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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"However usually implies conditions sensei. An forgive me for not remembering your name, i am much better with faces." she said, kindof feeling stupid for not remembering his name. "And i don't have much to lose, so please tell me the conditions." she asked him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@FerriteFoxBefore Alex said anything. Another student caught their attention when he points out: "You should consider yourself lucky the damage was only at C. That girl isn't one to take lightly."

Alex asked: "How so?"

The student told them: "Didn't you see the mark on the back of her outfit? It's the sign of the Arashi family. Their whole family line is based back to the Meiji period, and all of them were swordsmen. As for her, she has a reputation. She's known well as "The Gunpla Battōsai"."

Quite a story to hear. Alex also answered Rou's question: "Well i was wanting to challenge you, but looks like I'll need another opponent. Maybe Sakuya would... *but when Alex looked around, she wasn't anywhere* Oh man! She's gone too." Alex sighs in defeat, wondering what he's going to do now.

@Suku One student came up to her and challenged her: "Want to see how well your Full Cloth does against the Reborns?"

@Lunar Templar Alex enters the battle room, with several battles going on already, talking to himself: "Who am I going to challenge now?"

That's when one battle caught his attention. The field was Field 7 - Ruins. The jungle ruins were old, but some had be ruined due to the fighting. One unit hiding was a MS-18 Kampfer mobile suit. The pilot inside was worried as he commented: "Man, this is nuts. I haven't even gotten a scratch on her. She's totally out of my league."

His suit's alarm rings as he looks up. A shot from what looks like a Twin Buster Rifle fires. Luckily the Kampfer moves out of the way as part of the land is demolished.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9He responds: "Satsuki. And if I'm right, your class were working on some straight assembly units for today... kinda like this." He steps to the side to reveal the model he was working on, an RX-78GPO1 "Zephyranthes". It didn't had the Full Burnea equipment on it, but it still looked well made.

He continued with: "I'm sure you know what it is I'm asking."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"I can understand that Sensei Satsuki, but this is a matter completely unrelated to said class, and it'd be a shame to have the results of a fight spoiled by either pilot not being at their best synchronization with their suit. Not to mention, my straight build is not done, so it wouldn't have the same capabilities as a suit such as the one you created. Mind you, i'm not disqualifying a straight build's capabilities, i just know which suit i would perform better with and can feel much easier." she said as respectfully as she could to him, producing her guntank.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis just watched as the Kampfer darted for more cover, and sighed.

"Look, since I'm sure you know where this is going, I'll give you the chance to back out now, since you have excellent taste in Mobile Suits." Alexis said to her clearly intimidated opponent. "So you can forfeit now, and save your self some rebuild and repair time." The Kampfers mono eye panning over to her Wing Zero, hovering there in the air, Buster Rifle at the ready.

"BATTLE ENDED" the battle system said, as it displayed the battle over message and stating Wing Zero as the winner before the particles faded away. The guy with the Kampfer just collected his Gunpla and quietly walked away. "Yeah, it wasn't fun for me ether..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9He remained quiet for a bit, then turned around and told her: "You know, there was another around your age, who did not question about much and didn't seek much. However, he had learned himself the secret of these particles through Gunpla. If this is how you think, then I'm afraid you'll never find the answers you seek." He didn't say anything until: "I will give you time to finish up your Gunpla. This isn't about skill with a unit... but a will."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarBefore the particles fully disappear, they suddenly come right back up as the system announces: "NEW CHALLENGER. GUNPLA BATTLE COMBAT MODE, START UP!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis rather quickly pulled up the display of her new opponent. "Alex?" She smirked a little "Alright then. Lets Dance." Wing Zero's eye lighting back up as it took to the fields sky's again, a Buster Rifle in each hand, as she waited for Alex's Freedom to present it self.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You want to question my will? Everything my will encompasses? I'm not questioning your skill or what you've made, if you want to see my will and my resolve... what i can do... " she said, clenching her hands into fists. "I will see you down stairs.... I don't care if i have to go home and purchase an arena so i can deconstruct it to figure out how to manipulate these particles so i can walk again... If you have the slightest slither of intrigue as to all the painful progress i've made... you'll meet me downstairs..." she said, rolling out of room and descending with her chair to an arena, waiting for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarSure enough, the Freedom descends from the sky.

For an HG, it sure looked well put together. Dani sure did help Alex with making the suit look high quality. Though expecting the Freedom to move or start attacking, instead, it slowly lowers it altitude and lands on the ground, several yards away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis, sensing something, followed suit. Setting Wing Zero down across from the Freedom. "Whats up?" She asked, wondering why he hadn't simply started the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarFreedom didn't move for a bit, but Alex contacted her answering: "Seeing your gunpla and it's power... it really got me motivated. Gunpla really is something." He moves his Freedom's fist forward, kinda like a bro fist and says: "Lets make this a battle to remember Alexis."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9As she left he looks at the Gunpla he finished.

One of the assistants asks: "Are you sure you want to go through this?"

Satsuki responds: "It's the only way to help."

*After some time, Satsuki finally arrives at the battle system where Dani was waiting. He greets her with: "May it be a good fight."


The bases were set down as info appears.

With that, the System continues: "BEGINNING PLAVSKY PARTICLE DISPERSAL."

And thus, the same particles Dani wants to know more about, form in front of her, producing the field.

The System announces the field choice: "FIELD 12, ISLAND."

The field was a sandy like island with some jungle in the middle. Several other smaller islands surround the big one, each one big enough to have one suit stand on it just in case.

The particles surround both players forming the cockpits as it continues: "PLEASE SET YOUR GUNPLA."

Satsuki's Gunpla is set down, scanned, and the head tilts up with its eyes spark to life. With both suits scanned, the system announces: "BATTLE START!"

Satsuki announces: "Satsuki. Gundam Zephyranthes. LAUNCHING!" With that, the suit was launched and heading out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis smirks, joins the Buster Rifles into a single unit to free a hand and bumps knuckles with his Freedom. "It gets in your blood, doesn't it." she said, giving the Freedom a second quick bump, before backing off, spiting the Buster Rifle apart again, flying up again. "Let's show our class mates a real battle, in the hope it will inspire them to not cower in front of a superior foe, but to rise to the challenge."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Dani seemed confident, not cocky, but like she had pride in her building skills as she set down her base and then placed her guntank on the launch pad. Grabbing her helmet, she took it and slipped it onto her head. It was the first time anyone had seen her place it on her head and Satsuki could see in her eyes that she was determined and serious. "I wish you good luck Sensei." she said, genuinely wishing him a good game against herself.

"Guntank Block! Launch!" she shouted and pushed forwards with the control sticks. The tank launched forwards, and while it didn't have the same mobility as a gundam, she had a powerful GN field surrounding the guntank to protect it from attacks as she quickly made towards the first island, taking a rest on it to allow the generators to catch up with her thrust. Meanwhile, she was constantly scanning around herself for his suit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarAlex nods: "And also to remind them that Gunpla is fun." The Freedom hovers up and moves away to get a good start distance away from her and then tells her: "And I'm going to have fun doing something I've always wanted to do with the Freedom. Ready Freedom?"

The suits eyes spark up again as the suits wings enter HiMAT mode. Lock on targets take aim as Alex shouts: "Go Freedom! FULL BURST!"

The suits weapons aim and fire all 5 range weapons towards the Wing Zero custom.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9Before anything, a contact line was opened to her: "Amazing isn't it, what these particles can do. To recreate something like this island and all its beauty. If we could do that, the possibilities are endless. Wouldn't you say?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Yes, they are." she responded and pushed the tank forwards off the single island and onto the larger one, landing on the beach and letting her treads take over from there, starting to carve a path inwards with the tank. "I love seeing the trees and leaves. Would you like to know what i'm fighting for and what my plans are if i can prove myself to you? Before we escalate our conversation into a fight, that is." she asked him, having a serene feeling to her voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9Satsuki replies back with: "I believe I'll learn through this. Lets see the strength of your will."

Dani's alarm rings out and just then, from the ocean, a large column of water erupts Through it, a shot rings out and just misses the Guntank Block.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@Pilot231 She immediately fired a return shot from her top left cannon on the origin trajectory of the shot fired at her and rips apart the water of the ocean, splitting it like the red sea as her shield weakens a tiny bit from the near miss. The top right cannon swivels around to the rear of her as her two miniguns focus to the sides. She continues to advance to the middle of the island, set on making her defense the most well rounded. She knew her shield could absorb a couple of hit from the beams, but also knew he had advantage till he defeated her guntank.
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