Avatar of FerriteFox
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 259 (0.07 / day)
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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so I take we can use our mains in the coming battles?

sucks for who evers against Alexis

Oh no matter what team she's on she's getting that creativity talk from a guy who plays with Balls
Both. Time for those new modules to shine.
Oh sweet Jesus the world is not ready
So how much is left of chapter two?
I prefer the suits without vents. Zeta, Banshee Normal, etc.
Not sure what to do right now
Rou looked up at Alex. "Oh hey, this isn't anything to worry about. I just got a little reamed. That Kasumi girl I was sitting next to was a real killer." Rou attached the cannons back onto the Buster's hips. "So, you found yourself an opponent yet?" Rou said, adjusting his hat.
Rou smiled and nodded. He wasn't a sore loser in the slightest, but something in his gut told him that if he had been allowed to make some changes to the Buster, the battle may have swung towards a different direction. Rou walked back into the class room and sat down before piecing together the remnants of his defeat.
Rou sighed heavily. With both arms gone and no more artillery, he really had no other choice. Wordlessly, he inputted the command to withdraw from the match.

Oh I'm not saying its bad, just other than being the original its rather unremarkable.
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