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CS es doneee, are we holding off on posting them? Wait for the OOC?
Please submit CS to OOC before posting here.
@EverYes, I am so excited for the movie I thought it could make a cool RP.

ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs: @Zoey White@Aamaya@RavensMuse

Teeth were bared in response to the constrictive grip that had been placed around Natalia's arm, her wide eyes glued to the man as he scolded her. Her mouth could form no words, a sheepish nod the only thing she could offer as she scurried off out of the cafeteria, her hand massaging the tender and now slightly rosy patch of skin on her arm. Natalia wandered the compound, grabbing the nearest set of men she could find. She explained the orders she had been given, instructing the men to gather the keys, a duffle of supplies, their weapons, and a walkie. The men would oblige, heading off to their tasks while Nat veered off to assure the vehicle had enough gas to make it into town and back. Upon arriving to the vehicle parking, Natalia would examine each of the automobiles before her. They would need something larger than a car, the truck was something she preferred and it allowed more space to haul their supplies as well as anything else they could come across. Lowering her backpack so that it rested on her hip, Natalia rummaged through her belongings, fishing out a small flashlight, backpack returning to its original postion. Her hands gripped the fuel cap on the truck, twisting it and briskly removing it in order to shine the flashlight's bright glare inside. "Cool.." The light revealed the tank was about half full, enough for the trip if they drove quickly and sparingly. They would have to avoid any disruptions in travel. Natalia unhooked the walkie from her pants, raising it to her mouth while her finger jammed against the button that allowed her to speak. "Alright, the truck is ready to go.. Get your asses over here and let's get out. We don't have all day." With that she tossed her backpack into the trucks bed, heaving herself over the edge as the two men she had instructed to gather their things, came into view. They each carried a bag and a weapon, tossing the bags with Nat before situating themselves in the trucks front seats.

Meanwhile, Lauren had finished her small meal and went off to a nearby armor that carried her favorite weapons. She had her bolt action rifle for range and power, a handgun for more close-quarters rapid fire shooting, a machete for stealth and worse case scenarios, and her personal favorite, her collection of home-made spears. Long shafts of lumber with sharp blades fastened to the ends. These bad boys allowed range and precision for silently dealing with the zeds. One good stab to the face and the zombies have a new face cavity.

Natalia's voice crackled through the radio Lauren had picked up, telling her ass to get over there. Lauren laughed, eager to see what was in store. Either way, she picked up four spears- leaving only one in storage- and held them between her arms in a well-practiced way. They were tied together with a simple rope until they were needed. She made her way over to what she saw was a truck. Four spears over her shoulder, a rifle strapped to her back, and a pistol and machete at her hip, Lauren looked like a walking arsenal.

"All right!" She called out, grinning and trying to catch Natalia's eyes. Lauren also noticed she had the two of them sitting in the back. "The party truck is here." She tossed the spears into the bed of the truck, the wood rattling against each other. She climbed in cheerily and sat down, rocking the truck with her arrival; An eerily genuine smile on her face.

"Got us a seat together, Nat?" Lauren asked, rubbing her palms together. "That's so sweet."

Natalia gave the other woman a side-glance, exhaling her words as if they took immense effort in formulating, "Mmm.. Yeah, thought we could use the time into town to really get to know one another." Her tone was sarcastic, body shifting to fully face Lauren. "How's the scar?" Her hand would lazily motion towards Lauren, a devious grin twisting at Nat's lips.

Lauren's smile twitched, a spike of anger running up her spine. She slapped the roof of the truck, not taking her eyes off Natalia. "Get us goin', boys. Go north east, down Pearle Avenue, that area is where the fireworks went off. Stop us a few blocks short." Lauren leaned toward Nat as the truck rumbled to a start.

"I'm proud of you, Natty. You went right for the jugular this time- learn from your mistakes?" She ran her tongue over her lips, with a curious expression. "I mean-" She laughed as she spoke."Those are brave words considering I'm looking right 'atcha."

"Oh, so attacking one, singular person, as a group is now considered brave? Hm..." Natalia's face would contort in mock-thought, head nodding slowly. "Lauren, I could have let you die. You were foaming at the mouth I heard, they were so ready to off you themselves." Again her hand would raise, a shooing motion trailing her words. "You got what you deserved.. You left me nearly dead out here, with nothing .. I should have left you to die from that poison. But I didn't, who know's what that says about me as a person. All I know is you couldn't have cared less if I survived the shit your little group put me through.

Lauren cocked her to one side, still maintaining eye contact. "Natty...I feel like you're taking this ancient history too personally. I was just following orders. It wasn't 'my little group.'" She raised her arms, signifying a larger whole.

"It was Toxo. Ryder's group. The group Ryder let you live in, now. You think we still don't go around mugging people? You think that's changed? I'd hate to hear it if you were having doubts about our methods, Natty." Her eyes flashed with malice, but the smile survived.

Natalia's body slumped to a more relaxed posture, arm dangling over the edge of the trucks bed. Her head would turn to examine their surroundings, the truck swaying with each movement. "I know exactly what we do, but I also know while Ryder doesn't frown upon doing what we need in order to survive, he doesn't encourage beating strangers nearly to death... Honeslty I really do wonder what he'd think of everything that occurred, the real reason why I stabbed you Lauren. He just thinks I'm some crazy bitch who decided to get payback huh?" The woman eyed Lauren, her hand fidgeting with the holster that held her blade. "But like you said, that's ancient history. Shouldn't dwell on the past." It was clear the incident was a great irritation to Natalia, not in the sense that it angered her, a deeper emotion lurking beneath the surface.

Lauren laughed. For the first time she looked away from Natalia, catching the eye of the passenger up front who had turned around upon hearing a loud noise.

"I'm sorry...it's just- You're right. He doesn't encourage beating nearly to death. That's just my personal flare. He'd probably have wanted me to, uh, be more conclusive, I guess. Hind sight, 20/20, yadda yadda." Lauren paused. But hey. I'm glad you're here." Lauren wondered about what perceptions Natalia had about Ryder. What she did, and did not know.

"You're one of us now. You have been, for a little bit. Ryder likes you a lot, y'know? You're in a good place." She reached out and put a hand on Natalia's knee, giving it a friendly shake. She then leaned back, folding her hands over her torso, raising her eyebrows.

"Good talk?"

Lauren's sudden shift in tone was perplexing, drawing Natalia's attention in as she spoke in a much kinder manner. It was such a foreign thing and the following physical contact garnered a drab smile. Natalia knew she couldn't succumb to the kindness, exposing weak spots left her vulnerable. But for the moment she relished in the serene, transient connection the two had shared. "He trusts me, that's all. I'm his right-hand man, whether he likes me or not doesn't really matter. As long as I am loyal, I am trusted." Natalia shrugged, glancing towards the two men up front before continuing. "I like Ryder though, he's someone I've always looked up to.. He saved my life in this hell-hole of a world."

Lauren nodded wisely, an overly contemplating expression on her face. "Really, you should thank me- if we hadn't had our fun encounter you'd never have met Ryder. How's that for a silver lining?" Lauren made a shrug gesture with only her hands.

"-And, since you asked, it's doing fine. Doesn't hurt anymore." She fell into a silence, no longer showing teeth in her smile, but still having a content look on her face, as if she was right where she wanted to be.

Natalia narrowed her eyes slightly, a dubious gleam relfecting the doubts she held for Lauren's kind behavior. Before she could comment further, a mass of sound would rip her attention towards the road, the truck slowing in speed. Ahead of them stood the town, the sound of snarls resonating between buildings. The path the truck was on became blocked, the undead swarming a building ahead of them. "Shit... A fucking horde.." Natalia smacked the roof of the truck, alerting the two men up front to come to a stop. They were far enough away that the horde could not sense them, but the danger was still prominent.

"God damn," Lauren said, leaning forward a little bit, getting a good look at the ugly bastards. She turned and looked at Natalia. "Well?"

"Someone was obviously here, those fireworks, and look.. Natalia paused, pointing towards the mangled bodies scattered among the live infected that paid them no mind. "Looks like a bomb of some sort ripped their bodies apart? Someone was trying to slow them down, cut the numbers." The woman unholstered her pistol, checking to assure it was loaded before heaving herself out of the trucks bed. "You two are going to have to distract this horde, honk the horn as many times as it takes and then reverse. Lead them away from the town a ways, not towards home but that way." Natalia pointed down a road that lead opposite of Toxo, the two men nodding once she had finished. "I will call you on the walkie once Lauren and I are done checking this out, get away from the horde and come pick us up then." she would exhale, glancing in Lauren's direction before motioning her to follow. They would have to step back and get around the buildings to allow the truck to draw the hordes attention, giving them the gap they needed in order to investigate.

"Christ, Nat, hope we find something worth it." Lauren said, surprised that Natalia would make an attempt at dealing with a horde. What was she hoping to find? Excitement buzzed through her, and she could almost guarantee she could escape if something went wrong, so she was all for it. Lauren grabbed a spear, planning to use it has her primary weapon until a bad situation arose. Holding the point high above her head in her right hand, she followed Natalia into the breach. Before Nat could get too far, Lauren called out to her. "Grab a spear, keep the zoms offa ya,".Natalia glanced toward the bundle of spears Lauren had brought, snatching one herself before leading the other woman towards a nearby building.

The possibility that Sonya had caused the chaos that had erupted in the town drove Natalia forward, slinking behind a building out of the hordes sight. The truck would rumble backward, the horn blaring on a continuous loop. The sound would immediately capture the hordes rabid attention, each infected clawing their way towards the sound as if it were necessary for their survival. Natalia watched closely, crouching down with a weapon in either hand. "Alright... Lets go. They're distracted but we have to be careful, quiet. There may still be stragglers hanging around." Her words were hushed, figure lifting from the crouch to creep forward. In one hand she aimed her pistol, the spear right behind it as a form of backup in case her gun jammed.

Lauren rolled her eyes with exaggerated motions as she went into a crouch and followed behind Natalia. "Quiet? Lame. I kill zombies exclusively via headbutts," She held the spear safely, having practiced using it for a few years at this point. If she was careful, it would not bump or clatter into anything until the woman wanted it too.

As the woman spoke behind her, Natalia heaved a sigh, head shaking while she continued forward. "Headbutts you say? Hmm.. Things are slowly beginning to make sense." she scoffed, holding a hand up after to signal Lauren to halt. Her finger would direct the other woman's attention towards a marking on the wall above them, however it was hard to make out what exactly the image was supposed to be. "What the hell is that? And what is it even drawn in?"

"It's a little messy, but it looks like the symbol of that crazy bitch. What's she call herself?" She snapped her fingers together a few times, trying to remember even though she already did. "The Pope? No, the Saint. Bit pretentious- but it's a pretty bad ass, to, uh, write it in your own blood."

Lauren noticed, then, a female figure laying nearby, on a fire escape. It was a bit hard to see her from where they were, but it looked like the zombies hadn't heard her yet, or at least couldn't get to her. Either way, she wasn't moving. Lauren saw some loot on her, though. It was pretty possible that was the Saint herself, dead somehow, and if she was setting of explosions than she might still have some on her. Either way, through the grate floor of the fire escape there was small, infrequent drops of blood.

"Well, Nat, we found our culprit. Might be the Saint herself. Bet she's got some good stuff on her." Lauren said suggestively.

Natalia's eyes would move to examine the figure Lauren had pointed out, her brow furrowing in thought. "Lauren, no.. We are not stealing from her until we assure she's dead." the words were hissed out, Nat's expression contorting to a scowl. Lauren shrugged. Fearing Lauren would loot the woman regardless, Natalia quickly moved to reach the ladder, discovering her height hindered her ability to climb up. "Help me up there, I'm too damn short." Natalia turned to face Lauren, arms crossing as she waited. "I will check to see if she has a pulse, if she does I am going to have to bandage her wounds with something.. I don't know how we will get her down."

"Why are you ever worrying about moving a corpse? Grab her stuff and let's get out of here, no time for a memorial service for all her grand deeds." Lauren approached, set her spear against the brick wall, and kneeled down with her arms cupped in front of her to help the other woman up.

Lauren's words recieved no reply, Natalia's attention and desire to nurture pushing her to investigate the body. Using Lauren as support, Natalia heaved herself upward, grabbing ahold of the raised ladder, finally able to pull herself up far enough for her feet to be placed on the ladders steps. Wasting no time, Natalia clammered up the steps, finally arriving to the small landing. The woman knelt beside the body laid there, eyes scanning over her form for the source of the blood. Before she would tend to that however, Natalia's fingers fumbled to press against the bodies neck, a feeble pulse signifying the body had some life left in it.

"So? What's she got?" Lauren called up quietly, seeing Natalia search.

"Life... She's not dead." Natalia shifted to get a better look at the woman sprawled out unconscious, blood soaking nearly the entirety of her clothing. "Okay.. We have to help her.." Trembling hands would get to work, moving the body this way and that to really see the extent of the damage.

Lauren made an exasperated noise. "What? Why?"

The sound of clothing tearing would ring out as Natalia ravaged her own shirt, creating strips to wrap around wounds, hoping it would stop the bleeding enough to get the woman back to their home. "We have to get her down, I can do more when we get in the truck, I have a small medkit in my backpack.. It should have something that can help."

Lauren was having trouble rationalizing Natalia's behavior. She watched as Natalia tore off pieces of her shirt. It wasn't even feasible, let alone necessary. "Is she hot or something? I mean- what's your deal? I can see her blood from here."

Natalia exhaled dramatically at Lauren's words, all while trying to formulate a plan to get the woman down from the landing. "She's alive Lauren, bleeding out. It rings a fuckin' bell...I'm not leaving her here." Natalia sat back, becoming overwhelmed with the entire situation. She swiped her bloodied hand over her forehead, removing the forming perspiration. "Just please Lauren, help me."

"How? You just wanna fucking toss her down here? Then we have to carry her sorry ass all the way back to the truck." Lauren glanced around to see if any zombies were nearby. None yet. Off in the distance she could still hear the horn. Hopefully those guys were safe, otherwise their little dynamic duo was dead fucking meat. All because Nat wants to be a hero?

A glare would be shot down at Lauren, her sarcasm pushing Natalia nearly to her limit. But, the woman regained her composure, sighing deeply before snatching the nearby backpack belonging to the woman she was currently trying to save. Natalia gripped the bag tightly as she rummaged through its contents, hand landing on a wound up rope. "Alright, she has a rope. I can create some kind of harness that we can use to hoist her down. Hurry up and get something to fucking stand on Lauren, now!" The words were curt, her voice stern and demanding.

"Shit..." Lauren murmered, going to find something.

Without waiting for a reply, Natalia got to work on knotting a harness, weaving the rope around and under the woman's arms. She did this a few times, numerous thick nots put in place to assure the harness wouldn't come undone. It took some time, but she was satisfied with the end product, lifting herself to her feet. "I am going to tie this rope to something up here, I'll hold under her arms and slide her off the edge, you grab her legs and we hope to god this doesn't give way..."

Lauren had returned with an old dumpster. Pushing it caused the ancient rusted wheels to complain and squeal high pitched noises. Lauren laughed, slightly hysterical. "Oh man, this is just fucking brilliant." The horn continued to blare, a constant reminder of the danger. Lauren climbed on top of the dumpster, maintaining balance. Luckily it was heavy enough not to immediately roll out from under her. She had a bit of a distance so she could grab the woman without falling over. She raised her arms high, looking up at the harness Natalia had concocted. Fucks sake, she thought. Lauren could die because of this, and she would die a comically useless death. All cause this clueless bitch was in charge! Fuck!

Natalia looped her hands beneath the woman's arms, dragging her body towards the edge of the platform. Before she would began hoisting, she tightly wrapped the end of the rope on a bar beside her. Giving it a good, firm tug, she began sliding the body forward and off the edge, making sure to keep a grip on her upper half so she didn't just plummet to the ground. "Okay, grab her legs! Natalia continued pushing, giving the rope more slack to allow the body to slowly lower, enough be in reach for Lauren. Confident Lauren would manage grabbing the woman's legs, Natalia briskly spoke into her walkie, demanding the men come back with the truck so they could leave. "Okay Lauren, you got her? I'm going to give it some more slack so you can lay her down on the dumpster. Tell me when she's down!"

The woman below reached out her arms, catching the unconscious body, grunting with the effort as she maintained her balanced on the dumpster. Lauren crouched and laid the woman down onto the dumpster and then jumped down. "She's down here, now." Lauren said. Just then, she heard the familiar noise of one of the infected turning the corner of the alley. Some homeless guy, all fucked up, he had heard the noise and was jogging unsteadily to their location, his grey eyes staring at nothing. Cursing under her breathe, Lauren quickly fetched the spear from the wall.

It reacted as she ran towards it, spear held in both hands. He bared his teeth and went to lunge when Lauren went low and stabbed upwards into it's jaw from a safe distance. It slackened and it's weight dragged the spear to the ground before Lauren yanked it free. "Bet that wasn't the last one. You're gonna need to cover my ass if you expect me to carry this dead fucking weight." Lauren said up to Natalia, not hiding the antagonism in her voice. She went to grab the woman off the dumpster, one of her hands sliding beneathe the curve of the unconsious woman's back to get a grip from underneath. Immediately, Lauren felt her hand become damp with blood. Great, she thought. She was gonna get bled all over.

The sudden sound of an infected lurking near caused Natalia to grab her weapon, watching from above as Lauren successfully brought its life to a halt, the body collapsing with a thud. Hearing that the wounded woman had been properly hoisted down and settled, Natalia would clamber down the ladder, hopping onto the dumpster before finding her place on the ground. "The guys are coming, they should be here any sec-" just as she mentioned the truck, it rumbled near, halting to allow the men to quickly exit and run towards both Natalia and Lauren. "No, we got her get back in the truck, we have to leave NOW!" Natalia got a tight grip on the unconscious woman, helping Lauren heave her towards the trucks bed. Lauren was forced to drop her spear, leaving it behind to carry the woman fully. A perfectly good spear, lost! They approached the bed of the truck. "On three push her over into the bed." A nod would be thrown in Lauren's direction, Natalia's voice strained. "One, two, three!"

The two of them managed to get the unconscious woman into the bed of the truck. "Who the fuck-?" The passenger turned to look at the two of them and their new cargo. Lauren clambered into the truck, leaving faint handprints of the Saint's blood. Her eyes widened as more zombies came from the direction of the alley, first attracted by the sound of the dumpster, and now by the sound of the car's wheels whirring on concrete. "Get the fuck in!" She shouted, the zombies already gaining on them.

Lauren pulled her handgun free, and fired two shots off, hitting a zombie in the head on the second shot. There were more coming now, far down street and three of them much, much closer. Lauren grabbed a spear from the bed of the truck in one hand, prepared to fend off the undead. She braced herself to prepare for movement, getting low and steady.

Natalia positioned herself on the edge of the trucks bed, snatching her backpack from the floor. With her focus on looking for the medkit she had mentioned earlier, she forgot entirely about the danger she had put herself in. "We're in, let's go!" The girl shouted towards the men in the front and in response the trucks tires squealed against the cement, taking off in a direction opposite of the forming swarm of infected. Natalia, hands occupied, was unprepared for the sudden jerk, losing her balance on the ledge. Herself and her backpack would be sent over the edge, a loud thud following. For a moment she would lay stunned, blinking away the fuzziness to realize what had happened.

Lauren scream-laughed."Oh-ha! Fuck! Stop the truck!" She yelled, and the truck began coming to a halt. Two infected lurched onto the side of the bed. Swearing again, Lauren fired into their foreheads as they climbed on. Two, three more came on different sides of the truck, and more were on the way. Fortunately, they were easy targets. Two dead in two shots, and the third grazed off it's bald skull. Lauren flipped her spear upside down and slammed downwards into it, causing the shambling monster to fall back. More were on the way, and Lauren had to reload.

"Shit.. Just go! Keep going! I will radio in, I'm fine! Get the woman back to Toxo!" Natalia got to her feet, motioning for the truck to continue on, the threat of the infected too dire. The agitated swarm scrambled closer, leaving Natalia no choice but to retrieve her backpack and whatever contents she could from the the ground, before scurrying off to find shelter. While allowing the truck to continue on may prove to fatal, Natalia knew if it stopped the risk of the wounded woman dying would be something she could never live down. They had taken all these risks to save her, she wouldn't allow her death to be caused by an error she made.

Lauren glanced up as Natalia scrambled to safety, away from the truck, a few ugly bastards trailing after her. The truck was already beginning to move, the driver nervous. "Go! Go!" She shouted, the truck screeching as the driver floored it, immediately pancaking a zombie. One latched onto the back of with it's two pale hands, the females fingernails were long or broken. It snarled up at Lauren, in response to which she stuck her spear into its face. It went limp, tumbling to a bloody halt as the truck left Natalia and a group of twelve zeds behind. Lauren quickly sat down in the truck as it swerved between scattered groups of undead, the assault unrelenting. It wasn't safe to stop. Lauren's heart was racing, adrenaline pumping.

Natalia took a moment while trying to escape the mess of infected, to look over her shoulder, watching as the truck screeched off in a hurry. She cursed under her breath, averting her attention forward to continue sprinting. Terrified was an understatement, the undead were increasing in numbers and now she had to somehow find sanctuary. The woman would continue on, weaving between buildings in attempt to lose any undead that had caught onto her presence. Spotting an exit that would allow her access out of the town, Natalia would maneuver her way towards the goal. Just as she began to think the worst was over, a highly aggravated infected, tall in stature, lunged out from an ally parallel to her. The beast was on all fours, foam frothing at its decaying mouth. Natalia had no time to run around the creature, her hand instinctively reaching for her gun, discovering it was missing from its holster. "Fuck... The fire escape.." Natalia's voice wavered, the mistake proving to be detrimental as it gave the infected enough leverage to shove Natalia to the ground.

Lauren radioed in back to base. Hopefully Natalia wasn't hiding in a closet, because she might be able to hear Lauren's voice right now. "Base, base, come in. This is Lauren. Natalia's separated from the group. Large horde, can't stop. We're in the truck. Shit! " Lauren ducked low as a zombie came over the hood in the truck and almost landed in the bed, scrambling to re-orient itself as it bounced off the side and tumbled back onto concrete.

"They are fucking everywhere!" She shouted into the radio, looking in shock as zombies continued to chase after the truck. Natalia, Lauren thought, was fucked. All cause of this Saint lady. Lauren glanced down at her features, eyes closed, skin a little pale, mouth open and probably sucking in air. Double whammy for Natalia if she dies before they got to base.

Beneath the infected, snapping and snarling, Natalia shrieked. Using her hands to keep the monster just out of reach of her face. With no way of reaching her knife, Natalia began sobbing in a frenzy of horror, sure that this would likely be what would kill her. Her arms about to give out, the infected inching closer to her skin, Natalia's hope was all but gone until the sudden blare of her radio a few feet away, caught the zombies attention. The rabid beast released a blood-curdling howl, scurrying towards Lauren's voice emanating from the radio. Natalia took the brief moment of security to retrieve her blade, charging towards the occupied infected. Her eyes sealed shut, stab after stab splattering her face with beads of scarlet. The infected squirmed for a while, a final blow to the head leaving it motionless, but even then the onslaught from Natalia would continue. Only when Lauren's voice rang out once more, Natalia would cease, grabbing the radio from the floor, her thumb embracing the button "Don't send anyone to look for me, I'll be fine.. I found somewhere to hunker down... " It was a lie, her voice quivering out of pure distress, but she wanted no other Toxo members to live the same fate.

"Nat," Lauren's voice crackled through her radio. "You fucking sure about that? We could let this bitch die and try to come after ya." Lauren said, but her uncertainty may have shown in her voice. There were a hell of a lot of zombies in the way, even if they did stop and turn around. Then Lauren might die, which was the worst possible outcome. "There's a lot of fucking zombies..." Lauren stated, watching one plunge from the top of a roof after them, splatting onto the concrete. The truck showed no sign's of showing down.

Hearing Lauren speak again, Natalia heaved a shaky sigh, tears welling in her eyes. Before she would respond, the girl would compose herself, lifting the radio "Uh... Yeah.. Yeah I am fine Lauren. It would be dumb coming back, keep going, make sure that girl gets tended to. Check her wounds... I'll see you guys soon.." Natalia quickly hooked the radio onto her pants before beginning the trek out of the hell-hole the town had become.

Lauren laughed to herself. Yeah, sweetheart. See you soon.

Grace could hear flowing water.

Looking around, Grace found herself on a bridge, a roaring waterfall to her left. The scent of salt, and ocean hung around her. She gingerly stepped upon the bridge, was the battle she fell at a nightmare? Her Fiance's death, the zombie outbreak, everything was just a fever dream? She gingerly reached to her belly, where the bearing ripped through her. She lifted her shirt apprehensively, preparing herself to feel shredded flesh instead of smooth skin.

The wound was gone?

Grace shook her head, no, this can't be right...

A voice she'd accepted would never be heard again could be heard on the bridge. "Hey Red." The deep southern drawl, the gentle way the name rolled off his tongue. She mouthed the name she'd been afraid just mentioning would finally break her.

"Grayson..." she asked softly, expecting to see a mangled zombie on the bridge waiting for her, instead of the man who taught her everything.

"Nah Red, just some old coyote lookin' for his girl." Grace felt her legs begin to give out again, flashes of the fire escape came back to her.

"Grayson, I...I thought you were dead. Zombies, and we got over-run, and you left me!" She sobbed as she tried to crawl to the bridge. Her legs still numb from shock, why did she know her legs failed due to shock?

The bomb, it was real... Is this her brains way of protecting her from the truth, just a happy illusion to let her drift away. Grayson's calm voice snapped her back to the current situation.

"I'm a choice darlin'," The voice, still soft, yet there was an underlying note of concern. Grace coughed as she felt something wet in her throat. She drew her hand away from her lips, dark red blood stained her hand. Grayson continued, his soft blue eyes full of concern. "Yer dyin' darlin, eventually the lights are gonna go out. I ain't blaming you if you are ready to let go, you fought hard, you saved so many lives. You earned a chance to let go." His voice hung just above her head, she looked up pleading for Grayson to help her up.

"I can't darlin'," he said sadly. "You haven't crossed over yet." Grace let her hand fall back to the dirt, she looked angrily at Grayson.

"What? I had to lose you, I lost our friends, I lost everything!" She felt tears welling up in her eyes, her voice shook as her rage took over. "I can't do this anymore, I want to let go." Grayson looked sadly at Grace, he sighed as he picked up the bloodstained duster. He knelt beside her as he looked into her eyes.

"Darlin, is that what you want?"

Grace bit her lip, she dropped her gaze to the earth. She wanted it to be over, she was done, but is it okay to let go? Her voice, was nothing more than a whisper as she raised her green eyes to Grayson. "I can't let go, can I?" Grayson smiled soft as he extended a hand to her.

"That's the girl I'm proud of, you have the tools to protect those who can't do it for themselves. The Saint's somethin' more, she's a message to everyone who gave up. The light in the dark." Grace smiled between sobs at her fiance.

"Your a real jerk, you know that right?" Grayson laughed as he draped his duster around her once again.

"I know darlin, I'll be waitin' fer you at the end of the road. Till then," he placed her head beside his neck, the familiar Shscent of cinnamon and coffee hung around her. She smiled as she heard the waterfall roar louder as the sound of rushing water became replaced with the growl of a truck. "I love you..."

Grace slipped from her fever dream, and back into darkness once more.

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