Avatar of FerriteFox
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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Rou nodded to Alex as he suggested lunch. He set aside his Brave for later as he and Alex headed to the mess hall. Rou grabbed a simple soup and sat down at a table, waiting for Alex and eying the people around him. After lunch was when the sparring would open up right... Rou began to worry if anyone would challenge him.
Rou smiled at the boy's enthusiasm. His Terra Gundam looked worn, but built with care and love. "Looks great." He complimented. "Yeah, I'm a big fan of thin suits, stuff with less drag and more aerodynamic designs." Rou opened up a pot of bright orange paint. "I know that bright colors don't necessarily something faster but...it still looks a bit cooler." Rou turned and winked at Alex. "What use is a good suit if it doesn't stand out?"
Sorry it took me so long to get that one up, yesterday didnt give me any opportunities.
"Rou" he answered as Alex flopped onto the bed. Rou didn't mean to be antisocial, but he really didn't know what else to say, so he shuffled around in his bag, making sure none of his Ball kits came to surface. He pulled out one of his "cover kit", a High Grade Brave Standard Type, and began to unpack it. Out came a few pots of paint and his tools. "So Alex...what kind of Gunpla do you like..."
Name: Rou Gernot/Ball Guy
Age: 17
Gender: M

Normal: Rou wears a large black Kamen Rider baseball cap that shades his green eyes and makes his black shaggy hair fan out to shoulder length. He often forgets to shave. He wears a short sleeved button up shirt that is usually left open to show whatever Toku/Anime shirt he has chosen to wear for the day. His light blue jeans are a little stained and torn, but still decent.

Ball Guy: Rou's alter ego is modeled after his Toku heroes. Ball Guy's outfit consists of a stark white spandex suit and a plastic helmet that sports a red hexagon and a green opaque visor. On top of the helmet is a small pair of mini turret "antennas".

Nationality: American

Backstory: All his life Rou has loved Tokusatsu heroes and giant robots, especially combiners. He began collecting Super Sentai robots, gunpla and merchandise when he was 8 and his collection is still growing. He can quote Riders, sing theme songs, and name any mobile suit. However, his biggest problem is that he can rarely discuss his hobbies due to his timidness. This was onset by his first gunpla battle at the local hobby shop. Rou built a simple GM to test the waters of the new game. He was stomped and ridiculed for his inexperience, and quickly left the shop and never returned. He longed for companions to help him. Better yet, a team. Despite his trepidation, he attempted to find friends at a different hobby shop. He laid low, but no one really stood out to him. Rou began to only fight matches in private, fearing what the audience would say about his skills.

Struggling to overcome his fear of confrontation and people, Rou discovered that he wasn't too timid if the opponent didn't know who he was. He began planning a cosplay suit to hide his identity, but could not seem to fathom what mobile suit to base it from. Rou surveyed his shelf. He wanted something simple. Zaku? Nah, cliche. BCUE? Too animalistic. His eyes finally rested on something he constantly over looked. The quaint little cannon fodder known as the Ball. It was perfect. Rou's skills were good enough that he could hold his own with such a puny gunpla, ad it fit his hero theme quite nicely. He finished his suit in a week and went to the shop. People stared, but no one knew who he actually was, and it made Rou feel so much more comfortable. "Ball Guy" was what they called him. He didn't win many matches, but he was well known and rather liked, even if he was just acting like a "gaudy super hero". Rou decided that a simple upgrade would not suffice. He needed something extra. Then it dawned on his. What about...extra balls? IF that was the case then he would need a Flash system, and that's something that an ordinary Ball wouldn't be able to handle. Rou brainstormed. Balls were what made him so renowned in his town, he couldn't just stop using one. He crafted for weeks and weeks until he found a solution. The transforming ball! he could still use the Flash system as a Gundam, but still look like a ball. Weeks later, his prototype was complete. In a private match he quickly lost ground, but once he transformed his Ball, his opponent dropped like a rock. Now he just needed to know how to use his backup Balls. Constantly controlling them would be tedious and require immense effort. As he wracked his brain, the Super Sentai show running in the back ground showed a scene of them calling their mecha together. It was miraculous, and it fit Rou's personality perfectly. He was going to make a Ball Sentai. He began winning his local matches, preferring to keep his Ball Squad's ability a secret. It was for only those eyes he thought deserving. Learning of his fame, he was invited to Neilsen Labs to participate, signing up under the guise "Ball Guy", to keep his identity a secret for just a little longer. The suit had become a crutch, but its ability to keep him calm in social situations was invaluable.

Other information: Rou changes into costume before every match, or constantly wears it if expecting challenges.

Main Gunpla: Round Sentai: Ball Squad!/DAI-BALL-OH!

Scale: 1/144

Based from: Balls

Equipment and Weapons: Fireworks hidden in the tubes of each Ball arm. (Gotta be flashy right?). When combined into a single unit, all attributes are increased due to combined power output and source.

Brigadier Ball (Red Stripe): The Ball Rou Controls and uses to command his squad. It is capable of transforming into a Gundam-esque mobile suit to combine with the rest of the balls to form DAI-BALL-OH!. Chest can fire an extremely powerful beam when connected to the other Balls as power sources.

Blade Ball (Blue Stripe): Right arm of DAI-BALL-OH!. Equipped with four beam beam sabers to be wielded. Unfoldable hand.

Blaster Ball (Green Stripe): Left arm of DAI-BALL-OH!. Equipped with twin beam rifles. A hand folds out from underneath when attached.

Bomb Ball (Yellow Stripe) Legs of DAI-BALL-OH!. Equipped with four tri missile pods, two on each side. Added support on bottom to be used as feet.

Booster Ball (Pink Stripe): Unfolds to become the backpack and cape for DAI-BALL-OH!, very fast but otherwise useless in combat.

Other Gunpla: More Ball modules to be developed.
Rou looked over to the second bed in the room, hating himself for not seeing the obvious. Of course he wasn't going to have two beds. However this did somewhat hinder him. What if Alex was in the room while he had to change into Ball Guy? He'd have to get creative. He tapped the top of his suitcase containing all of his Kits and tools. Luckily, being creative was something he was good at. "Well, come one in roomie..." Rou softly said.
I don't mind, adds interaction
Rou's got a roommate
Rou has been unpacking and was organizing his belongings. He wasn't ready to fight Gunpla in public without his suit, but he could still work on singular interactions. Right as he was about to put his Ball Guy suit to hang up in his closet, his door opened, and he nearly jumped from his skin as Alex entered the room. "U-uh...hi?" Rou stammered, quickly stashing his secret under the rest of his luggage. "W-what are you doing here...?"
Gotcha, fixed
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