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    1. Etherdrop 11 yrs ago


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He's likely busy with work. Give him some time.
Yeah, wordpad + save = Best Friend for Ether now a these days.
"God damn my head hurts."

The proclamation was a reiterating statement to say the least as David attempted to press the tab on the soda machine for a bottle of water... only to get a can of Sprite Zero instead. He looked at the container of pain killers in his left hand and the can of soda that sat in the machine. There was a pause in any other actions as he tried to overcome the huge hangover enough to process what just happened. "Soda and pain killers... wonderful."

Without being able to much of anything given his predicament, David reached down and took the soda. He began grumbling to himself as he popped the lid of the nearly empty bottle pain killers and took the remaining quantity into his mouth before tossing the bottle over his back into the cylinder trash can. It was hard to remember much of the night before besides the great sex and finding himself in a motel room with two women in his bed, but for him that was the only thing he really cared to remember since the phone call had gotten his naked butt up and moving for the day.

Drinking the sprite with his painkillers was nothing less than disgusting. The feeling of the painkillers' coating dissolving onto his tongue just before he swallowed them down reminded him of those crappy vitamin tablets that the doctors gave you as a kid. "Today was supposed to be my day off. Just my luck."

Entering through the double doors of the meeting room in it's normal ceremonious fashion of key card and handprint, David noticed that he wasn't late nor would he be noticed too much given the talking that made his head feel like it was in a vice. This meant he needed a seat as far away from the speaker until the pks' effect kicked in. Sadly the only seats present were the ones available at an oval table that seemed to stand there in a way that mocked him. The silver table and the light fixtures added that equilibrium of blurriness that made David give a grumbling sigh to himself as he found a seat and eased into it.

He was sure the direction of chit chat would eventually switch to talk about him, but simply ignored such prattle and brought the soda up to his lips to drink it down. Remarkably the sprite was helping ease the headache a bit - or perhaps the painkillers were kicking in? Tilt his head back, David brought the back of his free hand to cover his eyes and he gave a soft groan of disatifaction.
Name: David (No recorded last name.)
Age: 30

Gender: Male
David's mentality is that of a born and bred soldier. Despite possessing a high level of intellect, his peers have always registered David as the type of tough guy that appears to be brought around for muscle more than anything else. Although real war doesn't exist anymore, there are plenty of "battlefields" that David has been to in the minds of the Psychopaths. It's due to the repeated stressful battlefields that David follows the philosophy of "Body, Mind, Soul" both in and out of his jobs. Fortunately, like most soldiers, David's also a bit of a secret pervert at heart. So a night out on the town with a few beautfiul women can easily help him "recover".

Work and pleasure are rarely ever mixed in David's decisions. He may be excited by a flash of toned leg or a glimpse of cleavage, but it will never influence his decisions when he's on the job. Being a professional also means knowing when to kill your emotions and David's considered himself a soldier for a long time. As such, he isn't afriad to do what's necessary for his teammates and is willing to make the sacrifices necessary to get the job done... no matter how cruel, heartless, or demonizing it may be.

Writing Sample:
"Yes, yes... And maybe said "beau" will meet with an untimely disappearance head first down a well or over a bridge. Remember, siostra, the world is not safe and wolves still cloak themselves in sheep's clothing." The retort was made in dismay towards the over friendliness his sister exhibited at times towards complete strangers. Roy did not enjoy the notion of standing out amongst his peers for one simple reason: It made it harder to do things unnoticed if he did.

'A meeting in the mess hall... sounds like just about every other day in the past. Though I wonder what will be different from this day as opposed to then?' Roy entertained the mild musing as the two siblings continued their trek to the usual spot. He stretched both of his arms out towards the ceiling before resting his hands behind his head while he walked. 'This is our first actual mission as a group... I probably should have actually paid attention to the others enough to have had some kind of reference to who they are and what their worth was.'

Roy tried to steal a glance at his sister, but was immediately caught and met with a smile in return. He immediately returned his glance to the mess hall entrance that came closer and closer.

'Oh well, it doesn't matter worrying about the past now. It is what it is.'

Entering the mess hall, Roy followed his sister's every step as if he were her shadow. The glances some of the men would occasionally make towards her were countered this way by Roy's own glare back. It wasn't meant to be intimidating, but no guy actually enjoyed being caught red handed with his hand in the cookie jar and Roy would not let any man get away with trying to 'taste' his sister be it physical, mental, or visual. Eventually their journey reached it's conclusion at the usual two seats they would sit at every day. He remained standing while he surveyed the area about him, taking note of his surroundings one last time before taking a seat next to his sister. The two men and woman in front of him weren't of much concern to him as the one who seemed agitated while standing in line. Supposedly all four of them were a part of the team, but anything beyond that was still a mystery. Which meant that, until they prove they could be trusted, Roy would be watching them. After all, his sister's protection was his first priority.
So many bronies... XD

Sup Ic, I'll be writing a character sheet sooner than later. Looking forward to rping with you soon.
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