O s a m u

(Pictured wearing a family uniform)
Personal Dossier
NameKenzo Osamu
OriginAomori, Aomori Prefecture, Japan
Physical DescriptionOsamu is 172cm tall (5’8”) and possesses a well-toned physique. Osamu makes a point of having his black hair cut short and made presentable, and would never be seen in anything short of the neatest, if unimaginative, clothing. Due to his generally stoic demeanour, Osamu maintains an intense expression on his face at almost all times, even if he doesn’t mean to.
Personal HistoryOsamu is the son of Miura Kenzo, a politician known for his conservative, nationalistic and nigh-bigoted beliefs. Their family has a history of military service, and Miura prides himself on being descended from someone who fought and died in the name of his country. As a child, Osamu didn’t pay much attention to his father’s politics. While he never opposed him, he never really took his fiery words to heart. Rather than seeking to follow in his father’s footsteps, he wanted to become a Hero like many young boys. One notion he did take from his father was a disdain for U.A. and many mainstream heroic institutions. Partly due to being a graduate of Ishin Academy, Miura was highly critical of the frivolousness of modern heroes, believing they should serve the public interest rather than compete for rankings. The youthful idealist in Osamu agreed, and he vowed to be a man that looked out for others rather than seeking personal gain.
As a young teenager, Osamu had a close knit group of friends. Every one of them entertained aspirations of heroism, but not all of them had much talent for it. Osamu, however, considered it his mission to try and help his fellows make the best of themselves, and always invited them to join him in learning martial arts. Miura was initially supportive of Osamu’s group, and even paid for lessons for those that could not afford it. However, when the group came to include two Zainichi Koreans, siblings named Joji and Jun, Miura became immediately hostile. He counseled Osamu to disassociate with them, spewing all sorts of hateful rhetoric. For the first time in his life, Osamu openly defied his father, refusing to cut ties with his new friends.
Osamu continued to visit his friends until one day when his wallet went missing. It happened at a time when he had been with the Zainichi siblings and a few others. When they were unable to find it, Osamu’s father was quick to suggest one of the siblings had stolen it. Osamu naturally refused to believe it, and defended him to his father’s face. Going behind Osamu’s back, Miura arranged for the police to investigate the sibling’s house, and found the wallet in Joji’s room. Osamu initially didn’t want to believe it, but after neither sibling had been prepared to speak with him since, and with his father constantly speaking bile into his ear, Osamu resigned himself to the situation. He grew alienated from his friends, and spent some time in relative isolation.
Eventually, Osamu got over himself, and resolved that whatever the case was, he still had a dream to live up to. While a great deal of his idealism had died of late, he still wanted to be a hero that would do right by somebody, if not everyone. He threw himself back into his martial arts and exercise, preparing for the day that he would make his debut at Ishin Academy in earnest.
Character Development & ConceptualizationAfter reading through the premise, I felt that this school could use at least one character that is in line with the spirit of the school. Osamu is based on a character I have made before, though heavily adapted to fit the setting. Obviously, the character could be described as ever so slightly racist, though hopefully not to a degree that people will find distasteful. I hope to express Osamu’s prejudices in a subtle fashion, rather than having him be a caricature that runs around shouting slurs. Naturally, I’m expecting to have his prejudices challenged in due time, though as in all things, it remains to be seen what the exact result of his experiences will entail.
In spite of his prejudices, Osamu is still intended to be a mostly good person. He will try to help others and breed a sense of camaraderie among his peers. This will be subject to change depending on the demeanour of those he finds himself around, but barring any overwhelming hostility, he will likely try to become something of a leader among those that will allow him to. In regards to those who aren’t fully or even partially Japanese, he will be inclined to politely maintain a distance from them until otherwise encouraged to overcome his aversion to them.
Abilities & Talents
Quirk TypeEmitter
Quirk DescriptionThe quirk is named Rising Sun, and it entails absorbing solar energy and storing it in Osamu’s body until it needs to be used. Osamu can use it by ejecting it from his hands in a concentrated form, allowing him to, for example, create searing beams of solar power. These attacks naturally create intense light, and are harmful to look at directly. However, concentrated attacks tend to drain Osamu’s reserves quite quickly, and the energy charges fairly slowly even in direct sunlight, hence Osamu tends to favour smaller, less flashy uses of his power.
One crippling disadvantage to his power is the fact that he cannot recharge it at night or in any location where the sun’s rays cannot reach him. While energy can be stored and kept until a time where he needs it, it will be quickly drained and unable to replenish if he were to use it liberally under those circumstances.
Other Talents & AttributesTrained Martial Artist: Ever since he was young, Osamu wanted to learn martial arts in order to be better as a Hero. Encouraged by his father, Osamu spent much time over his formative years learning Judo. He is not only skilled in said martial art, but has also reaped the benefits of the regular exercise associated with it.
Amateur Tactician: Learning of his families’ military history from his father, Osamu became interested in military tactics after reading more about it. While you probably wouldn’t want to put him in charge of a military unit just yet, you might find he’ll come up with an inspired idea from time to time.