Avatar of Espada Emi
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    1. Espada Emi 5 yrs ago


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Mideo "Mid" Benara

Nar Shadda,
Aboard Airus Vel Aath's ship
(Date and Time to be inserted later)

Welp, this was it. Mid had to face facts. She'd done everything she possibly could, explored every avenue of escape and tried every strategy her Master had taught her. There was no denying the truth anymore or stopping the inevitable. She had to admit it.

She was so bored! She'd tried the moving meditation her Master taught her, mentally reviewing all the plants she knew and their uses, even running through the events of famous battles she knew in her head in reverse order, just 'cause.

Now she was lying on the floor of the ship's cockpit so she could sneak glances out of the windows while her Master's Holocron showed off the basics of Makashi but she'd already seen this section twice on the way to Nar Shadda and she could see most of it in her head already and practicing it alone only worked so well and-

"aaaaagh! What's taking him so long?" She pressed her face into the cool metal flooring of the ship and felt it buzz against her face as she whined her frustration into it. Impatience was not the Jedi way, but this was just plain unfair! They were on Nar Shadda to retrieve some cool artifact on her first real mission and her Master was all 'Stay on the ship, Mideo.' 'It's too dangerous Mideo.' 'I'll only be a little while Mideo' 'Boring cryptic saying that wasn't worth paying attention to Mideo' Well, it had already been a little while and there was no sign of Master Airus at all!

What if he needed Mid's help? What if he'd been kidnapped by pirates or double-crossed by a contact or there was some Sith agent at the Casino waiting to spring an evil trap on him? Master Airus was way tough for a bookworm but he'd obviously underestimated how much he'd need Mid's help on such a rough planet! She deactivated the holocron, hopped up off the floor in one move and gathered up her saber and trusty but tattered brown cloak, then marched out of the room in pretty heroic fashion.

Her big heroic exit got kinda deflated as both Sparks and Goldie barred her path to the descending ramp though.

"'C'mon guys let me go! I've gotta go help Master Airus!"

The two little droids exploded into a bunch of beeps and whines. probably something about how they were both really sure Airus told her to stay behind and for them to keep her out of trouble and the ship locked up? She pretty sure but it was hard to tell, especially when they talked so fast and mixed together.

"Nuh-uh, I heard him too! He told you both to not let anyone in the ship. I'm going out! Besides, he needs our help! The Force is telling me so!" Well, maybe it was more about the bored part of her brain than the Force, but neither of them knew that! She didn't even know that, not for sure! Goldie still inched around to block her more and whined, probably about how the planet was dangerous and it wasn't safe and blah blah blah.

Mid gave a big drawn-out sigh as she added on to her plan. "Well okay, if Nar Shadda's so not safe and you're so responsible, why don't you come with me Goldie? I mean, Sparks can keep the ship locked up, you can still keep me out of trouble and we can both rescue Master Airus together!"

The utility droid whirred loudly, then gave a low, resigned beep. Mid burst into a pointy toothed grin. "Great! Let's go!"

As she walked down the ramp she took her first deep lungful of Nar Shadda air. Smog, toxins, ozone from old blaster fire and a general smell of scum and decay tinging the whole atmosphere.

"Oh yeah, I think I'm gonna like it here Goldie! Master Airus here we come!"

"No deal Sweets Pattoga, I ain't running a charity here! No pay, no ride!"

Mid pouted and glared at the aged Trandoshan taxi driver that'd pulled over for her, but those reptilian eyes of his were unmoved even at such an intimidating sight. When he spoke his words rasped and his breath smelled like Spice and Mid almost wanted to punch him in his stupid leathery old face.

"But I have to get to the Galactic Vices Casino! It's a matter of life and death! More important, it's big business!"

"Then you can walk for all I care! See how long you and that shiny little droid of yours last downtown before someone steals you both for parts!"

Goldie definitely didn't like that. He made a noise that didn't really need translation from Binary and started to turn around, but Mid put a hand on his dome. "We're staying! And..." she took a deep breath and focused her mind, blocking out her frustration, reaching out with the Force and the driver with a wave of her hand. "...You will take me to the Galactic Vices Casino."

The old lizard's eyes clouded over a little and when he spoke his voice was flatter, less raspy. "I will take you to the Galactic Vices Casino."

Ha! It actually worked! Mid hopped into the cab with Goldie and then they were just a short ride to the Casino. First big use of Force Powers down! Master Airus was gonna be so proud!

As soon as Mid entered the Casino she was bombarded with sights, sounds and smells. The blaring music and the flash and chime of gambling games hit her first. Then the sheer mass of people all milling around and crowded together laughing, arguing, talking. The slaves flowed in between them in glittery skimpy uniforms carrying all sorts of exotic and familiar dishes back and forth too constantly to keep track, both repulsive and intriguing to her eyes and nose. Then there were the dancers, haloed in light and moving with slow grace or wild energy.

It was all more colorful and bright and interesting than anything Mid had seen in years, but what really drew her attention and even overwhelmed her was the red skinned dancer on the big center stage. Not because of the unusual red lights around her, or even how big her stage presence was compared to everything else there. No way, it was 'cause she was pouring out so much rage and sorrow that it was almost painful even to Mid's limited senses. It was worse than anything she'd felt in her life! it was-

-The young Zabrak Padawan pulled her hood up close around her and closed her eyes, shutting out the overstimulation as she'd been taught. She tried to find a few details apart from the emotions to anchor herself. Underneath everything else there was something very faintly familiar permeating the air. The sharp smell of fresh spice- no, more than that. The smell of yarrock. The same barely remembered smell as the pirate warrens of the Iridonian desert, her earliest home before she was even a Youngling. Yarrock, like her Father made. Like her Mother sold. Warriors used it to give themselves courage in battle, gamblers used it to give them confidence, help them bluff. There was a sound too, from those faded infant days. At the bar closest to her a tangle of people were singing off-key in Huttese. It was an old pirate drinking song, like her mother and her crew used to sing.

Goldie gave the girl a concerned beep, but Mid slowly grinned a pointed grin and opened her eyes. She had nothing to fear here, if she was wily and careful. These were her mother's people. These were her kind of scum. Mid patted Goldie's dome and flowed into the crowd.

It was time to find Master Airus, finally. But she wanted to see what was up with that red-skinned dancing girl too...

I'll make these changes as soon as I have time

Yup! I plan to have her go through that ICly as some character flavor and an indicator for the passage of time as she grows up!

Great feedback here and that all makes sense, I think I purposefully lowballed how skilled she was because I wasn't sure what the appropriate level of training and control she'd have access to for either of them is.

Non-Force skills:
Both of these are also sensible, I think I'll be going with Jungle, Desert and Arctic.

The bone structure thing also makes sense.

For failures she was s'posed to have touched either a dead body or some medical materials during a healing class and gotten rather traumatized, it also ties into why she was so resistant to learning any healing skills and her failure to learn anything beyond the very basics of first aid would also be listed.

Addendum: We like her.

Hihi, would be interested in joining up! How do?~
In closed 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I mean, he said he would lower it if that's what you wanted as soon as he realized it was a big deal....not every GM has the same nature in terms of rule flexibility, not to mention the way the initial rule was phrased in the signup I thought it only applied to the charges, so it seems like an ordinary situation...
In closed 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I mean, personally I thought the age limit was just for the kids and not for the protectors...
In closed 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
So, we don't need a 'skills' or 'equipment' section for our protector, right? I'm currently juggling two different ideas.
In closed 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Oh, you've got the son [Reserved], but not their protector on the list. I'll go for the Sidney protection detail then

I'm now just picturing an incredibly swole, imposing dude with a knockoff Mickey mask on!
In closed 5 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Metronome I'll take it, thanks!
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