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@Eric HorstThank you! Accepted, you can move it to the character tab.
@Eric HorstI usually prefer real pictures or extremely realistic art, but if that is all you can find to match your character then I will accept!
@Eric HorstHell yeah! Go right ahead (:

Araceli Aesha Patel
24 | Female | Indian
Nurse (NP) | Bi-sexual | Single
Psychological Profile

Appearance Details
With dark features and honeyed skin, Araceli is the epitome of Indian beauty. Her eyes a rich sienna, married with lighter amber flecks. Her hair is a generously saturated brown, cascading in loose waves to the middle of her back. Araceli has raised cheekbones and a narrow but prominent nose, lush lips and a sharp chin pulling her facial structure together. Her body is pleasantly curvaceous for her thin figure, slight shoulders and a humble bosom are accentuated by broader hips and a restricted waist. Drawn-out legs giving her a taller appearance despite her underwhelming stature of 5'4".

Character Synopsis
Araceli originated from India, spending a good portion of her childhood there before her father passed. Her mother would pack up the remaining family consisting of Araceli and her brother, to live in the USA. Araceli would spend the remainder of her childhood and teenage years in the city of New York. Her mother would take on multiple jobs just to keep the small family afloat, a single mother with little to no education to aid her. Watching her mother struggle, Araceli would strive for a decent education, beginning medical school in New York before catching the attention of a model scout. Medical school would be put on the back shelf for a while as Araceli explored the life of a model. The occupation proved to be crucial, the income enough to provide for her family. Soon the job would take her to Fairbanks, AL. where she would reside for a while, participating in strenuous shoots. One evening, after Araceli had finished shooting for the day, she received a phone call. Tragedy had struck, her mother and brother losing their lives in a fatal car accident. Having no other family in New York, Araceli would remain in Alaska, abandoning her occupation as a model to take up medical schooling once more, eventually graduating as a Nurse Practitioner.

While living in Alaska provided tranquility, Araceli yearned for a new atmosphere, thus applying for and being accepted into a group of volunteers testing a new Alaskan Airline. Having been to Hawaii once before with an agency, Araceli eagerly offered her services to the airline.

Airplanes were so advanced these days, what could go wrong?

This mentality would soon dissipate as the trip took a turn for the worst. The small aircraft would be racked with turbulence, the speakers overhead alerting the passengers of their fate. Somehow, the pilot had lost all contact with air traffic control, their destination construed, path to Hawaii entirely missed leaving them airborne in the wrong direction for hours without guidance. A horrible situation would only worsen as the plane hit a storm, one last announcement instructing passengers to stay calm and embrace for impact and then...


Araceli is a very intelligent and vibrant girl, she appreciates the smallest aspects in life and lives each day like it is her last. Having lost her family, Araceli holds relationships close to her heart, the fear of losing another person often causing her to suffocate those she loves with affection and nurturing. Her past leads to episodes of depression, the sudden loss also triggering a compulsive disorder within her. However, these two portions of her personality are very minor, the bubbly more flirtatious side of her dominating.


Current Attire

@BootyMerchantExcellent CS ! Accepted !

@Eric Horst@Mikolaj Perzyna CS's look great, can you add a picture for your character as well? It's the
Still accepting of course!
Open and accepting characters. Express your interest in a position (:
Still accepting!
Made the OOC, head on over !
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