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Complex Character Sheet

[color=silver][CENTER][h1][b]P R E F E R R E D   N A M E[/b][/h1][/CENTER]
[center][sub]First Middle Last
Age [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] ♀/♂ [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] Nationality
Occupation [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] Sexuality [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] Marital Status
Pscyhological Profile[/sub]
[COLOR=white]• [i]Test[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=white]• [i]Test[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=white]• [i]Test[/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider][CENTER][SUB]Resources[/sub]
[COLOR=white]• [i]Test[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=white]• [i]Test[/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider]

[/cell][cell][sub][b][color=silver] Appearance Details[/color][/b][/sub]
[color=white][indent]Physical Description[/indent][/color]
[sub][b] Character Synopsis[/b][/sub]
[color=white][indent]Introduction to the character, their history and primarily the how and why they ended up as a participant in testing the new airline.
[sub][b] Personality[/b][/sub]
[INDENT][color=white]An insight to the character's psyche, how they think, feel and process the world around them.[/color][/INDENT]
[sub][b] Relationships[/b][/sub]
[INDENT][color=white]Relevant relationships will go here.[/color][/INDENT]
[INDENT][color=white]Any other information or notes you wish to add or find relevant.[/color][/INDENT]

Easier Character Sheet

[b]Martial Status:[/b]

[u]Physiological Profile[/u]




[u]Appearance Details[/u]
Physical Description Here

[u]Character Synopsis[/u]
Introduction to the character, their history and primarily the how and why they ended up as a participant in testing the new airline.

An insight to the character's psyche, how they think, feel and process the world around them.

Relevant relationships will go here.

Any other information or notes you wish to add or find relevant.


ʜᴏʀʀᴏʀ • sᴜʀᴠɪᴠᴀʟ • ᴄᴀsᴜᴀʟ-ᴀᴅᴠᴀɴᴄᴇᴅ • ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ

" You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every
experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able
to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next
thing that comes along.' "

— Eleanor Roosevelt


Welcome to Sentinel Island, a gorgeous archipelago lush with vegetation.
The isle is completely wild, untouched by human hands, or so we thought.

Your character is apart of a group testing a new Alaskan luxury airline, this plane is much smaller in size, seating only 20 people. The plane is said to be a faster, more comfortable form of transportation. Each guest aboard, has been offered the chance to travel from there home in Alaska to Hawaii, free of charge in exchange for testing the new airline. The trip is meant to be quick and effortless, however it soon takes a grisly turn for the worst. The small aircraft loses contact with air traffic control, heading off course entirely missing Hawaii due to an enormous storm. Passengers begin to panic as the trip becomes longer and soon realize they're in the middle of a desolate ocean. Turbulence racks the aircraft constantly, the storm ravaging its cabin. Before they know it, the plane is spiraling out of control, the pilot managing to lessen the impact slightly as they hit the water. Many passengers are wounded or drown, those that survive make their way towards the only island near them. Most assume it's Hawaii or one of its surrounding islands, thankful the pilot had somehow gotten them back on track. But, they're gravely wrong. The Island is Sentinel Island, inhabited by a tribe unknown to the outside world, vicious to strangers, known to kill upon contact. The survivors, unknowingly walking into a death-trap. While on the island they will experience trials that will forever shape them. On the first night, a woman goes missing, her head later found on a pike outside the small makeshift camp the remaining survivors made. Her face is mangled, head shaved, inducing panic within the group.. Each survivor will be faced with trials, everyday people being forced to learn the skills they need in order to survive and hopefully someday thrive on the island until/if help arrives. The survivors have nothing, some suitcases are washed up onto shore, but many are lost to the sea. The pilot is dead, the airplane not salvageable.

Will you lose your mind?
You must learn to survive in a place so foreign,
danger prominent around every corner..


The Island
The Island is located in the middle of nowhere, uncharted and only. Researchers attempted exploring the Island, the entire group going silent and never returning. All efforts ceased, the Island pronounced too dangerous to research. The Island has no technology, completely dark from the world, only one village housing the native tribe, its location unknown. The animals that inhabit the Island are a mystery, no useful knowledge collected.

The Characters
Tribe Members : NPC (Anyone can control the threat when it's needed.)
Survivors : These are the characters we will play, only humans, no powers, etc.
Animals : Also NPC's (Can be controlled by anyone when needed.)

The Theme
This RP will consist of extremely dark topics, it will be a horror/survival type of RP. Think The Green Inferno, if you've seen it you know the tribe there is vicious, cannibalistic, and will torture outsiders ruthlessly.

The Style
The level of writing will be set at casual-advanced, this means I accept no less than two paragraphs. I expect detailed descriptions and posts as well as in depth characters. This is not a teen-romance RP, while romance is obviously a possibility among survivors, it will not be the main focus. Don't be afraid to get dark!

Inspirations & Influences
  • The Green Inferno
  • North Sentinel Island

< Click Me!
Welcome everyone!
@DeadDropThanks for the heads up
@Zoey WhiteI may do a little post describing the horde ending up at PMC and overrunning it.
@Zoey White@EverYeah I will scrap it and those who are in it can decide if they want to be loners or apart of a different group
Hello everyone! SO we need to decide if we keep PMC and just say the leader died, someone else takes over, or we scrap the group and let the members become loners/join another group.


After parting ways with Johnny, Sonya had been walking around for a while. It was eerily quiet, almost too quiet. The woman tried to ignore the strange gut feeling she had.
Sonya's ammo was almost out, so if a horde attacked, she would have only a handful of bombs to defend herself with. Sonya had to find a safe place to tinker some more of her special explosives, else she'd be toast.
Well. Maybe she'd be toast anyway. Sonya felt strangely out of breath. She noticed she was sweating even though she was merely walking. It wasn't that hot out, either. Every time her jacket brushed over the wound on her arm, she hissed. Something was wrong. Maybe the dirty bandage hadn't been a good idea after all.
Sonya was nearing the town, big buildings towering ahead of her. There was something oddly comforting about the concrete blocks, even though Sonya knew full well the city was practically swarming with the infected. Swiping the cold sweat off her forehead with a pale hand, Sonya hastened her pace. This was no time to let a small scratch on her bicep get to her. She was stronger than this.

Meanwhile, Natalia was fighting to escape said town, slipping in and out of alleyways, seeking an escape from the lurking horde of undead freaks. Each step felt like something was off, a wince following the sharp pain that would rack her lithe body. There was no time to check, but Natalia was sure the fall from the truck had fucked her up in some manner. She just hoped it wasn't a broken bone.. Those were the worst, took too long to heal for her liking. Natalia would freeze at the sudden shuffle of gravel under boots, her knife rising to defend her from whatever was around the upcoming corner. She would lower her figure, neglecting the stabbing in her side, eyes and attention too focused on the prior sound. As soon as she got around the corner, Natalia would hurl herself forward, realizing much too later that this was no infected...

"Wh-" Sonya's words died on her lips as a figure lunged out from behind a coner. Loosing her footing and falling back, Sonya found herself staring at the sky with a searing pain on the back of her head. How had she not heard the sound? She had thought she had been cautious... Maybe she wasn't in the best condition right now, which resulted in her guard being down. She had been walking perfectly stealthy just moments before, avoiding the hiding zombies just fine. Apparently she had been a bit noisier than thought previously.
Trying to push the figure off of her - this wasn't an infected for sure, they were never this coordinated - Sonya grunted. Her vision was blurred from the hit, and her inflammed arm hurt too much to be any use. Something stung on her cheek, feeling like a sharp object had scratched it.
Wait. Sonya recognised this person, even through her slightly shaken vision. Could it be...
"N...Nat? What the fuck?" Sonya rasped, trying to get a hold of her surroundings. Shit, she was seriously out of it, wasn't she? Maybe she should have taked up on Johnny's offer of the bath after all. Injured and alone, she couldn't defend herself if need be. Well. She wasn't alone anymore, was she...

Natalia grimaced upon impact, losing hold of her knife as she tackled the figure before her. She had realized much too late, that this was indeed her friend Sonya.. not an infected. She would groan, her ribcage felt as if it had been beaten several times with a hammer, the fall making it all the worse. "Oh my god.. Sonya?! Shit I am so sorry..." Natalia shifted her weight off of the other woman, removing herself from the straddled postion she had been in. "You look horrible... What the hell happened?"
"Thanks for the compliment..." Offering a hand to Sonya, Natalia would look her over with wary eyes, spotting the knick her knife had left. "Fuck, is that from my knife? We need to get you somewhere safe Sonya... I need to fix you up." Without awaiting a reply, Natalia moved away, peering around the building to assure nothing had heard them. Her attention would travel up the building in front of them, it would have to do. "Come on, hold onto me, let's get inside this building. I don't have any shirt left to make bandages so I will look for something else in there."
Sonya's head was a bit foggy. She watched sluggishly as Natalia moved off of her, fussing about fixing her up. Wait... were they going somewhere? "Fix me... yeah, that's what you do best," Sonya mumbled a delayed answer with a small smirk, taking Natalia's hand and pulling herself up. She groaned as she used the injured hand accidentally, flinching from the pain but holding tight. When had she let herself get this weak? She was supposed to be taking care of Natalia, not the other way around.
"I thought you went back to Toxo. Why are you even here?" Sonya asked the woman while holding support to her. Then she noticed Natalia was walking funny, as if she was being careful of something. "Did someone attack you? Are you okay?" Anger already burning in Sonya's veins. "Fuck, if someone hurt you I'm gonna fucking kill 'em," Sonya threatened, although her current state didn't exactly communicate dangerous.

With utmost vigilance, Natalia led the woman into the building, her eyes darting to every dark corner of the room to reassure herself the building was safe. The faint dripping of water would send her head jerking in the sounds direction, heaving a sigh upon realizing the source. "No, no.. I'm okay.. I came into town with three others from Toxo, we were looking for the source of the fireworks we saw and heard. Ended up finding The Saint pretty jacked up, I don't even know if she made it but I risked my life as well as the group that came with me to save her.. I don't know, I guess I let my humanity get the best of me." A disgruntled exhale would follow the words, bright eyes falling downcast. "Uhm, that girl, Lauren, the one that I stabbed way back and ended up getting into Toxo, she was apart of the group. Anyways, I fell off the trucks bed as it took off, it hurt but I think I'm okay. I told them to keep going."
"So you almost got yourself killed for a stranger? Your kindness is going to be the end of you, Nat," Sonya half growled, but her voice had a tint of warmth to it.Natalia drew her knife once more, securing the small building before motioning for Sonya to sit atop the old, worn couch before them. The room looked to be some kind of waiting room, a receptionist desk left deserted, connecting to the rest of the building likely used as some sort of compact office. "Wait here, I have to try and find something to help your wounds.. Natalia would walk off, heaving herself over the desk to gain access to the rest of the building. So Sonya really did care about her... Nat couldn't help but grin youtfully, Sonya's protective nature always something that lightened Nat's mood. There was however, no time to relish in it now, Sonya was in dire need of medical attention. Remembering she had picked some of the contents of her backpack up after the fall, Natalia swiftly removed the pack from her back, rummaging through the items remaining. "Yes! Her voice rang out, but would quickly be hushed, remembering their situation. Natalia brought her and the backpack back over the receptionist desk, stopping in front of Sonya. In her hand was a miniature first aid kit, holding three alcohol wipes, some gauze, bandaging, and Neosporin. "You ready? This is going to sting, or just hurt like hell..."
Sonya eyed the kit in Natalia's hand warily, however she knew Natalia knew what she was doing. Groaning unenthusiastically, Sonya corrected the posture to give Natalia a better access to her wounds.
"Do your magic," Sonya replied. She was feeling a lot worse than a moment ago. Was it really all the wound's doing or whas there something else? "After you're done fixing me we can take a look at you. I don't care if you think you're alright, I can full well see you're not. Don't pull that shit with me," Sonya said with a harsh tone. It made her mad to think Nat had gotten herself hurt by something as stupid as falling off a truck.
Taking a breathy intake, Sonya prepared herself for the pain to come.

Steady hands would place the necessary supplies before them, sat upon the short coffee table Natalia had planted herself. Her eyes would roll at Sonya's words, teeth nipping the wipes sealing open to give her access. Moving briskly, Natalia dabbed first at Sonya's cheek, generously swiping at the surface wound there. "This is from my knife, it's going to make you sick.. I dip it in a poison I make, but it won't kill you, luckily it wasn't a stab wound." Natalia drew a grateful sigh, continuing to carefully sanitize the cut. Sonyawinced in discomfort, but kept her mouth shut like a warrior. Next the Neosporin would be applied as a salve, protecting the cut from dirt or debris. "You're going to feel like shit for a while, but it should wear off within the day. Need to find you water to flush out your system. I have two bottles in my pack, but you'll need more." After mentioning the water, Natalia withdrew one, unscrewing the lid to apply the liquid to a piece of gauze. This would be used after unwrapping the bandage that had already been applied, a bleak wince coming from Natalia. "God.. This looks horrible Sonya, what in the world did you do? It's getting infected, you're lucky you have me." A playful smirk would trail her words, nurturing hands disinfecting the wound with the water first and alcohol wipe after. This earned her a pained grunt from Sonya, which she was clearly trying to keep down.The same process would follow, the wound dried and dressed before Natalia would sit back, eyeing her work. "Alrighty, lookin' good. We are going to have to change that often, don't want too much moisture or else it'll never scab over." Natalia glanced down at her abdomen after, running her fingers over the tender skin, baring her teeth in response. Her ribs were either bruised or broken, but that was something they couldn't fix and would likely heal on its own. However, her leg felt aggrivated in a manner unlike a broken bone, but the girl was reluctant to look.

"Thanks," Sonya granted Natalia a rare thank you. She felt slightly better after Natalia taking care of her. She hadn't dared to mumble any excuses at her when she had questioned Sonya about letting her wound get so bad, even though she had wanted to. Holding her tongue was the best thing to do when Natalia was full-on nurse mode. Feeling foggy from her rising body temperature - she had slight fever, probably - Sonya probbed herself up better and took a look at Natalia, who was now examining her own body. Sonya's brow furrowed slightly. There was clearly something wrong, but since Natalia wasn't doing anything, Sonya assumed it was something that couldn't be fixed.
"What now?" Sonya asked, trying to sound more sympathetic and less harsh. Today had been full of action, and even more social contact than Sonya usually had. Not just with Natalia, but with that Johnny dude, too. Sonya hoped she wasn't becoming too soft. Caring about people really didn't do anything but end up getting her worst off in the end.
Head clouding with rising fever, Sonya found her mind wandering off to all sorts of worlds. It had been a long time since she had last been sick. Maybe even decades. Usually she was highly analytic, always thinking about how to survive, nothing more. How to survive, live with her guilt and protect those she held near and dear. Now, though... Now was the first time Sonya felt something that she dubbed as longing. She had experienced her fair share of longing after losing her group, but other feelings she most often ended up suppressing. Survival was her first priority, after all.
Looking at Natalia, trying to read her face, Sonya found herself just staring. How had they even managed to become friends?
"I wish things weren't like this," Sonya blurted, easily making it the most emotion packed sentence Sonya had said in the presence of Natalia. Maybe it was her injuries clouding her judgement. "But I'm glad you're here."

Natalia's face would contort in thought, eyeing Sonya's complexion. It was obvious fever was beginning to set in, Natalia was well aware, however she was oblivious to how she'd fix this issue. She would contemplate different options, absentmindedly staring directly at the fever sick woman. The silence would be broke by Sonya's voice, a vulnerable essence coming off each word. Natalia had never seen Sonya so kind, of course she always cared for Nat, but being this open was rare. Natalia parted her lips to speak but her words would falter, instead a heated rosy hue invading her otherwise olive cheeks. She would avert her eyes, clearing her throat before speaking, "U-Uh, me too Sonya.. Glad you're here too.. But you won't be much longer if we don't get this fever under control!" Natalia quickly rerouted the conversation, heaving herself from the sitting positon in front of Sonya, to grab another water bottle. Using the water, she would tear the remaining back portion of her tanktop, leaving her lower back and stomach bare. She folded the cloth carefully, soaking it with the cool water and then applying it to Sonya's forehead. "Lay back, close your eyes, here take a sip of the water too.. Try to relax."
"Touche..." Sonya admitted at Natalia's comment. She was right. Still, Sonya wasn't thinking logically at the moment. It was hard for her to think about anything coherent.
When something cool pressed against Sonya's forehead, a wave of relief washed over her. Sonya complied at Natalia's command to lie down, not before taking a sip of water. It was rare to come by such good tasting water... Or tasteless, to better phrase it. It wasn't cold, more like lukewarm, but it didn't matter to Sonya. Lying down, Sonya looked at Natalia through heavy eyelids. There was a certain sense of comfort to her presence, something Sonya couldn't quite put her finger on. It was rather ironic, since Natalia was working for Toxo, Sonya's enemy by all means, yet the woman was the safest Sonya felt around with.
"You didn't have to ruin your shirt for me," Sonya said sluggishly as she realised Natalia's midriff was bare. "The nights get cold, you know that." Sonya's healthy hand danced at the ripped hem of Natalia's shirt, almost curious in manner. Then she let her hand lay still. "Hope you know what you're doing."

Considering Sonya's words, Nat would glance down at her shirt, shoulders rising and falling in a shrug. "I ripped it a bit for that Saint girl, so a little more wouldn't be life altering." Natalina scoffed out, watching Sonya's hand play with her tattered shirt. "If I freeze, I freeze. The cold will help your fever though, but I don't want it to get too cold, you'll feel worse." Natalia examined the room thoughtfully, trying to assess the situation. She would have to find something to use as a blanket for the night, surely there was an old tarp or something of the sort laying around. Holding a finger up, Natalia would run off to search for something they could put to use, rummaging through the back room and side rooms, reappearing with a bundled up table cloth. She walked back towards Sonya, shaking the dust from the cloth before letting it fall over Sonya, a content smile plastering Natalia's features. "Perfect, keep covered, you're going to break that fever soon and start to feel cold as hell. That's good though, can't get too warm or too cold. Natalia gave a simple nod, crossing her arms, clearly satisfied with her discovery. "This building should keep us safe, the door has a lock and the windows are boarded up, looks like someone was held up in here for a while, wonder where they went." Pausing, Natalia would glance around the room, "Just in case, I will stay up and keep watch, you should get some rest." The woman found her spot on the coffee table once more, unholstering her knife in case it was needed. She observed Sonya for a moment before shifting to face towards the door, resting her cheek against her fist.
"Ain't you the survivor," Sonya quipped tiredly, a half-assed smile taking over her face. "When I'm feeling better it's my turn to take watch," Sonya added confidently, not sure if that would ever be the case.

@Mister ThirteenThat's up to you, I don't mind either or ! (:
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