Basic Information
Home District:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Innate & Outward Personality:
Prized Possession:
Dynamics: (I wish to build this IC)
Power Class:
Sample Post:
Lucas Valdes
Mr. Valdes, The History Teacher, Luke, 'A/V'
183 cm (6 ft)
85 kg (187 lb)
Home District:
Estella Isle - Bazaar Riviera
Hair Color:
Dark brown
Eye Color:
Physical Appearance:
Unextravagant would be the perfect word to describe Lucas: average height, more chubby than slim, slightly plump face, with a matching slightly out of shape figure. He has short, naturally-spiked dark brown hair, which he tries to comb but never succeeds. His eyes are big and are guarded by a set of bushy eyebrows, making his forehead look even smaller than it already is. His lips are a paler shade of red and his nose is wide and straight. A slightly wide neck supports his round and stubbled face.
In an effort to look presentable for work, Lucas dresses with buttoned shirts of varying colours, slacks, dressing socks and shoes. He rarely wears a tie, since the dress code does not requires it, but he ties one around his neck for special occasions. On weekends and days-offs, he chooses a more laid-back outfit, combining jeans and shirts and sneakers. His wardrobe is not very extensive, but he makes-do with what he has.
Innate & Outward Personality:
Lucas is a teacher at heart. He pays attention when somebody is talking, he feels the need to explain everything as detailed and thoroughly as possible, and is capable of expressing what he thinks with accuracy. He is not frightened by crowds; if anything, he prefers it. He believes isolation is a good way to make a sane man insane. But he also thinks that a good man is not without its moments of peace; it is all in how you balance. He thinks of himself as a good conflict-solver, even though half the time his meddling are the cause of even more conflict.
Outside the academic life, Lucas likes to stroll around the city, trying to escape his small apartment. Since he has been a resident of the city all of his life, he does not go around sightseeing, but does it for the sake of clearing his thoughts. He also considers watching television as a hobby. He reads a lot due to his work, so from time to time he prefers to relax his brain instead of using it by reading a book.
He has the gift of gab, meaning that he is easy to approach and approaches people easily. Perfect calligraphy and spelling. He took swimming lessons as a child.
Prized Possession:
None for the moment.
”Cheating will get you far, but studying will get you farther.”
”You have an hour to finish this test. Johnson, I’m looking at you.”
”You have an hour to finish this test. Johnson, I’m looking at you.”
As everyone, Lucas’ life has had his ups and downs. He was born to a family where tradition was strong, where the men became law enforcers or went to the military and women became housewives. And of course, ever since he was little his father always tried to impose that in a subtle manner: he let him play with his badge and cuffs, once resulting in Erica – Lucas’ younger sister – being cuffed to the fridge’s door for two hours; and also took him on rides in the patrol car on his day-off. Meanwhile, his sister Erica learnt how to sew and cook. Everything was going according to plan, at least on the parents’ perspective…
Until Lucas found out that he had powers.
It was after class, and Erica and he were going back to the house. They were both tired and the cold of that winter afternoon was getting to their bones. She was eight and he was twelve. His mother had told him that she could not make it that morning, so Lucas had the responsibility of taking Erica back home safe. He had to hold her hand when they were crossing the street and watch where she was going.
They were nearly there, and Lucas began to feel relieved. On his last birthday, apart from the proper gift, his parents had given him a copy of the house’s key. He used it to open the door and enter. He felt he could finally breathe, but, just when he turned around from closing the door, he noticed that a flower vase had broken and that sharp pieces of glass laid on the floor. His sister had already taken her sneakers off and was casually walking towards it. The words failed to escape his mouth. Instead, he looked at the mirror she was just passing by. And, instantly, a scary figure appeared in it. It scared her sister and himself, and she jumped just in time and noticed the glass on the floor.
Lucas was speechless for the first time in his life. There was no way he could have caused that. Or was it? He told his sister about it and, after exchanges a few brotherly punches, she reluctantly agreed with him that he may be a Meta-human. So from that day onwards, he stopped attending regular school and went to Academy 12 so that he would be able of controlling his projections and not the other way about. His father actually wanted to order the suppression collar, but that was against Lucas’ wishes. He wanted to learn to control it. And that was the moment where the path he wanted and the one his father wanted began to differentiate.
Lucas' father stopped his efforts. Cuffs and badges were no longer given, and the patrol car was now only mentioned on the dinner table. Lucas began to wonder whether his father hated him for what he was. At the academy, Lucas felt the heavy burden of his father's disappointment go away, and also was capable of expressing himself freely. But on the house, there was a clear line between him and the rest of the family. Erica and his mother remained in the background, talking to him when they had to and replying modestly, even with some waryness. Lucas' father was not as considerate, for his silent punishment was more effective than the most hurtful of insults.
Lucas graduated from the educational course of the Academy at eighteen and was at an impasse. He was not sure as to what to study in college. He entertained for a while the idea of joining the police forces, if only to gain some points with his father, but then realized that no matter what he did, the situation would never change. Therefore, he decided to take up a History major in order to become a teacher. Studying was not difficult, difficult would be paying the students loans. But he figured that he would cross that bridge when he got to it.
On his last year of university, he received an invitation to his sister's wedding. She was merely eighteen and he was twenty-two. Her husband-to-be was her high school sweetheart, and they had promised each other to marry once they had graduated. Lucas thought that it was a very childish thing to do, but her sister did not meddle with his life, so he did not meddle on hers. When he attended the ceremony, he could feel it again: his father's unquenchable disapproving gaze. His sister thanked him for coming, and so did her mother.
At the reception, however, an incident happened. One of Lucas' aunt ingested one drink too many and began to spout stuff at him, how he was an abomination and how God will make him pay for his sins. She was saying it for all of the present, maybe barring Erica, but they all thought the same: he was an abomination to them. He left early.
Therefore, he could not leave in his parents' home anymore, so once he earned his degree, he found a job at the local high school and began apartment-hunting. It took him nearly two month to find one that was near his workplace, cheap enough for a teacher's salary, and big enough for one person, but he found it. And so, he established a routine that he follows up until the present day: Wake up, eat, work, eat, watch TV, correct assignments, eat, brush teeth, sleep.
Until Lucas found out that he had powers.
It was after class, and Erica and he were going back to the house. They were both tired and the cold of that winter afternoon was getting to their bones. She was eight and he was twelve. His mother had told him that she could not make it that morning, so Lucas had the responsibility of taking Erica back home safe. He had to hold her hand when they were crossing the street and watch where she was going.
They were nearly there, and Lucas began to feel relieved. On his last birthday, apart from the proper gift, his parents had given him a copy of the house’s key. He used it to open the door and enter. He felt he could finally breathe, but, just when he turned around from closing the door, he noticed that a flower vase had broken and that sharp pieces of glass laid on the floor. His sister had already taken her sneakers off and was casually walking towards it. The words failed to escape his mouth. Instead, he looked at the mirror she was just passing by. And, instantly, a scary figure appeared in it. It scared her sister and himself, and she jumped just in time and noticed the glass on the floor.
Lucas was speechless for the first time in his life. There was no way he could have caused that. Or was it? He told his sister about it and, after exchanges a few brotherly punches, she reluctantly agreed with him that he may be a Meta-human. So from that day onwards, he stopped attending regular school and went to Academy 12 so that he would be able of controlling his projections and not the other way about. His father actually wanted to order the suppression collar, but that was against Lucas’ wishes. He wanted to learn to control it. And that was the moment where the path he wanted and the one his father wanted began to differentiate.
Lucas' father stopped his efforts. Cuffs and badges were no longer given, and the patrol car was now only mentioned on the dinner table. Lucas began to wonder whether his father hated him for what he was. At the academy, Lucas felt the heavy burden of his father's disappointment go away, and also was capable of expressing himself freely. But on the house, there was a clear line between him and the rest of the family. Erica and his mother remained in the background, talking to him when they had to and replying modestly, even with some waryness. Lucas' father was not as considerate, for his silent punishment was more effective than the most hurtful of insults.
Lucas graduated from the educational course of the Academy at eighteen and was at an impasse. He was not sure as to what to study in college. He entertained for a while the idea of joining the police forces, if only to gain some points with his father, but then realized that no matter what he did, the situation would never change. Therefore, he decided to take up a History major in order to become a teacher. Studying was not difficult, difficult would be paying the students loans. But he figured that he would cross that bridge when he got to it.
On his last year of university, he received an invitation to his sister's wedding. She was merely eighteen and he was twenty-two. Her husband-to-be was her high school sweetheart, and they had promised each other to marry once they had graduated. Lucas thought that it was a very childish thing to do, but her sister did not meddle with his life, so he did not meddle on hers. When he attended the ceremony, he could feel it again: his father's unquenchable disapproving gaze. His sister thanked him for coming, and so did her mother.
At the reception, however, an incident happened. One of Lucas' aunt ingested one drink too many and began to spout stuff at him, how he was an abomination and how God will make him pay for his sins. She was saying it for all of the present, maybe barring Erica, but they all thought the same: he was an abomination to them. He left early.
Therefore, he could not leave in his parents' home anymore, so once he earned his degree, he found a job at the local high school and began apartment-hunting. It took him nearly two month to find one that was near his workplace, cheap enough for a teacher's salary, and big enough for one person, but he found it. And so, he established a routine that he follows up until the present day: Wake up, eat, work, eat, watch TV, correct assignments, eat, brush teeth, sleep.
María Valdes – Mother
Erica Valdes – Younger sister
Oscar Valdes – Father
Norbert Colson – Nephew
Ian Colson – Brother-in-law
Erica Valdes – Younger sister
Oscar Valdes – Father
Norbert Colson – Nephew
Ian Colson – Brother-in-law
Dynamics: (I wish to build this IC)
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Power Class:
The ability to share a mental image with the physical world. It can be used for data-sharing as well as for illusion-making. The realness of the projection is up to the projector’s proficiency and concentration. It can either be used on a single target or on various, also depending how good the user is with this power. It is possible to project something on inanimate objects to make them seem something they are not.
The ability to share a mental image with the physical world. It can be used for data-sharing as well as for illusion-making. The realness of the projection is up to the projector’s proficiency and concentration. It can either be used on a single target or on various, also depending how good the user is with this power. It is possible to project something on inanimate objects to make them seem something they are not.
The projector always must gain eye contact with the target in question. Once they are inside the target’s mind, they only need to focus on them. For a bigger group, however, the user must have in mind the delimitation of the ‘room’ or space he wants to use for their projection. This takes a bigger effort and thus it is much more taxing than using it on a single target.
As mentioned before, the main weakness of this power is that the projector must achieve eye-contact with their target or concentrate on the space they want to project on. This leaves them absolutely defenseless in case of a fight, and mentally exhausted in general. Also, they must have a strong mental fortitude, lest they want their projections to control them instead of the other way about.
Sample Post:
”Good morning, class.” Classes began early, at 7 A.M. sharp. The students were not nearly awake at that time. Even though he tried to make them participate and made the lessons fairly dynamic, Lucas just could not get through to this class. They were either on their phones or slumped on their chairs, trying to get as much extra sleep as possible. He could just dismiss them for the day, or he could try. He decided on the latter.
“Come on, today we have to go through Industrial Revolution!” A general groan of protest. “It’s not really that hard, you know? First, you have to know that it started in England,” Lucas turned around to write on the board. He grabbed a marker and began the lesson. Halfway through it, he realized that he still have not got through to them.
“When’s class really going to start?” One of the back row students asked. Lucas knew to what he was referring to.
“This is not A/V class, Masters, this is History.” He stated terminally. More groans.
“Please, Mr. Valdes. We still can’t get over the time when you did it for Pre-History.” Nods of agreement. Reasoning with them was futile. Lucas sighed, defeated.
“Don’t tell the other classes. I can’t be doing this all day.” After each and every one of the students agreed that yes, they will not tell anybody, Lucas focused on the room.
After the following recess and a well-deserved applause, Lucas began the following class. “Okay, we have to go on with-”
“Do we get a projection?” A student asked.
“What? What are you talking about, Ericson?” Those weasels! They could not have…
“But you did it for the previous class! It’s unfair!” Lucas looked dead in the eye at all of the students.
“No.” He also reminded himself to give a pop quiz to the first period class.
“Come on, today we have to go through Industrial Revolution!” A general groan of protest. “It’s not really that hard, you know? First, you have to know that it started in England,” Lucas turned around to write on the board. He grabbed a marker and began the lesson. Halfway through it, he realized that he still have not got through to them.
“When’s class really going to start?” One of the back row students asked. Lucas knew to what he was referring to.
“This is not A/V class, Masters, this is History.” He stated terminally. More groans.
“Please, Mr. Valdes. We still can’t get over the time when you did it for Pre-History.” Nods of agreement. Reasoning with them was futile. Lucas sighed, defeated.
“Don’t tell the other classes. I can’t be doing this all day.” After each and every one of the students agreed that yes, they will not tell anybody, Lucas focused on the room.
After the following recess and a well-deserved applause, Lucas began the following class. “Okay, we have to go on with-”
“Do we get a projection?” A student asked.
“What? What are you talking about, Ericson?” Those weasels! They could not have…
“But you did it for the previous class! It’s unfair!” Lucas looked dead in the eye at all of the students.
“No.” He also reminded himself to give a pop quiz to the first period class.