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OK, here's my Fantastic Four AKA The Future Foundation application:

The 48 hour competition timer has now begun for the FF! If you're accepted I would just like to clarify the extent to which you would be attempting to involve Galactus, as him arriving on Earth for instance would obviously be quite a large development for the game as a whole, at least at this stage.

T H E X - M E N
T H E X - M E N

"Protecting a world that hates and fears us since 2014."
Genocide is a process that develops in ten stages that are predictable but not inexorable. At each stage, preventive measures can stop it. The process is not linear. Stages may occur simultaneously. Logically, later stages must be preceded by earlier stages. But all stages continue to operate throughout the process.
The Ten Stages of Genocide (Dr. Gregory H. Stanton)

Location: Larroca and Milligan's Deli and Grocery - Brooklyn, NY

"Mutants go home! Mutants go home!"

Roxy Washington stepped into the bodega with urgency, her hood pulled down over her head, her hands deep in her pockets. The bigots were out in full force today, she noted; these days you couldn't go even a few days without seeing some form of anti-mutant demonstration, but this used to be a safe neighbourhood for people like her, or so she had thought. Either that or she'd just been well sheltered.

"Mutants go home! Mutants go home!"

Roxy was a mutant. She was born with hard, diamond-like crystalline skin. She was used to the stares and the snide comments behind her back, but this was different. The anti-mutant element of the city had been whipped up into a frenzy. In real terms, it was getting harder for everyone, but especially for the unlucky ones like her. The ones who couldn't turn their "gifts" off if things got a bit too heated.

"Mutants go home! Mutants go home!"

"In and out, then back home." she thought to herself. "Just the essentials."

Roxy navigated the narrow aisles, carefully running through the items on her shopping list. As she bent down to reach for a can of soup, she felt that familiar stare. Coming from behind. She checked her hood was down and took a quick glance. At the rear end of the shop was a man, not much older than herself. His blonde hair and beard were unkempt, his clothes ill-fitting and he had an expression that made her feel uneasy. She carried on, trying to ignore him as she went about her business, but the unease lingered like a cloud, consuming all her thoughts.

"Mutants go home! Mutants go home!"

"I'm trying..." she sighed to herself.

Attempting to quell her growing unease, Roxy focused on completing her grocery list. However, she couldn't ignore the knot forming in her stomach. As she approached the counter, she couldn't help but steal a final glance at the man behind her. She held her breath as he started to move, her heart punching bullet holes in her chest. It felt like minutes, but within a few seconds the man was at the door. The familiar ding of the bell rang sharply as the door slid open. A flicker of calm.

"Cash or credit?"

Roxy looked back towards the counter, brought back to reality and grabbed her purse.


"I thought you freaks had worked out you weren't welcome here!"

Sure enough, Roxy's instincts had been right. The man was waiting outside as soon as she left, with a gang of his friends. She couldn't manage one trip out this week without there being something?, she thought. She carried on moving with speed in her step.

"I'm not looking for trouble. I'm just going home."

"They not have food at mutant school?", one of the gang chimed in. "You've got to come down here an' take ours?"

"I bet it didn't pay for it either..."

"That true Mutie? Come on, I'm talking to you!"

Roxy quickened her pace, her groceries clutched to her chest. She turned a corner, heading down another street.

"I think it's ignoring you", a fourth voice remarked.

"They not teach manners in those sewers of yours, freak?" The man picked up a loose cobble from the floor and took aim. It glanced her leg. She ran. They met her speed in kind.

"He's talking to you, freak!"

"Leave me alone!", Roxy panted, crystal tears filled her eyes. She turned down another street. The thugs closed in. Cornered. Her groceries slipped from her grasp as two of the group pinned her to the wall.

"I'm going home. What more do you people want?" Roxy cried out in desperation.

"You people? The hell is that supposed to mean, mutie?" The one replied.

"Show her what we do to freaks in this neighbourhood, Tom!" Another retorts.

The blonde, Tom cracked his knuckles and dropped his backpack to the floor. He unzipped it, and removed a long club, chain wrapped around the hilt. He brandished it threateningly before walking towards her. However, he is interrupted by a voice from behind, and a tap on his shoulder.

"Is there really nothing better you could be doing with your time, mein Freund?"

The thug slowly moved his gaze to his shoulder, where to his shock he saw a dark blue tail, ending in a point. He goes to scream but nothing comes out.

In a moment the man is gone, replaced by a dark cloud of smoke.

"You might want to run, ja?..."

So I'm heavily leaning towards Punisher and I'm working on my character sheet today, but here's a question: Am I allowed to go after any supervillains, obviously I can't touch anybody related to the characters already chosen, but what about otherwise? Or should I stick to street level/Punisher centric?

I would say stick to Punisher-aligned characters where you can. You are welcome to coordinate with the other players if there is a character you would like to use that would typically come under their purvue, just understand that they would hold the veto in any such case
Hey everybody, how's things? Is this thread still open for late joiners? I was thinking of writing one of a few characters, Punisher, Daredevil, Ghost Rider(s), or Hulk. Hopefully none of them steps on any toes


Yeah, always open for applications! Any of those characters would be more than welcome.
So, how is everyone's next posts coming along?

My next one is in the oven, unlikely to be done today as will be celebrating my sister's birthday with her later, so I'd say ETA tomorrow!
@ErsatzEmpress I’m dealing with serious IRL shit at the moment right now which is why I’m rescinding my position for Doctor Strange after one post. I know this is sudden but I cannot delve into another one of these comic book RPs at the moment.

No worries, thanks for letting me know. IRL always comes first, I hope everything sorts out for you. If things change you'll be more than welcome back
an agreement that both of them will run and whoever fails at the presidential nomination will be the others running mate in order to get the Mutant Registration act pushed through?

Ooh, I like that a lot actually. Happy to implement that going forward
<Snipped quote by ErsatzEmpress>

No, you're right. I should just focus on the primary difference and catalyst for change, "what if the Fantastic Four didn't have a Mr. Fantastic?" My initial thought was that The Thing really always wanted to be cured, and despite Reed's best scientific efforts, Ben Grimm always remained The Thing. I thought that if Doom aided the FF instead of fighting them, he could provide a solution with magic, but I should consider the fact that Reed is considered the "smartest man on Earth", so a solution to The Thing's problem should not be trivial, even via magic, so I'll keep The Thing in the roster and supplement with one of the inhumans more closely tied to the FF lore like I originally planned. Thanks for regulating and keeping my "what if" ideas from running too wild.

My next post will probably be the application (finally), though I am currently traveling and will probably not get the sheet completed for maybe a week or two.

Sounds good to me, thanks for taking all that onboard. Enjoy the rest of your travelling!

T H E X - M E N
T H E X - M E N

"Protecting a world that hates and fears us since 2014."
Location: ROXXON Corporation Facility - Staten Island
Flashback: M-Day - FIVE YEARS AGO

"My fellow mutants. We stand here together at a crossroads. We have come to this place today, My Acolytes and I, to take a stand. Against the oppression of our kind. Against the cruelty and the violence. Against God's imperfect creature known as Homo sapiens."

Magneto raises a hand, motioning to the power station at his flank. Its monolithic smoke stack poisons the air around it with a thick, unwavering smog like a cancer. The mutant is joined by his Acolytes, his most dedicated followers, committed as he is to a world free of human persecution. Alex Summers, an ex pupil of Xavier's, now Havok, his most prized lieutenant. Thomas Moreau, the geokinetic mutant known as Zealot. The towering Mammomax; the loyal Exodus; the ellusive Senyaka. Brothers all.

"The nuclear testing facility that looms behind us is a testament to the inhumanity of humanity. But it is also a symbol of their weakness. With all their time as custodians of their planet, this is the final limit of their capability. The extent of their abilities. The death rattle of their dying light. What they cannot achieve on their own they seek to take from us. They cannot hope to match our power so they steal it for themselves."

Erik meets the eyes of each X-Man that Charles has sent to oppose him. Cyclops. Marvel Girl. Beast. Sunfire. Banshee. His own daughter, Polaris, stands against him. He needs them to see what he sees. He needs them to understand.

"My friends, inside this facility is a man. No, more importantly, a mutant. Perhaps only slightly older than my own daughter Lorna, who has graciously chosen to stand against us today."

He motions to Polaris as he speaks, standing across from him and his followers with the rest of the X-Men, She can barely hide her shame for the man her father has revealed himself to be.

"This, you see, is not a nuclear reactor," he begins, magnanimous: "This is a prison."

"A prison, designed by the ROXXON Corporation and approved by our esteemed elected representatives to contain and exploit its only living resident: Kuan-Yin Xorn.

"Does that name sound familiar to you? It should. After all, his brother Shen Xorn was one of your original "X-Men", wasn't he Charles?"
He smiles, looking up at the familiar silhouette of the X-men's jet black jet.

"Yes, I know you're here, in that Blackbird of yours," he continues, "hovering in the skies like an insect because you know that you're too weak to face me!" He snarls, losing composure for only a second.

"How does his brother feel about this, I wonder? Did you order him to stay at your school, lest he join me as well?"

He places a proud hand on Havok's shoulder. Xavier's students were not beyond hope. There would always be a place by his side for mutants of vision, even those who laboured still under a false prophet.

"It doesn't have to be this way, Erik." Charles urges, telepathically using Zealot as a mouthpiece.

"Your words no longer matter, Charles. Your dream no longer matters. It is dead. Bury it."

Magneto turns to face the facility before looking back at his assembled enemies.

"The story of Kuan-Yin Xorn applies to us all. He was born with extraordinary powers, to a world that fears his gifts. Perhaps he knows this truth more than most. For Xorn was born with a star in his head. That is the beauty of our race. A living star, among men. His light could burn brighter than any of ours, yet here he dwells. His light extinguished. In Xorn I see a man with dreams. With aspirations. A brother. And what do these neanderthals see? With their characteristic enlightenment and with their grace? A battery. A resource. To power their cars. Their homes."

He pays extra attention to the news copters now circling above.

"Their televisions."

"They saw a way to exploit our power for their own gain, and seized it without hesitation. They take what they want without a thought for the lives they destroy in the process. But hear us when we say we will stand for it no longer. We are not their slaves, their tools, their batteries. We are a proud and powerful people, and we will not be silenced."

"Their world is over. It's been over for sometime but they have been too consumed with the minutiae of their own death throws to see it. Their time has come and gone. It is time for our people to rise above this dying species and take our place in the light. It is time for Genosha."

"Genosha is a thought experiment no longer. It is not a fairy tale. It's certainly not a place, not yet. It is a promise. A social contract made with the mutant people, by the mutant people, for the mutant people. For a Brotherhood of OUR kind. For a world free from persecution. For too long, we have languished in the dark, afraid to show our light for fear of blinding those who choose not to see. But it is our light. Our future. And humanity no longer has a place in it."

He casts a hand to one of the helicopters above.

"We owe nothing to these lesser creatures, these humans who would see us enslaved and oppressed. We have the power to create a world of our own, a world where mutants are free to live and thrive without fear of persecution. Humanity has presided over their world and reaped the benefits, milking this Earth for all she could give. We asked only for a small piece of it. Now we take it all. Atop the ashes of this monument to humanity's failure we will build the Just City."

"Our mutant nation."

"We will make Genosha here on Earth."

Seeing as this has long since passed the 48 hour competition period without challenge, Doctor Strange is

...and also accepted.

Feel free to move your CS to the char tab and post in the IC when your ready. Sorry for missing it under everything
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