'Left jab... Right cross... Jab, cross, hook, cross, roundhouse... Stay focused... Stay relax-'
The thought was cut short by the ringing of the alarm. Beck sighed as he wiped the sweat from his brow, and stepped away from the bag. 'Always something,' he thought to himself. Not many knew he kickboxed. It wasn't a technique he employed often in combat, simply because he didn't have to. Why bother, when he could simply whack an opponent with a chunk of ice? That said, it wasn't entirely a hobby; he took up a form of hand-to-hand combat at Ice's request. It was, however, extremely satisfying. He removed his gloves and handwraps as he ran to his room to suit up. The alarm could mean anything, he had to be ready.
Now out of sweats and into costume, Beck skidded out of his room and ran down the hall towards the monitor room. He noticed the fallen ditto and other heroes gathered around through the frame of the door. He rushed in during someone yelling. It sounded like Kendra, but he wasn't sure.
"... No, Question, you obviously do have a superpower. Your power is that every time you open your mouth, everyone in the room gets the powerful urge to throttle you..."
Oh boy.
Having missed the Question's analysis of the situation, Beck stooped down beside Ditto briefly, before realizing that the others would have checked vitals before he got there. Standing back up, he looked around at the faces that were actually gathered around; Kendra was there, as well as the Question, Armory, Miss Mountain... All new. Their real names weren't coming to him. Didn't matter right now. Nothing -or anybody- would have knocked Killian out from there, so something must have happened to one of his clones. Could that happen? He knew Killian felt their pain, but Beck had never seen him knocked unconscious from it...
"Maybe they all got sick of being thwarted by the Flash and are trying to, err, 'make a living', in a different city," Kendra suggested.
Thwarted by the Flash? Were his enemies attacking Star City now?
"If something's going down, we need to get out there now. And, you two. Cassandra, Question. Play nice."