Cool! That's too! If we get a few more I will begin writing stuff up.
@Ever He really feels for people who struggle to communicate, because he's always been pretty open - more to do with how he was raised than anything else. I figure he'd have quite an amplified read on her than most people because her ability involves active projection - although it might be interesting if she can exert her ability on him without speech because of it (although that would probably depend on how her ability works). Although she probably wouldn't take advantage of that too much? (I don't know) It'd probably be quite difficult for him to be around her though due to the intensity of her emotions - he feels things pretty deeply and sometimes gets really overloaded - but he'd think it was worth it if they became genuine friends and he thought he was helping her in terms of communication.
@Ever Actually kind of curious on how our characters' powers might interact - do you have any thoughts?
@Ever I feel Alice would confuse Iris at first read - sometimes the darkness and anger would scare her, and sometimes she would be strangely drawn to the masked girl. Want to build on that with a micro scene, or have ideas about which way that would land? What would Alice think of Iris?
@Gingerboi123 Iris would be polite and courteous to him, and might be cautiously friendly but that would depend on whether she caught a glimpse of the humanity beneath. Thoughts?