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@KahleenCuthaldAgreed.. I loved this RP. But we seem to have few characters, people leaving without notice, and it makes it really hard to continue when only one kingdom has a king or queen.. ):
@Eviledd1984You can begin now
@KuramaaaZNo worries, look forward to seeing it!
@Eviledd1984Awesome, accepted! If you haven't, you can join the Discord.
@Zoey WhiteAccepted, hell yeah another model!

TIME OF DAY: Evening
HEALTH: Head injury


Warmth, it washed over so gracefully, lulling Araceli into a tranquil state. The previous endeavor that was the airplane's wreck, had thoroughly exhausted her. But now? Everything was still, it was as if the world had been put on pause, allowing a break from the chaos that had erupted. For a moment Araceli presumed she had died among the others in the crash, drowned maybe, or just found her demise upon impact. Part of her felt thankful, she much preferred the solitude she was currently soaking in. But just as Araceli was beginning to accept the fate that had been sprung upon her, the tranquility was mercilessly torn away, forcing her to the reality of things. A loud gasp would propel its way out of her throat, water spewing with each gag. The warmth that once cradled her was entirely absent now, leaving a frantic Araceli to desperately attempt to compose herself. Her surroundings became apparent, water engulfing the entirety of her body. A panic-stricken Araceli began thrashing, hands jetting out to helplessly cling to anything she could, latching onto one of the floating airplane seats. The instance caused her to recollect what had happened, the plane had crashed, fallen apart, she remembered hitting the water and finding a seat to hold onto. But after that, everything was dark, as if it had been erased from her memory. The sudden uproar of the waves would knock Araceli from her thoughts, each violent clash sending her beneath the oceans surface only to clamber back up in a frenzied rush. It was horrifying, each time she lost her grip on the only thing keeping her afloat, her life flashed before her eyes. She could feel her body wearing, each lashing forcing her to exert energy she didn't have. This would continue on for a while, the waves settling momentarily to allow Araceli to comprehend where she was. There was nothing around her, the waters rise and fall blocking her view. The only thing within swimming distance appeared to be some sort of shoreline, the only hope she had of surviving. Utilizing the minuscule energy she had left, Araceli fought against the unforgiving waves, her body screaming out in agony, disputing the effort she was forcing. Tears began to well in her eyes, but their existence was smothered by the salty water that raked at her cheeks.

Finally, water became sand, but Araceli's desperate thrashing would continue as she clawed her way out of the ocean. Her body would eventually crumple, trembling arms dragging dead weight across sand. It felt as if broken glass was scraping against her skin, tugging at her clothes that were surprisingly still in tact despite being tossed around ruthlessly. Her panicked scrabbling would cease as she realized she was no longer in the water, rolling over to lay on her back as eyes of sienna gazed in a stunned state. Araceli would stay in this position for a prolonged time, shock settling in, her lithe frame racked with tremors. Her mind was a blur, pleading with her to move, scream, do something in reaction to the horrid events that had unfolded. Despite her inner thoughts attempting to shake her from the shock, she remained still, unblinking, chest rising and falling with haste. The sudden sound of movement would successfully reel Araceli out, shifting to sit up, attention darting to the figures forcing their bodies from the ocean in the same manner she had. Reality would once again come into view, painting a clear picture of what had happened, the eerie stillness that once entranced her, diminishing. An aghast shriek ripped through Araceli's throat, her hands gripping the sand as she heaved her body to a stand. Her face would contort into a terrified expression, naturally honeyed complexion shifting to that of a ghastly nature. She was consumed with fear, sobs interrupted by hacking up the sea water she had choked down numerous times. The whimpering would fade out, fingers raising to delicately dab at her forehead, bringing her hand in view to see it was tainted by a stain of scarlet. It was clear she had hit her head at some point during the crash or even the thrashing in the water. The frenzied panic she had previously been in, dulled to a hazy state of confusion. It wasn't shock, more so a reaction to the blood that was now trickling faintly from her forehead towards her eye and cheek. She didn't mind blood no, that wasn't the issue, it was the incessant throbbing that surged through her skull, eyes closing tightly in response, a vain attempt to shut out the pain.

Where the hell was she? How had this happened? Who else survived?

Question after question drilled at her, only worsening the lurking migraine. Araceli exhaled a distressed groan, stumbling through the sand towards the grass and treeline. This island was very clearly of tropical nature, part of her wondered if maybe they had somehow made it to Hawaii, or maybe one of Hawaii's island's. She was unsure of course, the unknown the thing driving the most fear into her. "H-Hello..? What the fuck happened, what do we do?!" Araceli called out, her voice raspy from the excessive saltwater she had consumed. Her stumbling continued but her vision was muddled, the drumming in her head causing splotches of black to invade her vision, something typical of a migraine, annoying but not detrimental to her health. However, it did make navigating quite complicated, her arms thrusting forward as a precaution.

@Eric HorstYes indeed!
@Eviledd1984Indeed we do and yes!
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