Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Complex Character Sheet

[color=silver][CENTER][h1][b]P R E F E R R E D   N A M E[/b][/h1][/CENTER]
[center][sub]First Middle Last
Age [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] ♀/♂ [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] Nationality
Occupation [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] Sexuality [color=black][b]|[/b][/color] Marital Status
Pscyhological Profile[/sub]
[COLOR=white]• [i]Test[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=white]• [i]Test[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=white]• [i]Test[/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider][CENTER][SUB]Resources[/sub]
[COLOR=white]• [i]Test[/i][/COLOR]
[COLOR=white]• [i]Test[/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider]

[/cell][cell][sub][b][color=silver] Appearance Details[/color][/b][/sub]
[color=white][indent]Physical Description[/indent][/color]
[sub][b] Character Synopsis[/b][/sub]
[color=white][indent]Introduction to the character, their history and primarily the how and why they ended up as a participant in testing the new airline.
[sub][b] Personality[/b][/sub]
[INDENT][color=white]An insight to the character's psyche, how they think, feel and process the world around them.[/color][/INDENT]
[sub][b] Relationships[/b][/sub]
[INDENT][color=white]Relevant relationships will go here.[/color][/INDENT]
[INDENT][color=white]Any other information or notes you wish to add or find relevant.[/color][/INDENT]

Easier Character Sheet

[b]Martial Status:[/b]

[u]Physiological Profile[/u]




[u]Appearance Details[/u]
Physical Description Here

[u]Character Synopsis[/u]
Introduction to the character, their history and primarily the how and why they ended up as a participant in testing the new airline.

An insight to the character's psyche, how they think, feel and process the world around them.

Relevant relationships will go here.

Any other information or notes you wish to add or find relevant.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by BootyMerchant
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BootyMerchant my peggle game is unmatched

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Theodore David Contrejas Jr.
29 || Spanish/American
IT Support Technician | Straight | Single
Psychological Profile

Appearance Details
Theo is an American man of Spanish descent with light skin and dark brown eyes. He stands a little over 6 feet tall, and weighs roughly 185 pounds. He is moderately muscular, but no more than a reasonably active adult male. His face is rough and gritty, but he is usually seen wearing it in a smile, so people are rarely intimidated by it. His hair is a dark brown, and it is usually cut in a classic side part. He always sports a beard which he takes meticulous care of. His clothing almost always consists of some sort of jacket -- black denim is his favorite kind --, a grey or white t-shirt, black or dark blue denim jeans, and white shoes with a black trim. He has diamond stud earrings in each ear, and wears a silver watch on his left wrist. Most of his torso and arms are covered in tattoos, but since he usually wears jackets, very little of his tattoos are actually visible.

Character Synopsis
From what little others have bothered to ask about him, Theo was born in the San Francisco Bay Area, in a small 'shithole' of a house in the poorer area of the city. He tells others that his father was not around -- people usually don’t ask what became of him --, and that his mother moved away when he was a child. Because of this, he was raised primarily by his grandparents. They provided for him the best they could, but he went most of his life wearing baggy, hand-me-down clothing and having to find most of his meals from free school lunches. It goes without saying that, like his parents, his grandparents lived in extreme poverty. Nevertheless, Theo cherishes his grandparents dearly, and has stated that he has kept in contact with them leading up to the events of the crash.

His late childhood and early teenage years were full of fights, squabbles, and brawls. He tells people that all of the many schools he attended were always segregated into rival gangs and cliques, and that if you didn’t pick a side, you were targets for everyone. Theo says that while he made friends with anyone he could, he tended to gravitate towards the 'nerds', the 'geeks', and the 'weirdos'. He didn’t seek their company because he felt a kinship with them, he chose them simply because they were the only people who were not at each other's throats. He came to grow really close to the people in those groups, often going so far as to defend a handful of them when they were inevitably targeted by whoever felt like starting trouble.

Toward the middle of his years in high school, he started to make friends with people who best could be described as 'delinquents'. He even grew friendly towards those who had fought him and his friends in the past. The reasons he gives for doing this, is that for as shitty as those people were, they knew how to have a good time. Theo mentions that it was around this time that he started to get in trouble at school. He says that it was never anything serious; the thing he got in trouble for the most was cracking jokes aimed indiscriminately at anyone and everyone, including faculty members. He quickly got a reputation as a clown, and was invited to many ill-advised parties, of which, he was the life of.

By the time he was a senior in his high school, he was a fully-fledged member of one of the predominant gangs that operated inside and outside of his campus grounds. Theo states that if he had been in the right state of mind, he would never have joined. Nevertheless, he was coaxed into his affiliation and started a fledgling career as lowly-ranked thug. During his time with his gang, he was involved in burglary, robbery, battery, racketeering, and extortion. Records show that Theo was never charged for those crimes, but he admits to having done them to his friends.

After his graduation and for about a year afterwards, he continued his life of crime until he was caught and charged for the unlawful possession of a firearm, and was sentenced to 1 year and 6 months incarceration. During his imprisonment, Theo claims to have often reflected back on his days before his gang affiliation. He says that his old friends, the geeks, crossed his mind frequently, and that he regretted leaving them to pursue the gang life.

8 months would pass before he was released early for good behavior. With his newly found freedom, he would cast aside his self-destructive ways and seek to become a normal member of society. Theo says that his affiliates did not take kindly to his withdrawal from the gang, and was a target for them for a couple years. During this time, he reconnected with his old friends, and looked for honest work wherever he could find it. He found jobs in a myriad of different fields. From a butcher, to a landscaper, and even to a contractor, Theo dabbled in a little bit of everything, but he could not find anything worthy of a career for himself.

Eventually, after 3 years of civilian life, he would be called as a witness against one of his former gang members for a crime they had committed. He was hesitant to take the stand for fear of what might happen to him if he did, but he stood trial nonetheless. Through his testimony, his former affiliate would end up charged with 25 years to life in imprisonment. Knowing that he now be branded as a snitch, Theo pleaded with the district attorney for witness protection. The DA would accept his proposal, and he would find himself being relocated to Anchorage, AL.

The move was difficult for Theo, and he had trouble fitting in to his new surroundings. While Anchorage was similar to the city environment that he has lived in his whole life, he felt out of place. After 3 months into his relocation, he found a job at a small tech startup based in the city's downtown district. His starting position was a IT Helpdesk Support Specialist, but he would quickly rise the ranks until he found himself the Junior Supervisor to a team of IT Technicians. Theo liked his work; he felt like he finally found a career for himself. Life started to improve for him during his career at his company. He made enough money to finance both a car and a house for himself, and he started to make friends with his coworkers. He briefly started dating around this time as well, but he eventually decided that he would focus on his career instead.

4 months before the crash, he decided to establish contact with his mother. It had been almost 2 decades since he last heard from her, and he was worried about what she was like now. Theo states that he had nothing to worry about, for his mother was excited to hear from him. She told him that she had been trying to find him, but that she couldn't. Theo then began to explain his situation to her, and the two spent hours catching up with each other. They made arrangements for him to visit her at her house in Hawaii, and after the phone call, Theo immediately booked a flight with a proprietary airline that was based in Anchorage. And as the day of his departure drew nearer, Theo couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of excitement and anxiety.

Finally 30,000 feet in the air, Theo was one of the first people to notice that one of the engines starting to fail. His excitement turned into fear, and before he knew what was happening, the static of the cabin speakers blared to life. The captain then spoke the words that struck Theo with an insurmountable feeling of dread, "Passengers, please return to your seats. Embrace for impact".

Theo rarely takes anything seriously. Even in the most dire of situations, he always finds a way to fit in a stupid joke or a witty quip. Comedy is a very big part of his personality and his life; if you can’t make him laugh, he usually doesn’t invest too much time into you. He is depressive, but faces it with general apathy, unrelenting humor, and the not so occasional cigarette. Insults and taunts mean virtually nothing to him, and will usually agree with and double-down on what the aggressor has to say. Because of this, self-deprecating humor is one of his fortes. He puts his needs above everything else in the world; although, he usually tries to not have anyone suffer at the expense of his gain, but he will not hesitate to do so if the benefits are great enough. He doesn’t really believe in ideas like "the greater good" and will rarely act on such things unless it directly affects him or those he cares about. All that really concerns him, is having food in his stomach, a roof over his head, and enough entertainment to fill his days -- usually in the form of night clubs, house parties, and hard liquor. He tries to surround himself with his friends whenever possible, and is known to enjoy meeting new people so long as they can keep his attention.

N / A

N / A
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by essends


Member Seen 8 mos ago

Araceli Aesha Patel
24 | Female | Indian
Nurse (NP) | Bi-sexual | Single
Psychological Profile

Appearance Details
With dark features and honeyed skin, Araceli is the epitome of Indian beauty. Her eyes a rich sienna, married with lighter amber flecks. Her hair is a generously saturated brown, cascading in loose waves to the middle of her back. Araceli has raised cheekbones and a narrow but prominent nose, lush lips and a sharp chin pulling her facial structure together. Her body is pleasantly curvaceous for her thin figure, slight shoulders and a humble bosom are accentuated by broader hips and a restricted waist. Drawn-out legs giving her a taller appearance despite her underwhelming stature of 5'4".

Character Synopsis
Araceli originated from India, spending a good portion of her childhood there before her father passed. Her mother would pack up the remaining family consisting of Araceli and her brother, to live in the USA. Araceli would spend the remainder of her childhood and teenage years in the city of New York. Her mother would take on multiple jobs just to keep the small family afloat, a single mother with little to no education to aid her. Watching her mother struggle, Araceli would strive for a decent education, beginning medical school in New York before catching the attention of a model scout. Medical school would be put on the back shelf for a while as Araceli explored the life of a model. The occupation proved to be crucial, the income enough to provide for her family. Soon the job would take her to Fairbanks, AL. where she would reside for a while, participating in strenuous shoots. One evening, after Araceli had finished shooting for the day, she received a phone call. Tragedy had struck, her mother and brother losing their lives in a fatal car accident. Having no other family in New York, Araceli would remain in Alaska, abandoning her occupation as a model to take up medical schooling once more, eventually graduating as a Nurse Practitioner.

While living in Alaska provided tranquility, Araceli yearned for a new atmosphere, thus applying for and being accepted into a group of volunteers testing a new Alaskan Airline. Having been to Hawaii once before with an agency, Araceli eagerly offered her services to the airline.

Airplanes were so advanced these days, what could go wrong?

This mentality would soon dissipate as the trip took a turn for the worst. The small aircraft would be racked with turbulence, the speakers overhead alerting the passengers of their fate. Somehow, the pilot had lost all contact with air traffic control, their destination construed, path to Hawaii entirely missed leaving them airborne in the wrong direction for hours without guidance. A horrible situation would only worsen as the plane hit a storm, one last announcement instructing passengers to stay calm and embrace for impact and then...


Araceli is a very intelligent and vibrant girl, she appreciates the smallest aspects in life and lives each day like it is her last. Having lost her family, Araceli holds relationships close to her heart, the fear of losing another person often causing her to suffocate those she loves with affection and nurturing. Her past leads to episodes of depression, the sudden loss also triggering a compulsive disorder within her. However, these two portions of her personality are very minor, the bubbly more flirtatious side of her dominating.


Current Attire

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Forecaster
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Forecaster The doctor is in.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Angela Jörg
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Occupation: Botanist
Sexuality: Straight
Martial Status: Single

Physiological Profile

//Like: Science - Swimming - Traveling
//Dislike: Exotic Food - Fish - Bad Moods
//Fears: Dark - Wild Animals - Highs


//Skills: Polyglot - Swimmer - Vast knowledge about plants
//Paraphernalia: Swiss Army Knife - Silver Necklace - A purse with general medicine

Appearance Details

Angela is a sand blonde type of girl with an amazing pair of blue eyes, usually taking under consideration with her red lips.
Her soft white skin gets tanned from the time she spent working in the sun and even if make up hides it very well, a good looking at her reveal a pair of tired rings around her eyes.
The botanist was never picky when it came to clothing, usually sticking with the simple and comfortable, although from time to time she tends to have her fashion days and dare a little.

Character Synopsis

Angela Jörg is a German botanist who came from Hannover.
Only daughter from a middle class family, she worked really hard to finish college and after working for a year in a laboratory studying the weather influence during the dark phase of Photosynthesis, she decided to take her money and travel around the globe.

During her graduation, Angela was one of the top grades of her class receiving an invitation to work on Switzerland and there she fell in love with an American doctor called Andrew Turner who died in an accident when she was 21.

One night, she got challenged by a friend into signing for testing a new airline promising the testers a free trip to Hawaii, she was supposed to be at a Medical Convention in New York just a week after the flight . When she received the call from the company telling her of the selection she got instantly happy but now, as she sees the plane crashing and the people immerse into desperation she can only think of the irony of the situation.


As a botanist, Angela is known for being a very responsible person. She is fast at making decisions and does not goes scared or stressed out easily. Sometimes she feels the need to not decide things and let other people tell her what to do. Organized, she is also the type of girl to have a plan for everything and gets really frustrated when they fail. She was never really into a extreme situation before but she will try to keep her cool. Usually very disperse and calm, her acid sense of humor is a strong trace of her personality.


Dated an american doctor (Andrew Turner) during her graduation, but coincidentally the guy died in a plane accident when she was still in college.


- She was always very interested in medical topics, she even thought about changing her degree.
- She went to a therapist to work on her fear of the dark.
- The death of Andrew did not made her afraid of flying, but it did made her fear heights. She mostly sleeps during flights and only flies when she needs to.
- Even if she is not fully vegetarian, she avoids eating meat.

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Eric Horst
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Eric Horst Sociopath With Your Number

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Eric Horst
Age 27 || Canadian
Private Detective | Gray Asexual | Single
Pscyhological Profile

Appearance Details
Tall, Average Build, Thick, but short Ginger hair, Brown eyes, and a small scar left behind by one of the people he's tangled with. Other then that there's not much on the surface. He looks like he weighs about 170lbs or so, and his height is exactly six feet tall. He keeps his facial hair trimmed so it's not to shaggy.

Character Synopsis
Born into a rather simple family, Eric grew up trying to change others opinion of him, as something more than the child of a rather plain and boring family. His intelligence and ability in school kept him out of trouble, but drew him into the anti-social life style due to constant bullying. As an adult, he tried out for the police academy, hoping that once he joined the ranks of law he could use his intellect to become a renowned detective and live his dream, however, his anti-social ways were his downfall and he failed the entrance exam. Not wanting to keep fighting a dead dream, he has since then worked as a private detective, taking jobs the police either couldn't handle in the way the victims wanted, or simply hadn't been alerted to.

His life wasn't the most exciting, but many of his investigations resulted in the criminal's capture, or in some rare cases, death. Although not directly related to any of the deaths, Eric had assisted in causing them, forcing him deeper into his shell. His emotions were locked up, and his family and few friends, who still contact him, always had to bring up how he used to be such an energetic and cheerful person. One of his friends blamed it on Eric never once having any kind of relationship beyond friendship. He brushed them all off, and continued on with his life.

He was seeking a vacation after a dead end case, which landed him in one of the twenty passenger seats of the Alaskan Luxury plane. He wasn't looking forward to flight, but it was better then taking a boat, due to his fear of the ocean, and more importantly, what he believes could lurk within it. During the flight, he kept to himself, avoiding conversation with the other passengers, partially due to the novel he was reading. When the plane began to shake, his paranoia spiked, and he dropped the novel, waiting for it to pass, and when it did not, he began bracing himself for the worst.

Eric is generally seen as laid back, or hostile at times, but he does it to hide his true emotions from others. He's not trusting of other people's abilities and prefers to do things himself. He often thinks of the big picture before anything, thinking out things before acting on them. His calm mind and rational way of looking at things makes him a difficult person to anger.

None to note at this time.

He wears glasses to read, but otherwise can see just fine.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Mikolaj Perzyna

Mikolaj Perzyna

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Noah Francis Kingsley
Age || United States of America
Occupation | Bisexual | Divorced
Pscyhological Profile

Appearance Details
well-built, strong, an 'eloquent redneck'

Character Synopsis
Noah was born in Dallas to a very religious, Catholic family. He had abusive parents, but believed that God and Church would help him. However, once he was 15, he came to terms with the fact that he is bisexual and felt bad about. He couldn't understand why God would allow this to happen to him. He talked about it in confession and the Priest told him to never come to church again. He was depressed abd confused. The feeling of confusion got even worse when a few months later, Noah found out that the exact same Priest who told him that he was wrong for being bisexual got arrested for molesting young boys. This is when Noah lost faith in religion, the one thing that helped him get through each day. His life became a spiral of depression. He mixed in with a bad crowd and got into drugs. Eventually, he started peddling drugs himself and, thanks to his charismatic nature, he climbed his way up the hierarchy of the biggest drug cartel in Texas. However, Noah never tried to act tough on the outside. Everybody was scared of him and respected him anyway, even though he was always listening to classical music. Noah eventually went to prison, where he spent 13 years. In prison, he worked out every day and became the guy that nobody dared cross. However, once Noah's sentence ended, like many ex-convicts he found it hard to find a job and fell into poverty. When he saw the ad for the new airline being tested, he thought that he might as well take the opportunity, as he would probably never be able to afford a vacation to Hawaii anyway.

Noah is a damaged man. However, he is generally friendly. He may be an asshole every now and then and is often sarcastic, but he has his heart in the right place... for the most part. He can be very impulsive and end up doing things he regrets.

He was married to the woman of his dreams, Rebecca. However, she sued him for divorce when she found out that Noah was in the drug trade.

Noah doesn't believe that he's a good person, nor do most of the people around him. However, wants to get past his mistakes in life and become that good person. Also, he has a Southern accent..
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by JazzyJuniper
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Leshy
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Will Gunderson

Occupation: Marine Combat Medic
Martial Status:Single

Physiological Profile

//Like: Music, smoking, card games, Loyalty, friends
//Dislike: Anger, Bullies, helplessness
//Fears: Deep sea, Loneliness


//Skills: Combat, Emergency First Aid, Leading, Drawing
//Paraphernalia: Smashed Cellphone, pack of cigarettes, pocket journal, small pencil.

Appearance Details
Will is a wiry 29 year old 6'3'', 180 Ibs soldier. He has a bit of an undercut, and generally keeps his hair out of his face. To many, Will gives an outward intimidation. His face is very angular, and has intense blue-gray eyes, which are often hard to glean emotion from. He is considered physically fit, being a marine. He has a scar, running down his right cheek, and several tattoos on his left forearm, along with a number of different scars in his torso.

Character Synopsis
From the start, Will was looking after someone. Born with a twin, James, in New York City to abusive parents, he didn't have a great hand dealt to him from the get go. His parents ran one of the major taxi business's, and seemed to adamantly hate everything. Each other, their kids, their job, it didn't matter. Will grew up protecting James from their parents drunken arguments and assorted beatings. He made sure they both worked hard and got through school. They would both often come to school with bruises and cuts adorning their bodies, but most of the staff chalked it up to "Boys being boys." It took 15 years for them to finally leave. Their father, Alex, was particularly drunk one night, and brought out his handgun. This wasn't a cause for alarm, most of the time, he never kept it loaded. Will still doesn't know what finally set him off enough to actually load the gun. James was having an especially bad argument with Alex, and he brought out the gun, waving it around and acting tough. Eventually, their mom joined in and Alex got even more upset, waving the gun around more, then finally pulling the trigger. The boys watched as their mother fell to the floor, and went into shock. They didn't know what to do, so they ran. Gathered what money they could and took a bus to Maine.

For the next three years, they were essentially homeless. They made what money they could by running drugs and taking any odd job they could, and eventually, when they turned 18, they joined the military. Will as a combat medic for the marines, and James as an airforce pilot. Even though they were immediately deployed to fight Bush's war in the middle east, to the boys, it finally seemed like they had a purpose. The war divided the brothers, James not seeing much action as a fighter pilot, when Will saw heavy fighting in the middle east, and came back a different person than the boy that was sent to die in the desert. They tried to reconnect after the war, but Will was just too different, and they drifted apart.

It wasn't until years after the war that the boys got together again. A month before the fated flight, James hit up Will, saying his service as a pilot in the war netted him a couple of tickets to Hawaii. By this point, James was out of the military and lived back home, in rural New York with his wife. Will stayed in the military, serving several more tours after the war, and his leave lined up perfectly with the Hawaii trip. So, together they went, off into the wild blue yonder........

Will is generally a very upbeat and protective guy. Always quick to say something dumb just to get a laugh, he was often called Jester by his squad mates. He is quick to take charge, and gets along well with others. While this is true, he is very quick to judge people that remotely resemble his parents. Since the war ended, he has been fraying a bit around the edges. While previously he had sworn off alcohol, he has recently taken up the habit, and has became more reclusive, and does not like to open up about himself with others. He will almost always focus the conversation on the other person, as to avoid himself as a topic. It has been clear for a while that he has the beginning stages of PTSD.



(Note, James is not a character per say, just a plot point. He won't survive the crash.)
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: Drachen Unmensch
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Occupation: Hunter, Fisher, Traveler.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Martial Status: Single

Physiological Profile

//Like: Working with his hands, a good beer, being around animals, medieval/primitive stuff
//Dislike: Donkeys, firearms, large groups of people, pacifists
//Fears: Being underground


//Skills: Basic first aid, primitive crafting, various hunting techniques and tool usage, primitive construction
//Paraphernalia: Zippo lighter, sealed case of cigars, soggy wallet

Appearance Details
Drachen embodies his last name quite well, being very ogreish. An imposing seven feet tall and built like a small mountain, dense muscle covered in a healthy layer of fat. He 'suffers' from Acromegaly, which means he's large all around and looks a lot like Shrek would if he had been human. His skin is sun darkened, his hair is wiry, and he has a couple tattoos on his arms. One tattoo is a tribal looking dragon, the other is a Norse looking bear. He's also heavily scarred, quite possibly from wrestling animals he really shouldn't have.

He keeps his hair short, almost shaved right down to the skin. What hair there is is as black as night. Bushy eyebrows rest on his heavy brow ridge and shade his almost cavernous amber colored eyes. His nose is thick, almost like a potato, and below that are a pair of slightly thick lips. Most of his face is hidden behind a braided beard and mustache that reached about mid-chest on him. When he smiles one can see tombstone-like teeth that have quite the gaps due to his condition.

Character Synopsis
Drachen was born and raised in Germany out in an actual village with limited technology. Think Amish-like. In his youth he learned to work with his hands and how to hunt and fish the old fashioned way. No guns, no modern traps, no reels, no fiberglass just your own hands, bows, spears, and what you can craft from your surroundings. He kept with this mindset his whole life even when he finally left his home village.

He traveled the land, mostly by foot, and worked his way until he earned a ticket to North America. He just wanted to see the world really and this was his first stop since he had seen all of Europe.In America the rules were a bit different and the culture was strange. So many people with hurt feelings but had no issues pointing at him and calling him an ogre viking. He just shrugged it off and kept traveling. Replacing his clothing as he went along, most of it being leather anyway.

During his wanderings, seeing the sights, and checking out the cultures, he wound up signing up for something. He had come to the land by boat and wanted to see what the deal was with airplanes. He had checked some boxes, something about testing weight limits? He was roughly four hundred pounds so he'd make for a good test and not be some morbidly obese burger muncher. Drachen could actually fit in the seats without any serious modifications. He figured what was the worst thing that could happen helping people test something. Well a crash for one, and it happened.

Drachen seems to have a great amount of patience. Probably from having to deal with children questioning why he was so massive. Or it could be from hunting the old fashioned way. Underneath that patience is a volcano of anger kept in check by an ocean of willpower. He has few triggers but once he's set off it's almost impossible to get him in check until he uses all that anger up. To keep all of this negativity in check he keeps to himself, hunts, fishes, and as a hobby he messes around with making and improving primitive technology.

None so far

Any other information or notes you wish to add or find relevant.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by restless
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restless a ghost

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

oh lordy I made mistake
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