Vanguard Alpha: Cyborg Soldier
Outdated Dossier;See update attached below//:_
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Loading File P-83251..._
Name: Unknown
Alias: Vanguard Alpha
Species: Cyborg
Age: Unknown
Current Charges: Destruction of property, assault, evading arrest, escaping high-security facility, murder.
Current Status: At Large
Medical File: Subject P-83251 has a near autonomous pair of cybernetic appendages physically attached to him along the shoulders and across the back. He wears a dome helmet over his head. Efforts to remove either have proven impossible. Spectrum analysis states that the helmet is made of carbon infused plexi-glass. Subject has severe scarring across the majority of his body. The AI system known as project "Vanguard" has apparently suffered a massive programming glitch. It is no longer in control of the subject, and extreme caution should be used when dealing with him.
Physical appearance: P-83251's apparel consists of a tan and black coat, black cargo pants, tennis shoes, his cybernetic arms, with interchanging blades and hands, and his helmet. His face, under the helmet, is very scarred, but not all-together un-handsome.
Personality: P-83251 speaks through a vox unit in his helmet. This gives his voice an extremely distorted quality. He is quite expressive with his shoulders, hands, and head. Not so much with his legs. He usually stands flat footed with a relaxed stance. If he isn't gesturing, his hands are stuffed into his pockets. He speaks in the third person, and refuses to acknowledge the rig to be something unnatural. EDIT: Due to recent head trauma, the subject appears to be speaking once again in the first person. Hooray.
Combat capacity: P-83251 moves with near-inhuman speed and agility. He utilizes his actual arms to disable opponents while the cybernetic rig severs limbs and eviscerates what ever is in his way. He also utilizes aerial combat, bounding and leaping across the field of combat. His blades are capable of slicing through most materials, seemingly without causing any damage their own edges. Damage inflicted to organic matter heals slowly, as the blade appears to cause tear wounds, instead of a clean cut.
Threat level: Extremely high
Weapons (Personal): Twin Carbon-titanium blades. Two Kriss Vector SMGs. Two Colt 1911.
Recommendation: Avoid combat with subject if possible. Chance of survival: Minimal
FWD: Medical file (Subject Code: Vanguard)
Hey. I finally managed to pull the file on that "Vanguard" guy the boss wanted us to find.
Loading Inner Circle Hospital Medical File..._
Loading Patient File P-83251..._
Name: Unknown
Alias: Vanguard Alpha
Species: Cyborg
Age: Unknown
Current Medical Diagnosis: Healthy
Current Status: Mildly unstable
Medical File: Patient P-83251 has been very heavily augmented, to the point where I almost can't tell where man stops and machine starts. Biologically, he's intact, head to toe, with the exception of his eyes. Those have been replaced. There is a collar around his neck with a toggle switch. When activated, it causes a sort of helmet with a large visor to form around his head. The material is unknown, and highly damage resistant, and is self repairing. Other external modifications include heavy occurrences of scarring along the face, neck, and chest. His midsection is interrupted by two cybernetic arms grafted to him. They are secured in to his rib cage and around to his spine.
Even his organs are modified. His heart has a sort of pace maker attached to it, preventing his heart rate from rising above 135 beats per minute. This device also appears to include a defibrillator. His liver has been modified as well. This device appears to be capable of filtering a wider range of toxins from his blood. He has an in-built air recycling unit, allowing for limited survival in an airless environment.
His central nervous system has also been severely modified. A small module at the base of his neck houses a microcomputer, presumably the central unit for the Vanguard system. His brain itself has several modules implanted into it, allowing for faster reflexes, suppressed pain reception, and several unknown functions. His mind also appears to be active, even in a state of heavy sedation.
His body itself is very resilient. Most wounds inflicted heal completely within a matter of hours, and his vital organs are protected by a layer of sub-dermal carbon mesh. At this time, it is unknown how his healing factor functions, but it is presumed to be linked to the small armada of nano-machines in his bloodstream, which would also account for his extremely high metabolism.
End report
FWD: Augmentations: EditedProject Vanguard, generation Alpha.
Augmentation of human subject for enhanced combat ability
Synth-muscle cybernetic appendages; 2 [Removed]
Ocular sensor module; 2 [One destroyed]
blood toxin filter; 1
O2 recycling and CO2 filter unit; 1
Vanguard central unit; 1 [Forcibly removed]
Neural combat sensor package; 1
Neural visual filter (Infra-red/Thermal/Night Vision); 1
Sub-dermal nano-mesh armor; 2 layers
Nano-plex bubble helmet implant; 1
End list
Former Dossier;Darksun Medical Database [Update: Darksun facility destroyed. Data recovery successful] >Open; Stone, Samuel U.
>File DSM/General/q-t/s/Stone_
>File Open
Name: Samuel Ulysses Stone
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Species: Human Cyborg
Eye Color: Blue (Artificial) [Note: Right eye surgically removed. Awaiting transplant (Status pending)]
Hair color: Brown
Height: 6'6" (195.5cm)
Weight: 285lbs (129kg)
Attending Medical Personnel: Doctor Nero Volarus PhD MD CnD MaD
Current Medical Status: Stabilized
Injury Report:
Puncture wounds (Middle abdomen, lower left abdomen, left lung, upper left thigh)
Major lacerations (Left and right pectorals, left cheek, right eye socket, lower right abdomen)
Minor Lacerations (Covering abdomen, left arm)
Fractures (4 ribs, left tibia [destroyed], left fibula [destroyed] left patella [removed at time of injury], clavicle, right eye socket)
Amputations (Right arm at shoulder, left leg at lower thigh, right eye, cybernetic arm augmentation sockets (Destroyed during injury))
Miscellaneous (AI Module removed. Nanite reproduction cortex removed (Destroyed during injury))
Prosthetic installation (Right arm, left leg)
Current Psychological Status: Stable (Full evaluation pending)
Recommendation: Six months recovery therapy (Rejected by patient) One year psychological therapy (Rejected by patient; Violent response)
Medication prescription: High dose anti-depressant, high dose painkiller, high dose tranquilizer
Note: He's been stabilized, for now. He was more than eager to get back on his feet and go off to be an action hero again, but I doubt he will be doing anything major for a long time. He shouldn't be alive, much less in fighting condition. Suggest long term observation.
TL;DR: Vanguard Alpha (AKA: Samuel Ulysses Stone) Is a former combat augmented cyborg, transformed into a killing machine against his own will. Over time, his human conscience overtook the AI driving his killer instinct, and regained his humanity. He eventually tracked down and killed his father, responsible for his augmentation, and his own brothers, bent on his destruction. In the process, he lost most of his limbs (Cybernetic arms, one leg) and an eye. From there, he drifted from town to town, doing work where he could. That is where most stories pick up from.
Nikita Degtaryev: Child Soldier
From a very young age, Nikita was thrust into a harsh and violent world. After the Russian take-over of The Ukraine, the entire region fell into horrible disarray. His father was lined up and executed with a band of resistance from the former Ukrainian military. Nikita was taken in by a man who he knew as his uncle when he was 15. From that moment on, he was pulled into a group of mercenaries and fighters fighting against the Russian control of the region. His lithe body and high agility and stamina made him perfect for a scout, and sharp vision made him a perfect sharpshooter. He made his mark in the group through successful strikes against major Russian targets in the region. He continued this life through his teenage years, doing his part for the cause. This all changed when the Russians struck back.
In one coordinated strike, Russian Spetsnaz troops assaulted all cells of the resistance movement at once, crippling its leadership and killing most of the members. Nikita was away on a scouting mission when the attack happened, sparing his life. He fled west, utilizing the kindness of his fellow countrymen, and avoiding Russian patrols along the way. After several weeks, he smuggled himself over the border into Poland, where he was eventually picked up by American forces. They cleaned him up, gave him food and shelter for a few days, then sent him on a flight to the states, where he would be given simple work, food, and a home. After a year, he grew restless. According to the last observation report, he up and left without a trace, heading towards the nearest major city.
Nikita is lithely built, his slender frame accentuated by his slim limbs, and feminine face. He dresses in an olive drab green shirt under an open front hooded vest. He wears a rifle calibre shell casing as a necklace, and a black and red feather and bone charm in his hair. He wears a metal childs casket as a backpack, the lid engraved with a cracked skull over a hammer and sickle over crossed Mosin Nagant rifles.
He bears the scars of conflict on his body. His hands and wrists have several cuts on them, and he has a gunshot scar on his torso, just above his right hip.
Marc Jamison Grizzled Mech Pilot
Field Audio Recording: March 15, 2031 said
Major Marc Jamison
United Coalition of Free Nations
22nd Mobile Armor Battalion
2nd Army Group, Afghanistan
"We've been on the move for two days. The resupply trucks are late, again. Command wants us to scout the mountains to the east again. I don't know why, for the life of me. My men are getting restless. It's been quiet for over a week, but there are rumors over the command channels that Russian "Boyevoy-Khodunki", Combat Walker, units have been sighted to the north, but nothing is confirmed yet..."
Field Audio Recording: March 24, 2031 said
"They dropped in from low flying cargo planes at 0100 hours. They dropped an entire platoon nearly on top of us. We barely had time to muster and form a defensive line among the rocks...They hit us hard and fast...With models I've never seen. They were more agile, and had bigger guns than any B-K I've seen...My walker took a few hits, but is still functional. I'm down to quarter ammo on my Vulcan, out of missiles, and about half ammo for my autocannon. We suffered heavy losses in the initial assault. Over a third of our original force was wiped out, including the Juggernaut. Most of our infantry support is gone...We've kept them chasing us for a few hours, but I dont know how much longer I can keep us going..."
Field Audio Recording: Date Unknown. said
"I...don't know where to begin. The Russians had us backed up against the mountains. Air support was 20 minutes out, and I was down to my last squadron of Walkers. My ammo is nearly completely gone, and they weren't letting up. I saw one of them step out to fire at me, then all of a sudden, I'm tumbling down a hillside. I have no idea where I am...I've lost satellite and radio contact with everyone. Thermal imagery from my scout drone tells me there's some sort of city near by. I'm going to try and make my way there."
WalkerMAW-25 Assault Walker "Fiddler" Weight 16 tons, height 15 foot. WeaponryCoaxial 12.7mm Vulcan cannon
20mm vulcan cannon.
30mm autocannon
3 tube missile launcher
Anti Missile Laser Defense pod.
Hardkill Anti-missile laser system
Ammo types12.7mm: Incendiary tracer; Armor piercing
20mm: incendiary tracer; explosive; armor piercing
30mm: Explosive; depleted uranium
135mm missiles: HE; Anti-tank guided; White Phosphorous; Surface-to-air
Equipmentheavy duty winch.
manipulator arms
active countermeasure deployment system
aerial deployment transport hitch
fully enclosed cockpit
Henry Jacobs: The Angels Sidearm
Henry, at his core, is an angry, drunken Texas-born Scotsman. His family immigrated in the sixties, and he's the eldest of four children. Three boys and a girl. Both of his brothers got killed, one early on from illness, the other by an IED in Iraq. His sister got married right out of high school. Right when he graduated, he enlisted in the Rangers. He served two tours, one in Afghanistan, and another as a peace keeping force in Syria, in the early 2020's, and got married in '25.
After a year of civilian life, he got restless. He hooked up with a Private Military company as a contractor, and took a contract in the Ukraine. He served a year there as an escort for a high profile individual. This ended abruptly when something, nothing human for sure, took his VIP down. It happened faster than he could register. It left him and his partner alone, however. This brought made him realize he should just call it quits, and settle down.
After a few months back in the states, he and his wife were babysitting his five year old niece. They were returning after a walk in the park, as dusk was setting in. Something blindsided him, and knocked him into some scaffolding. When his vision came back, that something was in the process of mauling his wife and niece. He was trapped under pipe, brick, and wood. Powerless, he watched as they were eviscerated. He was emotionally broken by the sight, if but for a short time.
A week of searching, drinking, and preparing led him to this fiend, a rogue demon, the same one that had killed his VIP in the Ukraine. He hunted it across two states, and over five hundred miles. He caught it mid-kill in an alleyway, introducing it to home-made triple-aught buckshot. Sixteen rounds from an old double barrel. Once he was out of shells, he dragged the demon, bleeding profusely and struggling to heal the massive chest wound it had sprouted from the sustained onslaught. He dragged it as far into the alley as he could and began beating it. He drilled his fists into its face, beat its head against concrete, beat it across the head with a bit of brick.
When a curious biker found him, the demon was gurgling blood, and Henry was coated in it. Impressed, the biker, a member of an organization known as the Knights of Saint Adrian, decided to give him some work. The Knights were an order of hunters, tasked with running down demon spawn, and drag them back to hell kicking and screaming. On paper, the Knights work for a company hiring out muscle to Bond Agents. On the road, they do the Lords work, and earning a good buck for their trouble.
A perk of being a Knight, is Ink. Ink is a endowment of the angelic patron of the group, the emissary to heaven. The tattoos Henry possess is an intricate, weaving tattoo, a thorn vine twining itself around a double barrel shotgun across his right forearm, a similar one of an M4 across his left forearm, and a rather simple LOVE/HATE knuckle tattoo.
He wears black jeans, a green sleeveless muscle shirt, and a leather vest. He keeps a saw'n off double barrel in a leather holster on his belt, along side a .454 raging bull and a kukri. On his bike he keeps an M4 carbine in a saddle bag for emergencies. He speaks with a accent somewhere between Texan and Scot, with a heavy lean on Texan.
Since his run-in with the demon, he has developed a bit of a drinking problem, trying to find solace at the bottom of a whiskey bottle. He still tries to go to church, sometimes. Other times, his sunday mornings are spent in a bar in some town somewhere. He doesn't linger in one place for too long. He travels on his motorcycle, staying a night or two in roach motels, and moving on to the next town, taking contracts from his boss when they come.