Avatar of FerriteFox
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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He'll probably get up and go see it, I wasn't sure how much you had left.
Rou put the finishing touches on his basic Brave. It was sturdy and well built, but far beyond being completed. He unpacked a Master Grade sized box of spare and scrap parts and began digging through it, placing any thing of interest aside.

He grabbed his model putty and began to sculp some excess runner pieces to the Brave's head, extending the "ears" by another inch. He snapped the Drake Howling Rifle into two pieces and attached small pieces to the underside, as well as small binders that connected to the back of the Brave.

"I wonder how Alex is doing in his battle." Rou thought to himself. He set aside his project and walked back to the battle room to try and find Alex. On his way he passed a very disgruntled Vince, who stormed by with out a word. Rou couldn't help by smile. He arrived in the battle room to find Alex's battle nearing an end.
"Do you see now, Vince?" Ball Guy began preaching. "This is what Gunpla is about. Expression, creativity, and moxie."

DAI-BALL-OH! stood in front of an exploding star, silhouetted as a black shape with nothing but a bright green eye visible.

"SCREW YOU YOU TWO BIT NERD!" Vince roared as he rushed towards Ball Guy, beam saber in hand. DAI-BALL-OH! quickly dodged under the Victory Gundam, unsheathing a bright blue beam saber and cutting the suit apart from the waist down. "Impatience is a quick folly to defeat." Ball Guy spoke, angering Vince even further. DAI-BALL-OH! shot upwards above the black Victory, alternating fire between his twin beam rifles on his arm to create a fierce barrage of cover fire.

"Never rush a suit with unknown capabilities, lest you find yourself..."

DAI-BALL-OH! unleashed a torrent of micro-missiles from the pods on its legs, hitting the mark and busting an arm off of the crippled Victory.


Ball Guy maneuvered to gracefully face the black Victory Gundam.

"I look forward to fighting you again once you've wisened up."

DAI-BALL-OH! locked its elbows against its waist and the cockpit of Brigadier Ball began to brightly glow.


DAI-BALL-OH! unleashed a hellish green beam that spiraled and twisted into the Victory Gundam. Vince sat agape, unaware of the atrocity that was about to occur.

Vince began laughing. "Really? I mean...really? Is that it? All that build up for no-" He was cutoff as his Victory began to violently shake and contort before imploding like a black hole.


Rou could feel the shock and awe of the other attendees. He snapped and pointed at the furious Vince. "Remember what I taught you, and become even greater! Breach your limits!" With that, Ball Guy packed up his five balls and quickly rushed back to his room.


Rou threw off his suit and stowed it away before scattering his HG Brave around to make it seem like he had been working on it. That was great! It was the most invigorating battle he had had yet! DAI-BALL-OH! performed just as planned, and its greatness would be ever evolving. Rou flopped onto his bed and signed. This summer would be interesting.
I think a big team horde battle against a bunch of AI would be really neat
Brigadier Ball stood still as the other Balls orbited it at a fast pace. As the blue striped Blade Ball opened a small hole in its cockpit, Brigadier Ball lashed out its arm, sliding it through until Blade Ball was firmly attached to the right bicep, all four beam saber hilts sticking out.

Blaster Ball spread open and neared next. Brigadier Ball swung its left forearm up, snapping the green striped ball to his arm. The twin beam rifles rotated to face forward.

Bomb Ball split in half as Brigadier Ball brought its elbows into a neutral position. Each half connected to a leg and locked in place. The missile pods slowly revolved into position on each side.

Finally, the quick pink striped Booster Ball attached to the back, launching an unknown object upwards. Booster Ball slowly bloomed like a fiery flower until it was in position. The previously launched object landed squarely on Brigadiers head, covering the right eye. An obnoxiously large horn split apart (unicorn style), creating a large V-Fin that spanned at least 4 inches.

Ball Guy shouted as loud as his vocals would let him;




Something Rou is going to make later
As Vincent angrily swore up and down as his Victory regained its composure, Ball Guy swiftly but stealthily sent in his special surprise. Four new Balls entered the field and quickly took position behind a small asteroid, awaiting command.

Vince's Victory flew out of the tunnel, only to meet his foe a short distance away. Brigadier Ball stood gracefully on a single asteroid, arms crossed.

"You've put up a good fight Vince." Ball Guy started. "You transformed and combined your Victory nearly on the spot. However, it was rather...boring."

The four new Ball modules slowly drifted to orbit Brigadier Ball.

"Gunpla is about creativity and imagination. Judging from your simple base suit and lack of customization besides color, you lack these key ideas."

The new Balls began to orbit faster.

"Let me show you a real combiner Vince."

Ball Guy's helmet gleamed brightly as he bellowed loud enough that the whole room could hear and watch.

Ball Guy kept up his game of cat and mouse,.which frustrated Vince severely. Eventually, Vince unsheathed a beam saber, attempting to swipe at Brigadier Ball every chance he could. Ball Guy led him down a long hallway in a broken space station (Imagine the Exia Dark Matter chase).

Vince roared victoriously. "Gotcha."

He lunged forward with his beam saber as Ball Guy input a special command. Arms burst outwards as Brigadier Ball unfolded. The spindly little claw arms became spindly little claw legs. Finally, a Gundam head popped out on top, and the transformation was complete. Brigadier Ball swooped up, latching onto the shoulders of the Victory with its feet, pushing it to the floor before it rocketed out of the hallway.
Vince's Victory escaped from the hangar as its three Core Fighters, which split up to hunt for Ball Guy. Rou maneuvered Brigadier Ball just in range of one of the fighters before firing an easily dodgable warning shot from the bazooka on top. All three fighters came after him. Vince was baited way to easily. Ball Guy rushed away with Brigadier Ball, having the Victory Fighters chase him along various asteroids.

Shortly after, Vince grew tired of Ball Guys little game. "Alright you little pink, enough of that." Vince growled. His Victory fighters quickly combined into Gundam form, and he quickly began catching up.
Ball Guy set down his GP base and Brigadier Ball as the System sounded off. Across from him, his opponent set down a jet black Victory Gundam. Ugh, at least he painted it. He heard the man laughing at him. "Nice. I'm Vince, and you know why I use this here Victory Gundam?"

Vince paused.

"Because I always win."

This guy was even cornier than Rou was, which was saying something. Ball Guy opened the black case and placed Blade, Blaster, Bomb, and Booster Balls on a hidden alcove in front of him, for easy access when he needed them. The field was Space, generic but perfect.


"Ball Guy. Brigadier Ball...launching!" He shouted, as his prized Gunpla rocketed out of the hangar.
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