Name: Felix Carter
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Loyalty: Republic
Unit: The Republican Guard, 4th Cavalry Division, 3rd Battalion
Rank in the Military: Sergeant
Role in the Military: Scout
APPEARANCEFelix stands at six feet and two inches (188 centimeters; 1.88 meters) tall, weighing around 187 pounds (84 kilograms). He has a pair of amber, yellowish toned eyes. He has light brown hair in a form of a short or military-style hair cut. He has a light formation of facial hair, kept short but still visible. His posture is straightened and overall body physique is mesomorphic; in-between bulky and skinny. Not many scars reside on his body. A tattoo sleeve resides on the entire right side of his torso; mostly early 2000s inspired tattoo.
PROFILEFelix is a socializing person, speaking to anyone at the right time when the talking should come at play. He's usually the attitude to keep things at peace, but he focuses more at his job. He loves his work and those he meets within his Squadron, his battalion, and even his division. He's the person who makes sure no one feels left out, and that no one gets left behind. He likes to look at every chance for the upper hand in combat, he never backs out of a combative situation unless it meant him and his men would die unless it required their sacrifice.
On duty, his talkative persona changes in to a strict and more of a authoritative figure to show why he's given the Non-Commissioned Officer's rank. His dislikes are people who are purposely lazy and don't do their job properly, he dislikes those who're told the solutions of their problems and that they continue their mistakes without the solutions. He likes those who pull their weight around the squad and their job as a whole without being asked twice, he likes those who can be helpful without even being asked; to be specific, those who take initiative. He tries to put in as much effort as he can with his men under him, treating them as equals and making sure everyone does not get equally punished just from one bad apple.
What Felix does in his pass-time is usually exercising, repairing/performing maintenance on his equipment, hanging out with his squad mates while off duty as to keep up moral/positive attitude, or hanging out with his childhood friend, Riley Owens.
BIOGRAPHYFelix grew up in a high economical and political classed family as both his parents were part of a Republic-Controlled planet for the time being. He grew up in the private schooling system, he was notorious to be ambitious and always on time to turning in school work. The generic scholar of upholding his family's reputation as he was putting in the work. Whilst growing up, he met a girl that was well liked at their school around 11 years old, and her name was Riley Owens. They've talked and practically kept in touch with each other throughout his childhood. At around the age of 17, he goes out with a fake identification card with Owens and pretty much gets a tattoo after finding the one he liked the most. It was a 2000s inspired tattoo, as Felix mostly adored history and wanted something that was popular.
After graduating from his private schooling, he enrolled in to the military with Owens as they pretty much had a pact of going in together. He enrolled with her to the Scouting program of the Republic army, and thus started his career. He was separated from Owens during training, though throughout the sequence of training he managed to pass through his classes with little struggle. His shooting was on point, having taken what he learned in his classes and putting it in to the rifle started first to be a struggle but after a few sessions on range, his shooting got better.
After graduating from his classes of the Scouting Program and from Basic Training, he was later deployed. He's a seasoned soldier and seeing combat for the first time, it's changed him slightly as a person. He keeps contact with Riley as they're separated temporarily, though throughout his service he's managed to get up to the rank of Sergeant by the age of 23. As the rebellion struct the Republic, he kept loyal to his former government as to support his parents. He had a name to uphold, and his family never backed down from the political fight. Thus, he decided he was sticking with the fight on the ground as a scout.