Avatar of FerriteFox
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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Rou felt jolted as the Shining crashed into him, shattering the armor panels and cracking the inner frame of his arms. As quickly as he could react, they were cleanly cut off. In a final desperate attempt, Rou opened the shoulder missile pods and fired off one last hoo-Ra.
Its a stepping stone is all I have to say.
Rou leaped forward and ran a few meters forward to create distance. His little stunt had destroyed four of his six current weapons, he had to play it safe now. The Buster turned around and ripped off the remains of its cannons, as they would only hinder him at this point. Rou readied his beam saber in the defensive fashion it had before and began circling around the area with the Shining.

"You're pretty swift there Kasumi. If I hadn't reacted in that manner I would have already lost this."
Rou braced the Buster Gundam for the impact that the Shining would bring him. Only moments before the Shining would hit, he unclasped his hands and quickly reached for the Anti Armor Shotgun and quickly blasted in front of him.
Probably nowhere near as good as Kasumis. His strength is in building, plus Buster is probably a little bit slower.
Rou's Buster towered over the Shining Gundam, but he wasn't cocky. He turned the beam saber over in his hand so the blade extended from the bottom. The ZAFT Gundam held the saber in a manner that lined the blade along his arm in a defensive manner and gripped his wrist with his free hand to support himself. Kasumi looked like she knew what she was doing. It was like a scene from a samurai movie. Rou chuckled, he could practically hear the YOOOOOOOOOOO-"DUNK" sound bit.
Its going to be funny trying to see an MG use a HG scaled beam saber. More like beam dagger.
Rou usually tried to play the the strength of the gunpla. Accepting the beam saber would go against that tactic on so many levels. However, his love of cheesy honorable battles got the better of him. He attached his cannons to form the Anti Armor Shotgun and fired a shot into the air to let Kasumi know he was coming. He took the beam saber in his hand and walked forward, letting the attached cannons fall to the side.
Rou smirked. Sure, he had given away his position, but he also caught a glimpse of Kasumi's abilities. If he had chosen a close range mobile suit he would have probably been hamburger after a move like that. Rou detached his guns and fired off a quick volley to each side of the Shining Gundam, so that the only way to move was backwards. As soon as the last shot left his barrels, he moved the Buster back down the slope of the outcrop, and swiftly moved towards another spot of cover.
Rou's instinct told him to light Kasumi up like a bonfire, but something was off. Was her Gunpla broken? He wouldn't find it fair to beat her like that. Rou attached the Gun Launcher to the back of the rifle, forming them into a sniper rifle. He took careful aim at a very large tree. The sniper rifle spewed a beam that grazed the tree just enough so that it would fall towards the Shining Gundam. It was a hefty tree that would definitely damage a Gundam if it directly fell on it, but nowhere near fatally.
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