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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Internally Sakuya wanted to scream at how he could forget her when he was the one who promised that rematch. This pissed her off a bit it was one of her most defining battles and he did not remember!! "It was the 12th championship battles you beat me in the semi finals when I was using my custom gerbera tetra. I was known back than as "Zechs the Lightning count" she said as she tried to job up any memories it was kind of annoying she had to do this though. "It was a hard battle but in the end you won since my gunpla wouldnt move when time ran out. Afterwards you promised a rematch if we ever meet again which is now." Sakuya stated simply it was just that she was not satisfied with how the battle ended and wanted another run at him.@Pilot231
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@SukuThat's when it hit him. That battle he had in the semi-finals. His Star AGE Gundam faced off against a very fast and modified Gerbera tetra. He couldn't seem to get a shot on her for a while, and when the fight moved to close range, his unit had lost its right arm and left leg. He managed to claim the victory when he charged right on into his opponent and pierce the suit with his beam saber, doing enough damage to shut it down. It was after that fight he made a promise to her that they'll have a rematch someday.

Alex pats his fist in the palm of his other hand responding: "NOW I REMEMBER! Lightning count! I remember the fight and the promise. Of course you looked different back then a bit. You actually remind me of Tieria from Gundam 00. Sorry."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@FerriteFoxThe battle stood still for some time... until a leaf nearby finally hit the ground. The Shining Gundam's head rose a bit and its eyes glow brighter. In a fast movement of the arms, the blade was held close to the unit as Kasumi shouts: "Arashi school style, Storm Breaker!"

The unit slashed forward, sending out a gust of wind that nearly blew the Buster off balanced, sending many of the leaves on the ground into the air. When one leaf passed by the view of the Buster, the Shining Gundam went from standing to dashing forward towards her opponent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Ha yah back than I always wore that char mask and dyed my hair blond. Though I stopped after that battle I took it as a sign that perhaps it was time for me to stop though I still have that gerbera tetra untouched something felt that it was its time to be repaired. I used to be mad about looking like Tieria back than I did everything to stop it though I just felt like it was time to lay down the mask after that perhaps I shall wear it once more for old time sakes though." She commented off her hand going to her bag which held said mask in it for some reason she never felt the need to throw it away and kept it in good condition. "Still it was a good battle heck you were the one who made me take off my mask." She laughed back than all she cared for was victory it was afterwords she felt like she could actually enjoy gunpla battles.@Pilot231
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou braced the Buster Gundam for the impact that the Shining would bring him. Only moments before the Shining would hit, he unclasped his hands and quickly reached for the Anti Armor Shotgun and quickly blasted in front of him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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There was an explosion from the shot. But it looked like nothing was there. Before Rou could react, the Anti Armor Shotgun had suddenly broken into several pieces, super-heated from being slashed by a beam saber. Right behind him, the Shining Gundam was there, but it was missing its left arm, which was hit by the round from the Buster. Kasumi thought to herself: "My reaction was slow. I'll need to be faster than that."@FerriteFox
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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@Pilot231Dani rolled into the room. She didn't want to disrupt people, but gave a small bow as she spoke up. "Greetings. My name is Dani Hatashi. I've come to speak about my ideas for plavasky particles." she said to him, giving a bow. "It would require knowledge on their subject and if you could please give me access to those who can help me bring these ideas to life, i would greatly appreciate it." she said, looking up at the one in charge of the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou leaped forward and ran a few meters forward to create distance. His little stunt had destroyed four of his six current weapons, he had to play it safe now. The Buster turned around and ripped off the remains of its cannons, as they would only hinder him at this point. Rou readied his beam saber in the defensive fashion it had before and began circling around the area with the Shining.

"You're pretty swift there Kasumi. If I hadn't reacted in that manner I would have already lost this."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@SukuAlex did remember also in the fight, asking how why all she could think about was victory, when he always believed Gunpla should be fun. He's glad to see people who take his ideal to heart for they always seem to have more fun. Alex continues: "Well it's good to see you're doing well. Though about that rematch, i was hoping that we could have it another time, when we can use our other models, that and the fact that I already have someone in mind to challenge today. *Gives a fist forward* But I'll still keep my promise to you for a battle."

@FerriteFox Though down an arm, the fight to her was farm from over. She readied herself again and wait for the right moment... before she charged right at the spot the Buster was going to be at.

@mcpop9 Satsuki didn't turn around yet but he said: "Dani Hatashi. I've read up on you. IQ of 175. Prefers using suits that don't have legs. And who follows the ideals of Meijin Kawaguchi the 3rd. And i see you're interested in knowing more about the particles that we use in our systems."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou felt jolted as the Shining crashed into him, shattering the armor panels and cracking the inner frame of his arms. As quickly as he could react, they were cleanly cut off. In a final desperate attempt, Rou opened the shoulder missile pods and fired off one last hoo-Ra.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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With 12 missiles closing in at her Gundam, she waited till they were just about to impact... suddenly *swish swish slash*, and all 12 were split in half nearly at the same time, exploding. The flames engulfed the gundam. Did it work?

From the flames, the outline of the Shining Gundam stood. Though burnted and damaged, it was still standing, with its saber drawn. The next second Rou noticed, it was just in front of his Buster with a saber right at the chest, ready to slash the Gundam in half.

Kasumi warned Rou: "If you value your Gunpla, surrender. Just know there is no shame in surrendering."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou sighed heavily. With both arms gone and no more artillery, he really had no other choice. Wordlessly, he inputted the command to withdraw from the match.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"My goal is to be able to apply the particles to the medical field. So inherently, yes, I desire knowledge of them." She said to the man he was speaking with. "Also, don't beleive everything you read. I run a guntank to prove a point, I have no pedal suits in reserve. That isn't to say I don't love my block." She said to him. "May I hve your name?" She asked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@FerriteFoxWith the battle over, the particles cleared out, leaving the two suits in the last pose they were in. Luckily since the damage was set to C, the parts were mainly just like they were taken out or apart, no real damage at all.

Kasumi bows to her opponent: "A well fought battle. Till we fight again."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9Satsuki turned around: "You've seen me before. On the first day. And your cause is indeed just. If you wish to learn more about Plavsky Particles, I may be able to help. However..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou smiled and nodded. He wasn't a sore loser in the slightest, but something in his gut told him that if he had been allowed to make some changes to the Buster, the battle may have swung towards a different direction. Rou walked back into the class room and sat down before piecing together the remnants of his defeat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Pilot231"You got it a full rematch your Star AGE Gundam vs my Gerbera Tetra(Red Lightning) just tell me when you want ok not to soon its time I start repairing an old friend." Sakuya said she was going to repair her Red Lightning not to just its old standard but more so it will be better and most of all she would actually try to enjoy the battle. "So she mentioned off hand who you going challenge?" She asked off hand since her mind was already busy with possible ways to fix her gerbera tetra. She also wanted to test her own crossbone gundam full cloth to see how she did on it since to be honest she was curious the full cloth is different than most of her builds her Seravee Panzer was a slow tank like build while her Red Lightning was about fast speed and attack. Which the full cloth fell into neither category since it wasn't slow nor was it overly fast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@SukuAlex gave a thumbs up and answered: "Someone i know who has a lot of potential to be a great fighter." With that, he decided to find his opponent in mind. Though having a battle in straight assembly suits would be fun, he thought it would be more fun to see how they both were now with their own creations.

@FerriteFox Alex came up to Rou: "Hey Rou, I finally got my suit finished. How's abou... whoa! What happened?" He saw the MG Buster was in several pieces, but not badly damaged.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sakuya nodding that the conversation was over now went to pack up her stuff before doing some last minute part moving to make sure that paint did affect the model in anyway. Nodding to herself that everything seemed satisfactory she thought about if she just call out to anyone who wanted a battle with the straight builds or not. Right now she had two choices as she saw it a test battle with the crossbone or fixing up her gerbera tetra for the rematch with alex later. Deciding a battle at the moment would be best she set down her crossbone gunpla before calling out "I am looking for anyone seeking to test their straight build in a battle I am looking for a challenger is there any takers" she called out hopefully someone would accept her challenge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou looked up at Alex. "Oh hey, this isn't anything to worry about. I just got a little reamed. That Kasumi girl I was sitting next to was a real killer." Rou attached the cannons back onto the Buster's hips. "So, you found yourself an opponent yet?" Rou said, adjusting his hat.
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