I also have smalll contingents of battle mages all over my country and i was accepted o.O, and I don't think you can really compare the tolkien wizards to this because Gandalf Ratagast Saruman, Pallando and Alatar are all Istari and not really 'Humans' in the first place. Sauron could do magic but he was a Maiar, All elves in tolkien lore can do magic to some extent even if it is a passive magic. The ring wraiths were all able to use magic (though they are technically undead) Numenoreons at some point were able to wield magic as they constructed magical blades and were able to lay curses (such as on the men of Dunharrow), The Pukel men created living statues to fight their enemies, and the men of Forochel had prophetic powers. Also it is suggested the Mouth of Sauron was a mortal man who was under the tutelage of Sauron and learned grey and powerful sorcery.