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    1. Excidius 11 yrs ago


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I had a hankering... so I made brownies with peanut butter icing... it's like when I get cookie cravings at half past midnight.

... I'm a delight to live with :-p
There's a chocolate eclair waiting for your character's face when you're ready Misa
How creative can we be? One of the great things about Evangelion was how it turned from sci-fi to almost spiritual fiction (at least how I saw it), so there would obviously be a lot of hidden aspects of our characters to develop later on... That being said, are they "just" Eva pilots? Can we have funky-yet-plausible prototypes? Can we go deep in our backgrounds and set up stuff for later on?

I guess it depends how linear you want to go with the series' storyline.
I've been in RPs that accepted single paragraph posts (like four lines). It gets out of hand SO FAST! Eventually we came up with a rule of having character interaction being done in somewhat of a chat room, edited for coherence, then posted by one of the involved players.
I suppose this would count as blasphemy for your teachers...

I remember my bio teacher from high school... HUGE MAN (not overweight; his hands were roughly the size of a sheet of paper). He had been on his way to the major leagues of hockey until he took a puck to the head and had a ridiculous concussion after which the doctors advised against a career... Seriously.

Then a bio teacher in Uni was an old hippie telling us all the tricks to screw over administration and pay less fees...

Now I'm a pastry chef :D And uhm to get to the point, I actually start an artisanal bread baking specialization course next week. Between work and school I might only post twice a week. Although I'll have long bus rides so I might be able to post from my galaxy note...
Anyone who wants to receive a pastry flat in their face is welcome to pick up on the queue I left. Or not. :P

... and I'll just leave this here because I want to belong *sobs and eats two bags of chips*.

... sorry I'm not usually this hyper.
Auguste mingled his way through the courtyard. Smiling warmly at new faces and winking or high-fiving returnees. As per tradition, he had prepared pastries : donuts, cream puffs, cinnamon buns, pie-pockets... A student named it, he had it! Contrary to popular speculation, he had NOT used any automancy on kitchen tools; his wares were a labor of love and so contained copious amounts of sweat and insomnia. He did however allow himself use of his self-replenishing box of goodies. Close the lid, tap it once, and it filled itself up from the linked cooler in the Aledine kitchens. His general view on magic was to use as little as possible, but for freshness and sanitary reasons, this was ok. « I see a lot of new faces that don't have sweets stuffed in them... and it makes me sad! », he shouted. First days were always so amusing to him. The new apprentices usually thought him to be a clown, which Oggie took some pride in. The fact remained that there was no better moment to make a good impression on the students. They all underestimated how difficult the academy could be on them; the freshmen thought it was going to be fun and games whereas returnees thought they knew what to expect. But Auguste remembered his own student days. Every year was more challenging than the last. Success, failure, fights, highs, lows... It was such a roller coaster ride. He was thankful to have the opportunity to be there for the « minions », as he liked to call the students.

As he made his way through the crowd he caught a glimpse of Adam, an overambitious student he had been tutoring since day 1. What a remarkable student. The boy had drive Auguste had rarely seen before and was capable even at a young age of quite the feats. The guidance counselor always kept hope he could sway him away from the stress of success... Perhaps this year? « Oy! Adam! », he yelled, hurling a chocolate eclair in the boy's direction. Oops. The student vanished and the pastry smacked another in the face. « Uh oh... » Auguste pivoted and spotted Mr Petrie, a mundane who taught Math. « Take this and pass them out! If it's empty you close it, tap it and VOILÀ! I mean, until there's none left. Well, you'll see. It's enchanted, so don't worry, it's not about you, it's about the box! » He felt so bad for the student he was rambling. After thrusting the box into the poor math teacher's hands he darted off to the eclaired student.
Woot! Thanks Hanged! Super excited!!! *off to the IC*
First off! I would like a co-GM with experience please. I'm new to GMing, so I want to make sure someone with a better grasp on structure can back me up! Thanks!

AAAAAALRIGHT! First off: I'm obsessed with comedic supervillains. This RP is a spin on a "WhateverCountry" Idol / Top Chef / Challenge + Elimination competition. The competitors will be faced with a variety of challenges in order to earn points and "buy" spots in the finale.

Once a week, or two weeks (depending on how quickly people post) the host will explain the next challenge and then each supervillain will have one post to detail how they take on the task. Judges will rule on who gets the point. From that point on it's free game until the next challenge is issued. It's basically a "Big Brother" house with supervillains. Characters can have ANY power. Fantasy, sci-fi... WHATEVER. Just remember, this is about being ridiculous. Think "Megamind" and "Despicable Me"... or "Izma" in Disney's "The Emperor's New Groove". You need a catch phrase, a favourite weapon, a description of your minion and a pet peave.

Anywho, That's the gist of the idea. For setting, it's pretty much current day, Marvelish, comic-bookish setting. The story will take place on Earth, But I have no issue with a supervillain coming from another planet. Any takers? I would want between six and eight supervillains. You can be a Judge if you like or even the Host. I myself have ideas for any type of character. Keep in mind though, competitors are "fledgling" villains and judges would be veteran or retired ones. The host just needs to be the most exaggerated character ever.

Post your ideas and comments! I hope this can take off!
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