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" ᴛʜᴇ sᴀʟᴛ ɪɴ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏᴜɴᴅs ɴᴏ ʟᴏɴɢᴇʀ ʙᴜʀɴs.
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Interaction: @Cio - Open to additional interactions.

The suburbs were normally quiet, a few lone infected meandering here and there. It was one of more secure areas, but with frequent visits and increase in commotion, infected were sure to catch on. Natalia would shuffle along the paved road absentmindedly, glancing up briefly to examine the houses she would pass. It was a wealthier neighborhood, what would have been neatly trimmed yards, children playing up and down the sidewalks, and maybe the buzz of a lawnmower perfecting a lawn - was replaced with eerie stillness. Every now and then you'd see the gray toned sidewalk stained with a deep brown hue, likely dried blood. Trashcans were knocked over, garbage sprawled out into the road. The houses were entirely disheveled, windows shattered, garage doors open to reveal heavily looted homes. Natalia exhaled softly, it was a shame the world had gone to utter shit.. These poor people that had worked so hard to live in such luxury, left homeless or dead now. It was terrifying, she would have never thought in a million years that zombies would spring from fiction into reality. Musing eyes would shift to the clear sky, the pure blue contrasting immensely against the horrors that were below. It was amazing, as if the world was completely unaware of its unrest. Or maybe it knew, maybe this was Mother Nature's way of ridding Her planet of parasites.. By creating a parasite to bring mankind to extinction. Natalia would scoff at the thought, it was out there, but nowadays she was beginning to believe anything was possible.

The familiar crunch of glass beneath boot clad feet would reel Nat from her thoughtful daydreaming, legs coming to a rushed halt. The sight before her sent sickening chills down her spine, not one but three infected had found their way along a house from the backyard, shuffling mindlessly into the driveway a good few feet before Natalia. The monsters were blind to her presence, she had thankfully caught them off-guard, their eyesight too poor to detect her. However she knew the clock was ticking, at any moment the small triage could catch her scent, or worse yet.. hear her. Natalia's chest heaved rapidly, eyes darting around the neighborhood for some kind of sanctuary, that's when she would spot her friend, Sonya, sat atop a shed and now looking in her direction. It was clear the infected were out of Sonya's view, a large bush and tree near the sidewalk blocking their presence. Natalia would raise her arms at a painfully slow rate, holding her palms flat in a "stop" motion towards Sonya. The petite brunette would then motion carefully to her side where the infected were located, hoping Sonya understood her predicament. Natalia knew there was not much Sonya was capable of doing in such a situation, if she made noise to attract them, they would rabidly attack anything near, putting Natalia at a greater risk.

Natalia would stay frozen in her spot, perspiration speckling her forehead. She would watch the trio of infected stop and scan their environment, attempting to detect any living being. The silence would suddenly be interrupted once more, Natalia would squint her eyes, her expression falling almost immediately. The naturally olive toned girls face would grow a ghostly white hue at the sight that she was soaking in. Coming from the backyard the initial infected she had spotted originated from, was a slow forming horde. It was clear the trio of zombies had made enough noise while making their way to the driveway, that any other infected in the area had been drawn in and were now clashing and clattering their way through fences and yards to get to the approximate area. Natalia's mind would grow still, fear muting her thoughts. She was in a hell of a position and knew the smallest sound would end her life. Teary eyes would glance back towards Sonya who was just up the road, Nat would shake her head rapidly in a "no" as if to show she had no idea what she was going to do. Sonya would likely be aware of the situation by now, the intensifying sound of motion emitting from the backyard and neighboring yards an obvious sign of a growing horde.

Natalia would come to a crouch as quickly and inaudibly as she could, a shaky hand grasping a rock by her feet. She would stand once more, gulping down the urge to cry before chucking the rock as hard as she could at the house behind her. The rock would slam against the metal of the garage, ricocheting off before tumbling across the road. At the same instance Natalia would take off in a sprint towards Sonya, the infected that were previously ahead of her to her side, now running vigorously towards the sound behind her. She would continue to run forward before having to veer off at the sight of another infected emerging from the side of a house ahead of her, blocking her ability to get to Sonya. The neighborhood was alive with guttural growls and rabid snarls, what was a mere three zombies was beginning to grow into a immense threat. Natalia had veered off the road to escape the emerging infected, running to the opposite side of the street that their "sanctuary" house was located. She would slip between two houses and disappear into their backyard, running as quickly as she could, heaving herself over the backyards fence, nearly stumbling as she landed. Natalia got up and resumed her running, exiting the neighborhood to end up on a sidewalk along a main street. She was coming dangerously close to the city, somewhere she had no place being alone. The city had an overwhelming amount of infected, but the neighborhood behind her did too... Natalia slowed her running to a walk and then stopped completely. The road was silent, the infected that had sensed her no longer following likely due to hearing a noise more in their proximity. She would pant heavily, choking out a troubled cry. What if Sonya had been overrun? What if they somehow got onto the shed with her? Natalia shook the thoughts away and kicked back into survival mode, eyes darting briskly over her surroundings. As far as she could see, this area had no infected present, most of them were presumably attracted to the prior commotion. A trembling hand would wipe away tears, her feet shifting to walk haphazardly forward, steps cautious and expression wary.

Added a Worship/Admire relation option into the relation sheet!
@Zoey WhiteLooks very nice! I like her
@Zoey WhiteAw man, sorry that happened.
If your CS is finished you can go right ahead and move it to the character tab. (: Thanks guys!
@GrapeYes, go right ahead!
@cerozer0Great! Lookin good
@BubblegumQueenLooking great!
@GrapeExcellent, looks good!
@Dragonbud annnnd @dragonbutts ?! There is a whole lotta dragon action in here.
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