried on him, it's sitting around gathering dust. You never know when you have to steal gas in Florida.