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Kharne's eues drifted to the Redguard womans hand when she offered it to him. His great mitt came up and grasped her forearm, those thick scaled fingers wrapped around the whole forelimb. "Good to meet you, Khaliya, Veeza." He rumbled before glancing to Yashar and Roshanarra, giving the pair of them a simple nod.His voice was deep, almost painfully so, but he had a quiet tone so his voice shouldn't carry well with the rest of the boisterous lot crowding the jail cell.

Veeza spoke a word that vaguely triggered a memory, clearly native language from Black Marsh. "I don't know the native tongue, I was taken very young." He replied to Veeza, who was apparently an arena fighter for a place named Kvatch. "I'm a mercenary and I was just exploring the city... He stated before they were all interrupted by heavily armored guards with slender curved swords. Katanas judging by the look, a delicate weapon he didn't care for. Apparently the Emperor has paid them all a visit! Celebrity recognition for brawling, huzzah.

But no, in reality they were not supposed to be in this jail cell, but given every cell was packed by the rioters there was no choice but to stuff them all in the sacred cell. Which turned out to have a secret passage for escaping. They were given the option of going up or going below. He thought to himself a moment before slapping his knees and standing up. "Off to adventure then. There might be a reward for assisting them." He mused as he stretched his arms over his head and then leaned back. He had been sitting long enough, and a couple others went into the tunnel in short order.

"You lot coming into the secret escape route? He questioned, amused by the fact the tunnel was even there. Without really waiting for an answer he lumbered along into the dark behind the others who went ahead. From what had been said it sounded like it was more hectic up top. He wasn't one to shy away from a fight but he was unarmed, who knew where his stuff was, and most people tended to use actual swords versus a sharpened wedge of steel and punching only worked so well. Tunnel was potentially safer to deal with. Potentially.

Kharne was seated next to a rather animated Redguard woman who was trying to pester him about his travels alongside the other Argonian on the other side of her. A young man talked about cards or dice, probably confiscated if anyone had them. He didn't speak yet, too busy thinking about how he even got in this situation while his arms were crossed over his chest. He had been drinking at a tavern, or inn, he didn't really know the difference between them, and he had been bumped. Which normally wouldn't have bothered him, alcohol and people equaled rowdiness. But the bumper had been a Dunmer, a very drunk Dunmer who had said things he shouldn't have. And then vomited on his feet which got even more ire from Kharne.

Needless to say it's hard to recognize who the man was now, even magic couldn't fix that much damage and get it back to normal. The only thing that saved the drunk from dying was the guards already dealing with riots and were already in the area. So now Kharne got to sit in jail, a very packed jail. A small packed jail cell with a female Dunmer who had that holier than thou look. Kharne's eyes were practically glowing with hatred for her and he knew nothing about the woman while his hands clenched on his biceps. But guilty by association rules the reptilian mans mind.

A different small cluster of people were talking about using shit water, which dragged his eyes over and away from the Dunmer woman. A young man in fancier garb than the rest of them was bickering about tea, a strange drink. Soggy leaves staining water brown that was so mildly sweet it didn't matter. Events didn't stop there, a big Khajiit broke out of the cell across from them, spoke to the guards, and was escorted into their jam packed cell. The guards acted like it was just another normal day. Big fluff introduced himself as Kiffar before he was verbally assaulted by a Bosmer.

All the noise was starting to overstimulate the normally quiet and reclusive Argonian. Oh by the gods now an older looking woman was talking to the fancy lad and she talked weird! Kiffar was quick to go hunting for a seat, given that size anyone would move. Or suffer death by crushing fluff possibly."Welcome to this side of the corridor, Kiffar. I'm Kharne." He rumbled, his voice surprisingly deep for his species. His voice was low, rumbling like thunder overhead, and held a slight rasp Argonians were known for. His eyes cut to the woman seated next to himself. "And you?" He questioned so he wasn't entirely rude.
So don't go by the game ranks and get descriptive is the gist?
Soooo how deep into skills/magic are we goin? >.> Cuz I am scrounging my way through that wiki and memory and I don't wanna go overboard XD
Give to me elder scrolls! (Morrowind forever favorite but oblivion is a second fave)
Kharne's nose tiwtched as he followed the strange smell of rot. That was moving. Well dead people and animals didn't just move around on their own, granted they didn't really have this particular brand of odor either. But it was close enough for those who weren't regularly around dead things. Or making things dead! Turns out it was so9me guy in a suit, and judging by his looks he was of the undead variety of being. Which one he wasn't sure but it hardly mattered.

The smaller man greeted him, his tone laced with annoyance while dictating the loot here was his. "I'm not after loot, I'm after people." He stated, his voice was deep and rumbling like distant thunder from a storm. "A gaggle of merchants wanted me to look into missing people and it seems I found their belongings...and potentially their ending too." He continued while looking down at the undead man in the once fancy suit.

"I don't leave jobs undone, so it'd be in your best interest to tell me what you know." He growled threateningly. He didn't know if the undead man could figure out what he was, but it didn't matter really. Kharne looked the lummox but he was far from it and he practically lived by fuck around and find out.
Kharne was grumbling to himself the whole time from the point of entry. Had to be a sewer...couldn't have been a forest....hell a volcanic cave would be better than this. He thought to himself as he moved along nimbly despite his size. He was trying to avoid the water as much as possible. It wasn't that he didn't like water, he was a good swimmer and it was relaxing, it was the grossness in the water. Every so often he'd cut his palm and leave a smear of his blood, a trail of marks to follow back out in case he got lost in this place.

"Yeah you can get used to smells...but how long does that take...?" He muttered as he entered a centralized chamber. Each tunnel seemed to come from a different era of construction. Which was strange but hey if it ain't broke don't fix it! Behind the falls were mounds of clothes and armor, discarded gear from....someones lunch possibly? The stuff had a bizarre scent with little to nothing from the original owners. Assuming it's not an alien shapeshifting hivemind... His modern thoughts invaded once again!

Running his fingers through his hair for a moment he sighed and followed the trail of the scent behind the waterfall. Whatever was at the end of it might have the answers to where his targets were. He briefly wondered if he'd get a reward if whatever was at the end of this was the cause of all the caravans going missing? Not that he particularly cared about money...but having some jingle jangle in the pocket never hurt! Now what would be at the end of this tunnel, hm?
Name: Kharne Blackmantle

Age: 24



Kharne is a behemoth of a man standing at six feet and nine inches and built like a heavy weight boxer. His skin is lightly tanned with dozens of scars crisscrossing it. His clothing is made from dyed silk, dark smokey gray sleeveless shirt and black pants. He provided the silk making it as strong as some armors that exist! His belt, bracer, wrist-band, and fur-lined boots are made from blackened leather.

Monster Form

He has not mastered his beast and is only able to turn into this monstrous unfinished form. Muscle and sinew are visible instead of smooth chitin. He's still gigantic in this form and can produce poison and webbing.

TYPE: Spider Skinwalker

Rank: Gold

  • Piercing Cleaver: A huge cleaver, roughly four feet long eight inches wide and half an inch thick, made of well polished iron that has a wedge on the back. The grip is made of a stained mahogany and has a patina covered brass pommel and 'cross-guard'.
  • Monster Silk Clothing: Simple garb made from his silk that is akin to armor without the weight and movement hampering. The coloring is dull and blends in to non-vibrant backgrounds. The leather belt and wrist-band are studded with iron spikes, his boots and bracer are lined with fur, and his fingerless glove is silk.
  • Bag of Things: A small back that is at the small of his back attached to his belt. It's a magical item that holds more than it should be capable of. It holds a couple water-skins, a bottle of wine, a special flask, money, and numerous meaty snacks from various creatures.

  • Monstrous Capabilities: Given that Kharne is a Skinwalker he is unnaturally powerful. His strength is immense, his speed unreal, and his reflexes frightening for such a young Skinwalker, possibly from his hunting habits and being of the Spider background.
  • Monstrous Defenses: As a Skinwalker he is resistant to most damages, minus silver of course, and has regenerative capabilities considering only decapitation seems to be what can kill him.
  • Spider Traits: He's a spider type, he has webs. No it doesn't just come from above his butt, he can spit it with his mouth. The webbing is quite strong and durable, able to easily keep a horse aloft. They can be sticky or they can be more like silk from moth larvae. As a spider he does house poison glands. Granted his won't kill someone unless he just injects the whole payload. But a bite can cause incredible pain, inflammation in the bite area, and fevers.
  • Champion: In his previous life he was a fighter, specifically Boxing and Kick Boxing. He was a natural at punching and kicking things, so much so he got into the big leagues with his skills.
  • Boost!: Using his limited magical capabilities he can increase his physical capabilities by 1.5x. This only affects his Strength, Speed, and Reflexes. The Boost effect is toggled on and off via his equipment, One Round on One Round off.
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