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4 yrs ago
Current Well, the person who was supposed to be reviewing my request for full time and liked me just quit. New reviewer hates my guts. Gonna drop the disability nuke.
5 yrs ago
I don't know if we have any Lebanese members, but if we do, please know that my thoughts are with you right now.
5 yrs ago
Sorry for leaving without warning, had a bad mental breakdown. To all my partners, I'm back if you want me.
5 yrs ago
Get new job, get fired from new job. Why me?
6 yrs ago
@Penny No, Aphrodite will just get you off.


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I'll bite

I'm thinking of a young witch who's secretly delving into the Dark Arts. Would that be a good character for this RP?
Well, that's just creepy. The gate was now pouring out even more youkai, and Midori was starting to get worried. Sure, there was a small army of magical girls who had showed up, but they were too spread out. Too isolated. Too vulnerable. They needed to link up, work together and punch a hole in the enemy lines.

A massive oni lumbered towards Midori and unleashed a haymaker of a two-handed club swing straight at her head. She coolly leaned out of the first strike, then spun around and blocked the reverse attack with a conjured wall of starlight. But this was a lethally bad situation. One hit from the brute would be enough to leave her a smear on the asphalt, and that only if she was lucky. Backpedaling as fast as she could, she unleashed blasts of magical light, slowing it down significantly, but her powers seemed to be dwindling. Apparently, whatever the magical equivalent of stamina was- she didn't have squat of it. "Anybody?! Please! I'm down here fighting, and I could really use some help!"
Poor Midori had been late to the party. It wasn't necessarily her fault, after all- she hadn't even dealt with so much as a pickpocket on patrol, and now she was getting thrown into this? Anybody would be nervous as all hell if their first action was full-blown magical war.

Hey, Nut? I know you aren't exactly the most talkative of goddesses, but if you want to offer me some pointers, now's the time! As usual, however, there was no response. With a sigh, Midori was left to fight it out on her own.

A wave of small youkai came charging towards her, and the newbie magical girl swallowed her fear and stared them down. "Starlight Shot!" A glowing ball of white light erupted from her hands, Dragonball Z- style and wiped out a fair few of them, but there were still many more coming. Backing up down the street to buy herself some distance, she fired off a few more shots, picking off the closest targets. Honestly, I'm doing better than I thought I would at this point in time.
Name: Midori Kawamara

Age: 19

Civilian Appearance: Midori is five foot four and 130 lbs. She has brown eyes and brown hair that she keeps extremely short. Her dress is very loud- a lot of pinks and yellows, with skin showing rather tastefully.

Magical Girl Appearance: Midori's magical girl costume consists of white boots, a short white skirt completely overdone with frills and pleats, a white top with a reflective silver star emblem on the chest, a midnight blue cape speckled with tiny white stars, midnight blue gloves, and a silver tiara with a lapis lazuli.

Personality: Midori is best described as a little ball of sugar and sunshine. Everything she does is to make others feel better, to the point where she sometimes neglects to take care of herself. She's perpetually perky, and enjoys running and dancing in her free time.

Background: Midori was... not the most remarkable individual. She wasn't the smartest, or the most athletic, or the most popular. Just a little girl going through the motions of life in Tokyo. But all that changed a few nights ago, when she met an ancient goddess who would change her life forever.

Magical Information

Patron: Nut, Egyptian Goddess of the night sky.

Patron Tool: A star-shaped necklace

Patron Weapon: Magic Wand

Patron Aspect: Starlight

Aspect Magic: Midori can make solid objects out of starlight. Razor-sharp disks and shields are a specialty. She also gets slightly stronger and faster when outdoors at night.
Name: Midori Kawamara

Age: 19

Civilian Appearance: Midori is five foot four and 130 lbs. She has brown eyes and brown hair that she keeps extremely short. Her dress is very loud- a lot of pinks and yellows, with skin showing rather tastefully.

Magical Girl Appearance: Midori's magical girl costume consists of white boots, a short white skirt completely overdone with frills and pleats, a white top with a reflective silver star emblem on the chest, a midnight blue cape speckled with tiny white stars, midnight blue gloves, and a silver tiara with a lapis lazuli.

Personality: Midori is best described as a little ball of sugar and sunshine. Everything she does is to make others feel better, to the point where she sometimes neglects to take care of herself. She's perpetually perky, and enjoys running and dancing in her free time.

Background: Midori was... not the most remarkable individual. She wasn't the smartest, or the most athletic, or the most popular. Just a little girl going through the motions of life in Tokyo. But all that changed a few nights ago, when she met an ancient goddess who would change her life forever.

Magical Information

Patron: Nut, Egyptian Goddess of the night sky.

Patron Tool: A star-shaped necklace

Patron Weapon: Magic Wand

Patron Aspect: Starlight

Aspect Magic: Midori can make solid objects out of starlight. Razor-sharp disks and shields are a specialty. She also gets slightly stronger and faster when outdoors at night.
Hmmm, would a defense-focused King Arthur work?
I'll bite. Want to discuss more in PMs?
Saen slithered out of her bed and got herself dressed. A simple brown cloak for her human half, and as she'd never been able to find anything worth wearing for a tail, that went as was. Speaking of her tail, she noted it was peeling with distaste- she'd realized she'd been putting on a little weight, but she hadn't thought it would be enough to make her start shedding. Alas.

The lamia headed downstairs. Business had been brisk the day before, with a fair few silver pieces and even one customer buying a scrying crystal for a whole three gold. Not bad. She flipped the little sign out front to read 'open', then started to get to work, tidying things up. She really needed to get herself a familiar for the mundane work one of these days...
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