Gen Itoshi
Monday, 27th, 2015 – Golden WeekFerrero Mall
A primeval voice, an instinct passed on by generations and generations of monkeys and men and monkey-men, told Gen that he should move away from the fight between those guy and the girl. Hehe, monkey-men. Wait, were they like sea-monkeys, but with… manliness instead of sea? They were the ancient wielders of the flames of manhood, the sacred defenders of what truly meant to be a man and a monkey. They probably threw their own feces at their enemies too. Would Gen not give anything to meet one of those legendary heroes, to learn their secrets, well, not the ones involving excrement, but the manhood flame – oh, that one, yes – he would be invincible. Invincible!
And yet Gen was not moving. He was very much preoccupied with the monkey-men that he forgot to move. The tall freshman jumped towards the safety of the crowd before punches went flying his way, his reflexes sharper than ever. Fear made people do incredible things, like jumping just at the nick of time, enduring excruciating pain, or even throwing your own fe- Okay, maybe Gen should stop with that. It was unhealthy. Was if he were to say it out loud? That would be his downfall. He already was not the best of students, nor was he the worst. Why did he even try to help? It was recently turning into a bad habit. Actually, it has only been a bad habit, since it made things go from bad to worse. He was not really sure about this particular case, though.
Gen elbowed his way out of the crowd of roaring spectators. Why, oh, why did the mall became a fighting ring
today? Why not yesterday, when he was not there? Warakuma was not really this chaotic. Capitalism was to blame, of course. The sudden industrialization and modern malls and the booming of local commerce was making struggles on people’s minds, thus creating scenarios such as that one. Those two were victims of the instant messaging and junk food culture, and the only way to get their frustration out was to fight. Damn capitalism!
”Finally!” Gen exclaimed as he reached the end of the crowd, and leapt out of it victorious. Surprisingly, the crows ended where the cinema began. The two fighters should have sold tickets for their fight, for they were bound to make a fortune. However, there was a problem for Gen. He did not see the black-haired guy [Masa] who happened to be on Gen’s landing spot. Nononono. Why this kept happening?!
”AH! Watch out!” He warned loudly, hoping it would not be too late for the guy to jump out of the way and save his life.