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@RangingWolfOkie Dokie!
Trying to decide how I want to do a CS and if I want a civilian or someone apart of the military.
@Burning KittyI think equipment would be best. (:
@DeadDropThank you!
@Burning KittyJust a template, lots of people like to offer lots of names.
Very open to ideas and input from those interested, don't be afraid to speak up!

The Outbreak

Based on the parasite toxoplasmosa gondii.

"I have heard the languages of apocalypse, and now I shall embrace the silence."

— Neil Gaiman, The Sandman: Endless Nights


In 2018, a worldwide epidemic left the world in chaos. A parasite by the name of Toxoplasmosa Gondii being the root of said chaos. This parasite, normally found in rats and only able to breed inside the intestines of a feline, was found to be lying dormant in nearly half of the human population of earth.

The parasite infects its host, taking control of the body and leaving it in a zombie like state. The parasite causes insanity, loss of physical control, and other symptoms similar to the Lyssavirus (rabies) like extreme aggression. Studies done in 1999 found that many humans carry the parasite, however it was found it was not evolved enough to take control of a human host like it could rats and felines. This was 19 years ago..

On August 3rd in 2018, the first case of Toxoplasmosa taking control of a human host surfaced in a hospital in Wisconsin. The host arrived at the hospital experiencing symptoms similar to rabies, doctors taking action in order to try and fight the infection they presumed it was. All effort failed and the patient fell into a comatose state before waking days later, doctors were baffled and came to the conclusion that this was not the Lyssavirus. The patient was kept under strict surveillance and quarantine, tests coming back with no clear results. Another week would pass before the patient would attack and kill one doctor, injuring another. More cases would soon arise, the parasite evolving quicker and quicker with each outbreak. What took two weeks previously, was taking one week and then a mere few days before human hosts were completely infected with Toxoplasmosa and were no longer in control of their bodies or minds. The parasite was found to be transmittable through open wounds such as bites, scratches, stabs, and things similar. Toxoplasmosa entering said wounds in the form of saliva or blood from an infected host.

With the outbreak spreading at an incredible rate, studies were unable to proceed. The cure unknown, methods of killing the parasite unknown, the only way found of stopping an infected host was to kill the brain of said host. The parasite feeds off of the brains waves, shutting those down leaves the parasite unable to control the host body, thus starving and dying off if it isn't able to find a new body to infect.

Those who survived the initial outbreak are left in a world much unlike the one they once knew. Everything has been turned upside down. Infected walk the streets, the safe areas being rural or in the woods where less infected can be found. You will be a survivor, fighting for your life against these ravenous freaks, not-so-friendly loners, and even groups of raiders who have only bad intentions.


The World
The world will look like your typical apocalyptic world, burning cities, rubble and ruins, death, sparse food. It will take place in California. Vehicles will be around, while most are broken down, some can be fixed and places or other vehicles can be siphoned for gas. There is no electricity, only battery/gas/solar operated devices, so anything you can think of that would work without an outlet and only gas, batteries, or a solar panel you can use. There is no ability to contact any other states or places around the world, walkie talkie's can be used however, but those only go so far. There are guns, but they are used rarely due to the loud sound which easily attracts the infected. Ammunition is also hard to come by, another reason why guns are used much less than melee weapons. The infected look like humans but they are often very wounded, their skin is usually pale, they foam at the mouth, have incredibly bloodshot eyes, and are of course ravenous. The infected have no sense of direction, following sound mostly due to weakened eyesight. They attack anything and everything that moves, attacking to kill and often eat to keep the host body alive and mobile.

What is known so far is that the parasite spread all over the USA as well as the rest of the world. Contact was lost soon after the first hundred incidences across the world.

The Characters
The types of characters to be expected in this roleplay are all humans, there are no mythical or fantasy aspects like powers.

There are several groups of survivors within this RP world. The main one being Toxo while the others are random and unnamed or named by RPer's who choose to be separate from Toxo. Each group will be different from the next, some only cruel and looking to cause harm, others helpful. As a group leader you will decide where your community will be set up. For example, in a rural area, in the city somewhere, etc. If you want to create a group like PMC or Toxo, please tell me so I can add it to the group options.

Current Group Options

The Theme
This roleplay will be following a theme of survival. There will be gore, death, and the possibility of your character becoming infected and turned into a mere host for toxoplasmosa.

The Style
I prefer casual to advanced roleplay. This means I accept no less than two paragraph's, that is the minimum! Collab's are welcomed and encouraged as well, they are not a necessity however.

The Highlight
Hello, welcome to yet another one of my RP's! I hope the information and plot base above is enough to draw you in! This RP will center around a apocalyptic world where half of the population has either died off or is infected with the parasite and is no longer even human, more zombie like. You will be playing a survivor, somehow you survived the initial outbreak, maybe you weren't infected or maybe you are and your parasite hasn't evolved completely yet. As a survivor you can be apart of a group, alone, or whatever you decide fits your character. This RP will be 18+ due to gore and things of that nature. Romance is welcomed, although difficult in a world such as this one. I would like medium literacy, meaning description paragraphs. I will accept no less than a two paragraph post. If you want to make your own survivor group, please ask. I will be accepting two additional groups besides Toxo!

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