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@HaeoNo honey production, also he could arrive at night when people are beginning to retire, stopping by his stand possibly before heading into their rooms.
Updated Discord link!
@HaeoYay! Accepted
In need of Hunters!

LOCATION: Apartment → Salem

L y r a ‍⛧ ‍ P r o c t o r

Somewhere in the small town of Salem, a potent iniquity would materialize. There sat a woman, encircled by candles of various heights, each flickering fervently in the otherwise blackened room. Her legs would rest beneath her bottom, knees embracing the old wood below them. She sat unclothed, hair the color of ink, spilling carelessly down her bare back. Her expression was still, eyes agape to reveal they had rolled back into her head. The woman's upper limbs laid purposefully across her thighs to expose the underside of her arms and palms, both of which had bright scarlet dispersed across them. The blood trickled off her pale skin, pooling heedlessly on either side of her fixed body. Once still lips would erupt in incomprehensible chanting, words of Latin origin echoing against the walls, a repetition forming. The relatively unperturbed candles would now lick forcefully at the air, their flame swelling with each word spoken.

A bloodcurdling scream would slice through the frigid air, the once lively flames dissipating to curtain the room in a shadow. The woman, known as Lyra, would collapse from her knelt posture, body void of motion for an instant. Her stillness would cease, heavy lids blinking away sleep as she heaved her body from the ground. The blood that painted her wrists and palms halted further draining, drying brittle over thinly lined cuts. Lyra examined the spiraling room before her, grasping the wall in attempt to regain composure. A hand would raise to swipe blood from beneath her nose, her face growing sickly in tone.

Salem was changing, reverting back to the days of the trial. Lyra could feel something lurking, as if her bloodline was in danger. The ever present feeling had led her to seek aid from anyone who would offer. The blood ritual she had performed had linked her with someone, but she was clueless as to who. All that Lyra knew was that the being was of great power, a ritual she had performed time and time again would now leave her body almost lifeless, a spell she had perfected, demanding excessive strain from her this day. Lyra knew she had come in contact with a figure of importance, revealing the uneasiness she felt to said figure. It was dangerous to expose weakness while spirit whispering, but Lyra was desperate, the fear of another execution like the one in 1692 fueled the woman's willingness to become vulnerable to the darkness that had connected with her.

Her body would sway momentarily, eyes sealing tightly to block out unnecessary light. Lyra drifted unsteadily through her compact apartment, stumbling into the shower where she would sit and allow scalding water to stab repetitively at her skin. The blood that had previously dried, would revert back to wispy streams, coiling around the drain before slinking into its darkness. Her body ached, stomach fighting off the urge to purge its contents. Lyra exhaled a trembling sigh, crawling forward across the showers floor in order to reach the faucet, turning the knob in order to bring the steady stream of water to a standstill. Lyra brought herself to bandage her wounded arms, clothing herself in bralette that had an intricate harness attached. Her lower half adorned a skirt matching in the tops black color, a rectangular-broad strip cut to expose her thigh, a garter resembling the harness - hugging her skin. Boots that trailed to the mid of her shin, enveloped her feet, ample lacing forcing great care and time before she was fully composed. Lyra clasped the talisman that embellished her neck, assuring its presence before abandoning her home to venture out into her hometown of Salem.

@blackdragonIt's actually on the first page of this OOC, just click the image of discord and it'll send you to the chat. (:
I added a discord for everyone to chat etc. (: Just click the discord image
@HaeoMaybe he is a bastard?
@HaeoYou have tons of space for creativity with said prince, I have left most of those spots really open for whoever takes them to run with an idea. (:
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