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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis snickered at Dani comment about the Gundam Alex "Yeah, whats really sad its really is the first time I've gotten that one" She started as she took the Musha from Dani to have a look. "Dozens of kits built and just now getting to the one with my name" Alexis finished looking it over and handed the Musha back to Dani. "Nice build gunpla though, though from the look of it I'll be bringing the Strike Freedom into battle sooner rather then later. The only other one I have ready to go is my main gunpla, and I've won official tournaments with that bad-boy." Alexis said as she pulled the boxed kits from the bag. There was the Alex, and a G-Self she'd picked up on a lark. "Could throw one of these together for it, but eh ... i got these for my collection, not battle."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"I've run the amateur lines with my guntank an gotten some great results. I usually just use my musha for testing things out and to mess around with. I wonder if a psyc..." she trailed off, looking at the gundam mushu and getting ideas in her head. "The venus drive in it boosts combat abilities if a female pilot uses it as opposed to a mars drive that boost combat abilities if a male drives it. I must say, it's some of my better work for a smaller scale." she said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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"Rou" he answered as Alex flopped onto the bed. Rou didn't mean to be antisocial, but he really didn't know what else to say, so he shuffled around in his bag, making sure none of his Ball kits came to surface. He pulled out one of his "cover kit", a High Grade Brave Standard Type, and began to unpack it. Out came a few pots of paint and his tools. "So Alex...what kind of Gunpla do you like..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex's eyes spot the HG kit that Rou pulled out and slides right to it: "No way! Isn't that a HG model of GNX-903VS Brave Mobile Suit?! There was no way to get one of these back where I lived! One of the Earth Sphere Federation mobile suits from the Mobile Suit Gundam 00 movie! A GN Beam Rilfe, 30mm Machine Guns, GN Cannons and GN Beam Sabers! Even has a Trans-AM system installed in it!" He realizes he was kinda going into fan mode but snaps back: "Oh sorry. It's cool you have one of these things. It must look really great when it's finished. As for myself, I'm a big fan of Gundam type Mobile suits. I actually have one right here."

Alex heads back for his backpack and rustles around in it. He pulls out a suit and places on the work bench in the room. The suit had a Dark Green coloring to it and looked slightly damaged, probably due to not being put together with high quality. Alex describes his suit: "Here's one of my backup units, the RX-79T[G] "Terra Gundam Ground Type", based off the RX-79[G] Gundam Ground type from Mobile Suit Gundam 08th Mobile Suit team. Last time I used it, it was in this form, assault mode. Twin Chain guns on the side, Twin Long Range cannons on the back, A Beam Machine Gun, and even the RX-78NT-1's 90mm Forearm Gattling Cannons. Though for stealth, it would have a long rang beam sniper rifle and can blend in with its jungle surroundings."

This was probably too much to take in at first...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou smiled at the boy's enthusiasm. His Terra Gundam looked worn, but built with care and love. "Looks great." He complimented. "Yeah, I'm a big fan of thin suits, stuff with less drag and more aerodynamic designs." Rou opened up a pot of bright orange paint. "I know that bright colors don't necessarily something faster but...it still looks a bit cooler." Rou turned and winked at Alex. "What use is a good suit if it doesn't stand out?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex nods: "You're right. A Gunpla that is more unique, weather it be in colors or design really does stand out better. Kinda like my other model i have..."

Before he could say anything else, the PA system plays a few notes to alert everyone that a message was coming before it announces: "Attention everyone, the mess hall is now open for Lunch."

Just hearing "lunch" made Alex hungry: "Looks like they're serving up lunch. Wanna go get a bite to eat?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou nodded to Alex as he suggested lunch. He set aside his Brave for later as he and Alex headed to the mess hall. Rou grabbed a simple soup and sat down at a table, waiting for Alex and eying the people around him. After lunch was when the sparring would open up right... Rou began to worry if anyone would challenge him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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It didn't take long for Alex to find out what to have. He comes to the same table Rou was at and sits down, he had a big bowl that was filled with Ramen in it. Ever since trying this stuff while in Japan he came to love it. Felt like eating a Japanese version of Spaghetti. Alex joyfully expressed his opinion: "This place is amazing! They have just about everything you can love! Even Ramen. Sometimes I wish i could live here forever." He takes a big slurp from his dish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou shortly exhaled from his nose as Alex hastily talked and ate his food. All around the hall were strong looking foes who were all itching to battle once lunch was over. Rou picked at his soup, swirling the broth in a tandem.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex was a fast eater when it comes to foods he likes, however, he suddenly stops when something catches his eye. On the other side of the room, he spots a girl, about one year older than him, with long hair the same color as his own eating Japanese fare at her table. Alex was slightly speechless, but asks Rou: "Hey Rou... who is that girl?"

She had been seen before in the big group back when they were in the main hall for the introduction announcements.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis looked at the Strike Freedom, then back to Dani "Your gonna make me tune it for battle aren't you ..." She said flatly. Alexis knew how much a 'minor' tweak like that could effect the outcome of a battle, and she really didn't want to devote time to tuning a suit she didn't like, at the same time though...

'Oh come on, you can't hold bad ... ok ... horrid writing against a Gundam, take it out for a spin when you get it finished, I bet you'll like it' Rachel's voice echoed in her mind, in that semi smug way Rachel tended to be when she thought she was right about something.

"On second thought, I think it'll be fine as a straight build, this time anyway. We'll see how it goes and I'll go from there." The PA announced the mess hall was open just as she finished her sentence. "Shall we?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She nodded to her, understanding the concerns of the build quality. "Sure, i'm rather hungry, but you go on, i need to just clean up my mess with the gunpla construction i had been making." she said and rolled over to the gunpla bench, looking in the box and trying to stealthily assemble the parts from before. With the constant use of her hands, she had gotten rather dexterous with them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis nodded, grabbed her jacket, tied it around her midsection like a belt, picked up the Strike Freedom, slipped it into one of the pockets, and set out for the mess hall.

She went right for the food when she got to the mess hall, though she took a few moments to take in what was available before deciding.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou looked at Alex semi-ludicrously. "Alex I didn't even speak until the end of the meeting. I'm probably even less in the know than you are." Rou smiled a little devilishly and stepped out of his comfort zone. "Why? Do you think she's cute?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Alex could tell what he was thinking: "Don't even go there Rou." He thinks to himself: "If Jo catches me thinking like that, she'd KILL me!" Alex continues with: "I was just curious. End of story." He goes back to eating his food fast... but ends up choaking due to his fast eating and falls flat on his back with the knocked out look in his eyes, catching the attention of the others.

They could see it now... "Class Clown" written on his back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou looked down at Alex, partially worried. He hadn't known the boy long enough to know what was going on, so he took a shot in the dark about his well being.

"Alex you better be okay because I'm not going near your butt to perform the heimlick."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

(This would be for after lunch, but if some of you would still want to put something up before, go ahead and just mention when you're heading to the battles)

After the lunch hour, many of the students where heading for one place, the Gunpla Battle system room. When they were funneling in, they were greeted by one man, Instructor Sastuki, who was in charge of all organized Gunpla Battle. He greeted everyone with: "Welcome everyone. I hope you're all ready, for it's time to show what you can do for your fellow classmates!"

All the systems in the room suddenly start to whirl up with noise as a voices announces: "GUNPLA BATTLE, COMBAT MODE, START UP!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou watched as everyone including Alex began to move towards the battle room. "I'm kinda tired...im gonna go work on my Brave...see you back at the room!" He shouted as he rushed out.

Once back in his room, Rou quickly tossed off his clothes and put on his stark white spandex suit. He snapped it a few times, testing for wear. He slipped on the white boots and gloves before picking up the helmet and staring at it. This was it...time to shine. Rou donned the helmet and tied on his red scarf. With that, he was now Ball Guy. He rummaged through his back and pulled out a plastic case. After a quick check that all five Balls were present, he ran out of the room before anyone noticed.

Ball Guy threw open the doors to the battle room and silently struck a pose, snapping his fingers and pointing outwards.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

scrambling into the mess hall, not realizing she had just wasted the hour, Dani got there with only a few minutes to spare, grabbing a sandwhich quickly before rolling over to Alexis. "Sorry... kinda got involved and redid a few parts on my guntank.... sorry.... i'm looking forwards to a good battle though." she said with a smile as she broke her sandwich open and began to eat it on the way to and during the introduction of the battle systems.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis giggled a bit as she watched a few of the others start battles of their own "Understandable, and I'm sure it'll happen again sooner, rather then later." she said with a grin "Tiss the nature of our hobby is it not?" she said as she spotted a system not yet in use. "Shall we?" Alexis said as she walked over to the Battle system in question.
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