In 1692, a group of girls began displaying bizarre behavior in the village Salem, Massachusetts. The girls went through a series of unexplained shifts in personality, seizures, shrieking, and often times were found in a trance-like state. The girls were tested and examined, doctors finding no race of abnormalities. But medical knowledge and ability was only so extensive during this time, anything that was not physically seen would be ruled nonexistent. After finding no visible health concerns, the small village of Salem declared it an act of Satan. The girls were shunned and proclaimed witches, interrogated until they revealed who controlled their behaviors. Multiple women confessed to having the presence of Satan, explaining he would reveal himself as a goat, hare, or raven. In June The Witch Trials would begin, multiple girls hanged. By the end of The Witch Trials, 19 of those convicted of witchcraft and satanism, were killed either by hanging or stoning. Those who had not been hanged nor stoned, would find death within the solitude of prison. The witch-hunt would end, but the lore and myths surrounding the horrid events that had taken place that day would live on. For centuries the talk of witchcraft and things alike would be no stranger to the world. Mothers and fathers would feed their children the belief that they were born sinners, begging god for forgiveness, promising to worship no other man but Christ himself. Satan was greatly feared, if a girl became promiscuous she would be deemed a whore, a slut, a child of Lucifer made only to bewitch men. It was said that in order to get the luxuries of the world, girls would follow Satan and his promises of a delicious lifestyle. Satan would demand young women to remove their shift, follow him to worship, and sign their name in his book. Forever smearing themselves and their families with sin. Movies, shows, costumes, and literature would be created around the idea of witchcraft. Throughout the years the act that was once believed to be satanic, would become lighthearted. The word "witch" no longer striking fear in people. The Witch Trials would be pronounced a horrible mistake, the women convicted and executed, regular god-fearing humans who had suffered health problems not yet known to doctors during the period.


Ever since there have been witches, there have been witch-hunters. These men and women dedicate their life to studying witches and their bloodlines. Travelling across the world to follow leads that may turn them in the direction of potential present-day witches. Hunters will kill, torture and interrogate witches they are able to track down. Hunters view witches as abominations, direct spawns from Satan, bringing nothing but hell and destruction wherever they go. While that may not be completely true, hunters have this ideology drilled into their head from childhood. Hunters originate from the same place the witches did, their ancestors those who had hunted down and executed the original women among The Witch Trials. Hunters are raised in normal families, similar to witches. While others are taught and trained day in and day out to dedicate their existence to the slaughtering and extinction of witches.

This RP will revolve around the struggles both the Hunters and Witches face. Each will find hardships in discovering their identity and attempting to cope. Some will completely embrace it and dedicate their lives to what they are. There will be those who completely despise the other, hunters who want witches dead no matter what, witches who want hunters executed. Evil will be prominent, however not everyone has allowed the darkness to consume them. The age range for characters in this RP is 18-30's, most witches and hunters attending the same High School unbeknownst to the presence of their rivals.
Spots Open
Witches and Warlocks: Closed For Now
Hunters: * Characters Needed! *
Lucifer(In the form of a man): Spot Closed@dragonbutts
Lilith(In the form of a woman): Spot Closed@Grape