Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis started to weave Wing Zero through the barrage of fire coming at her, opening and closing the wings as needed so the shots passed harmlessly by. She didn't stay on the defensive for long though, and after maybe 20 seconds of dodging fire, she responded with a fully charged blast from a single Buster Rifle, aimed right at the Freedom's chest.

and whether Alex knew it or not, Alexis was already smiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar Templar Alex managed to avoid the shot, but he could still feel the force of power from the shot. an RG Model was nothing to take lightly for sure. Alex talked to himself: "If i stay this far away, I won't get much of a chance to hit her with any of my shots. But if I get closer, it'll be harder to dodge her buster rifle. *One second later* Oh well. Sometimes you got to be bold." With that, he charges towards the Zero. He barrel rolls to avoid another shot and fires the twin Balaena beam cannons from the shoulders upside down.

As the Guntank Block retreats, the Gundam lands on the beach. That was a close shot from the cannon. He knew it would be likely that she may start shelling the beachhead from a distance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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@Pilot231Getting each gun to their extreme firing arcs, she charged the cannons, readying her miniguns for if he came close to her guntank. Then she opened fire with the cannons, rapidly spinning them to their other extreme side of the arc, literally slicing down the entire forest on the island with a continuous beam, and if he was unlucky enough to still be standing there, the guntank would slice his zephyranthes in half.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9Sensors picked something up. Up in the air, a small metalic object was there. It looked like an Epac, the new equipment that was given to the GPO1 and its beam rifle. It didn't look like it was laced with any bombs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Let us test it than who is the better the reborns or the full cloth." Sakuya said as she went to set up the match "GUNPLA BATTLE, COMBAT MODE, START UP! MODEL LEVEL DAMAGE SET TO C. PLEASE SET YOUR GP BASE." Placing her GP base she waited on her challenger to do the same.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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She opened a shoulder's armor plate and launched a single missile at the epack , opening fire with her miniguns in a sweeping motion around the gunpla in order to thwart any attacks that might have been using the epack as bait to lure her attention away. As soon as she had finished launched the missle, her attention sweeped across all of the scanners in the control pod.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@SukuChallenger sets down his base. The system continues: "BEGINNING PLAVSKY PARTICLE DISPERSAL."

Particles begin to form, soon taking form of the field of choice: "FIELD 10, CAVERN."

It was a big cave, filled with tons of stalagmites and stalactites, but there was plenty of room around for the suits to do battle in.

Both pilots were surrounded by the particles and formed their cockpits, followed closely by: "PLEASE SET YOUR GUNPLA."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9The missile slams into the Epac and detonates. Not much of a boom. Next thing Dani knew, a beam rifle shot fires, and grazes the right tank treed of the Guntank Block. It was just a way to find her position through the forest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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@Pilot231The shot was absorbed by the gn field causing no damage to the tank, the shield weakening a bit more in response. She charged the shield even higher with particles and made it so it would absorb more damage that would come into contact with it. She also began to charge the canons as well, preparing for another attack as she kept her scanners up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis, seeing Alex charging her, she charged at him, and rolled around the blasts from the Freedoms plasma cannons, how ever, instead of going for a Beam Saber as she passed him, she just flew right on by, and instead fired a staggered pair of shots from her Buster Rifles, firing one shot slightly ahead, and off to the side of the Freedom, hoping to make Alex dodge how she wanted, so that the second shot would ether connect, or be much harder to evade.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nodding to her opponent she placed the gundam crossbone full cloth she pushed forward. "Descend Crossbone full cloth ready for sortie!" She announced as the crossbone landed with a slight thud. This is not good as a cavern there is not going to be much room for mobility but this is better for me I suppose. Standing her ground she raised the peacock smasher and waited for the reborns gundam to make its appearance.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarAlex watches as she passes by him. When the buster rifles fired its two shots, Alex prepares to dodge: "You're not gonna... !!"

That's when it hits him... his sixth sense warning about the second shot. But he was already dodging the first shot just as Alexis had wanted him to.

Alex shouts: "SHOOT!" He dives away as best as he can, and the shot just grazes him, but nothing too serious: "That was too close... though now the Plasma Cannons are useless." They had been totally ripped apart from the shot, leaving him with the Rail Cannons, the Sabers, and the Lupis Beam Rifle: "I got to take out the Twin Buster Rifle, or i won't last long."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis didn't give Alex much time to recover, as she opened up with the Shoulder Gatling Guns, aiming them mostly at the Beam Rifle and Rail Gun on that side, and to further this goal, she closed the gap between them a bit and ran a half circle around him. Regardless of whether she got the Beam Rifle, her main target, she'd put a bit more distance between the both of them before joining the Buster Rifles for one shot against Alex.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@SukuA little time passes by with no activity... suddenly coming through the cave entrances, were small fast moving objects. Small GN Fangs with their energy on. They were coming in from several directions at once and at fast speeds.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9The sensors pick up something coming from the same arc that the Epac was destroyed. The GPO1 was coming in, still holding the beam rifle, but also holding its shield forward, to protect from a counter attack.

Alex puts the Freedom's Shield up to block the rounds from the shoulder Vulcan. Though not strong enough to pierce through the Gundam's armor, the beam rifle was something he still needed along with his rail guns. He needed to get close now since he sees the Twin Buster Rifle together: "I got to close the gap and now... and I think i know how."

The Freedom unfolds the rail guns and fires several rounds... but not at Wing Zero, but at the ground. The impacts create huge clouds of dust, to which the Freedom falls into.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

So hew as going to play a range game huh she thought to herself as she started to dodge before activating her I fields blocking the rest. Taking out the muramasa blaster she charged forward cutting a few of them as she spotted the Reborns. Pointing her Peacock smasher once more she let out three shots before charging in with the muramasa blaster.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Her beams reaimed themselves up at the incoming GPO1, the cannons linking and firing a massive beam, while this was going on, her targeting computers lined up all possible dodge vectors and the entire tank's armor plating opened up. She launched a flurry of missiles along each targeting vector, emptying her supply of them in hopes of removing the threat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@SukuJust then, hiding in the rocks, 4 of the 8 Fangs rocketed up, slashing up the Peacock Smasher into several pieces. Charging headlong into the fight, she was unaware that the Reborns was in Cannon mode as the unit fires a barrage before disappearing back into the shadows. The pilot mocks her: "How can you fight something you can't see?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis knew there was some kinda surprise attack coming. So instead of staying still, she darted back and up, it was on this preemptive measure she noticed her energy level.

once she felt she'd moved back far enough she fired both barrels into the dust cloud, but then did something odd.

She, while the Buster Rifles where still firing, cut her engines and let Wing Zero fall a little bit while leaving the Buster Rifles to be pushed back and out of the arena by the thrust they generate. Once the Rifles where clear of the suit, she righted the suit and pulled out both Beam Sabers and took a defensive stance, ready for what ever Alex was gonna pull in retaliation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Throwing the remains of her peacock smasher after dodging the barage Sakuya began to mentally berate herself she was treating it like her seravee and going for ranged heavy firepower. Though despite this she managed to cut down three of the four fangs thatt was sent after just now. "You may hide but sadly it wont do you much good in the end" she called out putting away her muramasa blaster and took out the buster gun and beam zanber. There was a total of 12 fangs on the reborns so far she managed to get rid of 5 fangs 2 large fangs and 3 small ones. That left a total of seven 2 large 5 small. Dodging from some fire she stopped in a middle of a giant cavern and quickly closed of one of the two exits with her buster gun that left only one entrance and a circular room with decent lighting and little places to hide.
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