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@Sol GrimWe are still on! (:
@KahleenCuthaldI think she is still dealing with a family crisis. ):
@HaeoYeah, I will try to get more people or beat this to death with the peeps we have lmao.
Will there be a Discord?

LOCATION: Apartment → Hekate’s Crystals & Curios
INTERACTION(S): @cerozer0@murdoc

L y r a ‍⛧ ‍ P r o c t o r

After the incident with the raven, Lyra was left dumbfounded and bewildered, wondering where the bird had come from and why it had flown into her home with such drive. Almost as if it had a task, a goal that had required visiting her home. Lyra shook her head, thinking for a moment, she had an idea of what it had meant, that idea tugging at her lips to form a smirk. She would allow things to unfold themselves, stripping out of the robe that currently draped over her curves, a new, similarly sheer dress replacing it. Bare feet would find cover within a unique appearing set of heeled boots. Satisfied with her appearance, Lyra dismissed herself from her apartment, strolling off into the brisk weather Salem had to offer. Her target was a little shop that sold crystals and such, this that she could use to perform spells. It was a lovely little shop, one of the only ones she could find that carried real, authentic crystals and herbs. It was perfect for her and any other witch, providing a wide array of different utensils for witchcraft. Upon entering the store, the little bell above the door would jingle, alerting those inside of a new guest. Lyra hummed to herself absentmindedly, eyes wandering the store briefly before setting upon a section that held an assortment of crystals, herbs, candles, sage, tarot cards, and much more. Gentle hands would lift different objects, eyeing them with care before placing said object back in its home. Lyra had a set shopping list, needing more herbs and candles mostly due to the activities that had occurred earlier that day.

"Hello? Could either of you assist me in finding your Adder's Tongue, Angelica Leaves, Arabic Gum, and Asafetida? I have purchased them here before, but it looks as if you may be out. Do you have any in the back, or know when the next shipment will be in?" Lyra called out towards the front desk within the store, exiting the aisle she was in to approach the two workers behind said desk. A warm smile painted itself across the inky haired woman's features, head tilting curiously as she awaited a response. She was rather impatient however and would soon find her way around the store once again, glancing at other objects, fiddling with the other herbs that the store had to offer. Her attention would be captured by the crystals now, one could never have too many of them. They all provided such rich energy when mixed together, a wonderfully diverse source of power. Snatching one of the small baskets provided for customers, Lyra would begin to fill it with one or two larger crystals, shifting towards the herbs to grab those that did similar magic as the ones she could not find. Arbutus, Anise Seed and Alkanet would have to do for now, healing was an essential aspect to witchcraft. Many spells drained energy from a witch, leaving them fragile and susceptible to the dangers darker magic consisted of. Lyra knew her form of witchcraft required her to have herbs of healing nature, no matter the type, any healing would aid her after a rough or intense spell.

Candles would be next, most would assume any candle would do, but that was the furthest from the truth. While a normal candle could be used, it provided a weaker flame and less energy. Lyra preferred non-scented, red or white candles. The color was irrelevant but she loved the way the red and white wax mixed so wildly as the candle dripped. Finding four decently sized candles, Lyra would deposit them into her basket, satisfied with her decisions so far. While she knew she could stay in the store all day, she wanted to get the items back home and in place for the next time she would need them. Besides, she didn't much like being out in public with people she was unfamiliar with, while she had been to the store countless times, she was not friendly enough with the workers to get to know them. Lyra was careful not to get close to people, she knew the dangers that lurked within the world and especially Salem. People who despised her bloodline and abilities to perform witchcraft.. Part of her believed these people were envious, fickle hunters incapable of doing anything but killing... Pathetic.

With a soft exhale and shake of her head, Lyra would regather her thoughts, approaching the desk once more. There was a brief line, two or three other customers, likely posers, which was the majority that shopped here. It was a decent guise, shopping among teenagers or weird elderly folk, those who pretended to have powers or faked psychic abilities. It hid her well, those who worked there would likely assume she was some bat-shit insane cat lady who chanted nonsense, throwing lit sage around to rid her home of demons. The thought pulled a giggle from Lyra's lips, her free hand moving to conceal her mouth while her head shook is disbelief. Oh how dumb people could be, humans were so naive.

@Zoey WhiteAraceli is an NP! Lol, and indeed, I expect to see a few injured players. Araceli has a gash on her forehead, likely other nicks and forming bruises. They will all be very sore lol.
@Zoey WhiteGo ahead and steal away! Lol, I thought it looked cool and would give a little insight on the character each post.
If you guys are willing to continue I can try to keep this going and try to recruit more players? Tell me what you all think.

Made a new Discord for the people that hadn't joined the other.

@Jinxer@Lord Zee@Raylah@Fi@Silence Sounds@Haeo@sly13@KahleenCuthald@GingerBoi123@mercenarius@Sol Grim@shamrocknroll
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