Avatar of FerriteFox
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 259 (0.07 / day)
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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"Hey, loser in the space suit!"

Ball Guy turned his head towards the voice. It came from a burly looking man that appeared to be in his twenties. "Yes? How can I help you." He answered.

The brute walked towards Ball Guy, standing a full foot taller than Rou up front. He was not to be intimidated though. "Looking for a match?" Ball Guy inquired.

The brute nodded. "More like...prey." He motioned to a battle station. "Let's go."

Ball Guy followed him and stood at the pedestal.

(My phone wont let me copy the System stuff)

Lets please just make this guy a dumb mook that always loses
Good, Ball Guy needs a cocky npc to lecture about creativity in Gunpla and debut DAI-BALL-OH!
So are we sparring with each other or npcs?
It begins
Rou watched as everyone including Alex began to move towards the battle room. "I'm kinda tired...im gonna go work on my Brave...see you back at the room!" He shouted as he rushed out.

Once back in his room, Rou quickly tossed off his clothes and put on his stark white spandex suit. He snapped it a few times, testing for wear. He slipped on the white boots and gloves before picking up the helmet and staring at it. This was it...time to shine. Rou donned the helmet and tied on his red scarf. With that, he was now Ball Guy. He rummaged through his back and pulled out a plastic case. After a quick check that all five Balls were present, he ran out of the room before anyone noticed.

Ball Guy threw open the doors to the battle room and silently struck a pose, snapping his fingers and pointing outwards.
Rou looked down at Alex, partially worried. He hadn't known the boy long enough to know what was going on, so he took a shot in the dark about his well being.

"Alex you better be okay because I'm not going near your butt to perform the heimlick."
Rou looked at Alex semi-ludicrously. "Alex I didn't even speak until the end of the meeting. I'm probably even less in the know than you are." Rou smiled a little devilishly and stepped out of his comfort zone. "Why? Do you think she's cute?"
Rou shortly exhaled from his nose as Alex hastily talked and ate his food. All around the hall were strong looking foes who were all itching to battle once lunch was over. Rou picked at his soup, swirling the broth in a tandem.
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