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𝚂 𝚞 𝚋 𝚓 𝚎 𝚌 𝚝 # : 𝟼 𝟷 𝟼

"Subject 616 is unresponsive to inflicted pain, we have increased the voltage to 200 milliamps." A voice belonging to a man by the name of Dr. Folger spoke out, scribbling data onto a paper placed on a clipboard. A recorder sat on the desk before him, taking in the information he spoke out. His eyes shifted to look through the two-way mirror in front of him, inside was an all white room with a chair in the middle. Restrained in the chair was a girl, youthful in appearance with a blank expression. Her skin was riddled with burns and lacerations, however they were slowing disappearing as time went on. This was something most subjects were capable of, self-healing minor wounds was something that made testing a lot easier. "Dr. Fitz, please enter the testing room and remove 616's gloves. Bring a dummy subject in for her after." The man spoke again, a much older looking scientist following his orders. Dr. Fitz would enter the testing room that contained 616, his body concealed by a heavy duty suit. His own glove clad hands would remove the gloves that encased 616's hands and abilities. Before exiting, the man would pause. He stared at 616's features, his own face contorting into a pitiful expression. The emotionless state 616 was in was enough to make anyone uneasy... But becoming distracted was dangerous. "What the hell are you doing Fitz, get out of there before she hurts you!" Dr. Folger's serious tone broke Fitz's moment of weakness, he shook his head and cleared his throat before exiting the room.

A few moments would pass before the heavy door slid open once more to reveal a bony, almost skeletal figure. The figure was riddled with scars, cuts, bruises, and other horrible wounds. He lacked muscle and fat and trembled uncontrollably. This was a dummy subject, a lesser subject used as a punching bag for more prominent subjects. The door would close behind the shaking man, his eyes darting around the room in a terrified manner. 616's restraints would retract, allowing her the ability to move around freely. However, she would remain seated, eyes locked on the wall in front of her. The dummy shuffled to a corner, cowering with his knees pulled tightly to his chest.
"P-Please.. don't hurt me..” The dummy pleaded with 616, but she remained silent, dismissing his presence entirely for what seemed like forever. The dummy opened his mouth to speak once more but was interrupted by the shifting of 616. Her attention would finally be on the dummy, her electronic eye's black color coming to life with a deep crimson glow. Her lips would purse and before the dummy could speak, a bloodcurdling whistle rang out through the room. The dummy subject opened his mouth to scream, but instead a wave of blood poured out, the same occurring with his eyes, nose, and ears. He clawed at the floor desperately until his fingertips were raw, grabbing at his ears and hair in a vain attempt to block out the noise. His body would flop onto its back, seizing violently on the floor, a pale pink foam frothing at his lips. This was all logged by the scientists, the red color in her electronic eye, something they had never seen nor programmed, likely created by 616 herself. As soon as the whistle had begun, it ended, the dummy falling limp and lifeless in a pool of blood and other bodily fluids. 616 blinked twice, returning her attention to the wall in front of her as if nothing had even happened.

"Splendid job 616, you will be rewarded additional free-time.. please stay seated and we will get you an escort to the main level." Dr. Folger spoke over the intercom, praising 616 for what she had done. It was such an odd dynamic, kill someone with your powers and you are rewarded... Fight a scientist with your powers and you'd be punished. Of course they were protected, as if they were so much more important than everyone else. 616 stayed still and was soon gloved once more and brought to the main level of the facility where she would be permitted to have her free-time. 616 was unable to enjoy the outdoors as a reward, her powers lacking enough data to know whether or not she could be entirely restrained while outside. She had only been out a handful of times, and each time she was forced to wear a heavy suit made of the same material as her gloves. It was hot, she felt suffocated and didn't even get to enjoy the cool breeze or the scents the outdoors emitted. She often declined the outdoors as a reward now, unwilling to wear that horrid suit.. Instead she was given gifts or treats, things like additional free-time or sleeping time, an extra meal. On one rare occurrence she received a dress as a reward. It was her favorite article of clothing she owned, they weren't allowed many and often had to wear plain white smocks or hospital gowns. 616 wore the dress almost everyday unless it was being washed. She adored the way it hugged at her figure, it fell like liquid, clinging to her skin perfectly. It had lace trimming and intricate details, yet was so simple.

For her free-time, 616 made her way towards the study. At the entrance she would pause and examine those within briefly before entering. She found her spot in the reading nook by the window. It was a small cushioned bench attached to the window that allowed her a comfortable place to daydream. 616 sat facing the window, pressing her finger against the thick glass, her finger like a paint brush, smudging little doodles on the surface of the glass. 616 shifted on the cushioned bench, moving so that her back was now against the glass. Her eyes would flutter shut, curtaining her vision as the warmth of the sun embraced her back, lulling her into a tranquil state. She had recognized a few of the faces within the community room with her, other subjects she had been around for years. However, she had spoken little to no words to any of them.. She didn't like people, they didn't like her. It was easier being distant because it didn't allow connections, with no connections you'd feel no loss when said connections were severed. There was one person in the facility she allowed herself to be "human" with. A man that had tested on her several times for a very long time, the creator of her whistle... although it had been entirely unintended. She didn't trust the man, but she liked him and the attention he gave her. He was much kinder than the other scientists and it made her feel a sense of security whether she admitted that or not. He was someone she confided in often, telling him how her abilities made her feel. She had once revealed to him that she enjoyed the pain her whistle inflicted, unable to comprehend what pain really was but enjoying the results nonetheless. He was one of the only people able to listen to her and not become uneasy by her lack of humanity. It was refreshing, everyone needed an outlet and he seemed to be hers.

616 inhaled softly, eyes flicking open once more. The preset blue and green of her electronic eye was now a soft violet hue, pulsing and shifting with intensity. It seemed her daydreaming had impacted the color of the eye, something she was unsure if she had control of.. While her brain and body lacked emotion, it was almost as if the eye contained all of her humanity which was quite ironic seeing as it was an electronic.

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