Name: Cassandra Sinclair
Age: 24
Species: Witch
Magic Specialties: She's still very new to all this, but will eventually have a talent for Necromancy and Soul splitting
Personality: Somewhere at the corner of History Geek and Girly-girl, you'll find Cassie, as she prefers to be called. If she's not digging up ancient relics or reading musty old books, she's watching the latest makeup tutorials on Youtube. She has a prankster's sense of humor, but can be kind and loving to the rest of her covenmates. She enjoys reading gossip rags and designing new looks in her spare time.
History: Ah, what an appropriate word for Cassie. Always drawn to the past, she got a degree in archeology, specializing in ancient Greece. While on a dig as a grad student, she recently found an old book, and the secrets it held were beyond belief.
It turned out to be the grimoire of the infamous witch Circe, lover of Odysseus and one of the greatest masters of dark magic ever known. And what was more, the book contained fragments of her mind and soul. The Rosenthal coven soon heard of the discovery, and has arranged a meeting. Cassie doesn't know what she will find inside the mansion, but she's eager to master her new powers.