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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarAlex was able to see what Alexis was doing and noticed she let the twin buster rifle fire and fly out of the arena. He thought to himself: "Nuts, i really wanted to try the Freedom's Beam Saber Rush. But I see what she wants."

Just then Freedom flies out of the dust cloud and charges towards Zero. But just before he would make contact, he pulls out the Lupis Beam Rifle... and tosses it towards Wing Zero.

@Suku From the dark entrance, she noticed a red glow from the cave. The Reborns appears out of it in mobile suit mode, and has shown to be in Trans-AM mode. He glides on the ground at blistering speed firing the GN Buster Rifle.

@mcpop9 As the beam fire from the cannons comes into contact with the shield, the round doesn't pierce through the shield, after some time, the shield goes flying from the forces, and the GPO1 is right at her with one Beam Saber drawn, and the Beam Rifle which has activated the Jitte on it to use as a melee weapon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Dani was happy to watch him close as she was loving the fight, someone who wasn't just obliterated by the rifle and was worthy to fight her. "HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!!!" she shouted at him, aiming both of her gatlings at the gunpla. With his weapons making contact with the hardened gn field, the girl overcharged the shield and burst it out, attempting to stagger him and either overload or break his sensors with the wall of GN hitting him. this was when she opened up with the gatling lasers in the arms, attempting to do as much damage as she could to him while he was up close. Meanwhile, her generators were overheated from her burst stunt and struggling to try and recover, leaving her with the tank's lackluster maneuverability and the gatlings to defend herself for the time being.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis swing one of her beam sabers and cut the rifle in two. "I don't need your charity to keep up with out the Buster Rifles." she said, the gesture, as her tone suggested, highly insulting to her, the rifle exploding around Wing Zero. the finish was scuffed and the 'combat sight' in the chest was cracked now but it was other wise fine, but the way the suit hovered there, just added to the feeling that Alex had just insulted her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9As he was pushed back by the GN field burst he comments: "Yes. I can tell." He lowers his unit and bends down... then he purges the top half of his unit from the bottom, which recieved the burst from the Gatling lasers. As the top half comes in, he swings the Jitte part of the rifle horizontally and pierces into the Guntank Block's right Gatling arm, and then with the gun facing the shoulder part, fires a round at point blank range, just about shooting off one of the cannons. He lets out a battle cry as he uses the right arm of his Gunpla to swing down its beam saber...

"Just like... with him..."

*Several flashbacks shown of his own battle with someone he trained in the labs. A hard struggle...

*Back at the first day of the summer academy by the lake*

Alex: "Astrid? You knew him?"

Satsuki responds: "Yes. He was gifted. Someone who was able to see and understand things that others could not. Like a sixth sense. Sounds familiar?"

Alex didn't know what to say, so Satsuki continues: "After the tournament, he told me about a young boy who he lost too, who was special. And I could see why. You are gifted, but there is still so much more that you need to learn. And I know there are people here who can help."

*Back to the battle*

Though his saber had made contact, his unit had also received a direct hit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarAs the rifle exploded Alex asked: "Wait? That was insulting? I didn't mean for it to be. I was just using the explosion to cover this."

Through the explosion from the Lupis Rifle, the Freedom jabs forward with the beam saber it had out, which is countered by one of Zero's beam sabers. Alex then pulls out his second beam saber with his free right hand and slashes forwards.

(The tone in Alex showed he didn't want to show any insult to his opponent.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Dani was smiling as she had her controls hovering over the special function on her unit. "this has been a good battle. Is your suit at its limits, or do you think it can compete with the equivalent of a new type?" she asked, him, a look dead serious across her face. the entirety of her cockpit was red as she waited for his answer, damaged arm, cannon and a beam lodged in its other shoulder.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9There was a moment of silences before Dani could quietly hear from him: "All I needed to know..."

A second after that, the GPO1's eyes go dark and the beam saber's power cuts out.

The System announces: "BATTLE ENDED."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis counter by swinging with her right beam saber as well, she was aiming to take off the Freedoms arm at the elbow though, regardless though, if she took his arm missed or just blocked it she would be immediately following with the left, in a sort of hook to get around his shield and do some meaningful damage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarAlex holds fast against any counter she could try. Alex then calls out: "Hope fixing the wings won't be hard."

Both the Freedom's hip rail guns unfold and fire at point blank range, slamming into the lower part of the wings of the Zero, either just damaging them or blowing them off (I'll leave that choice to you)

The concussion from the blast creates a bit of distance between the two. Alex took the saber in the Freedom's right hand and flips it around so he's holding it in a reverse grip.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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She frowned at the end of the battle. "Shame, i was having fun with that battle. Didn't get to flex my muscles... so to speak." she said to him, looking across the field at her competitor. "we should finish this battle at some point." she said to him, giving a small bow. "I hope you understood my soul." Dani said, softly smiling now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9Satsuki was smiling as he suddenly spoke: "Newtypes... A theory that Zeon Zum Deikum proposed in the Gundam series, to which he believed that humans, who have needed to communicate with each other throughout time, would eventually develop a sixth sense to mentally communicate. Do you believe that our own world could have people such as Newtypes?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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"While i believe evolution can lead to traits, i'm not sure if i believe fully in newtypes. A lot of the science behind it doesn't make much sense, but i can beleive that the world can harbor people who are born with natural talent or skills, brain capability for impressive feats compared to other humans." she explained to him. "I can see us doing these things with technology at one point, but the universe is so vast, anything can happen." finished looking at him. "As for if i think i am one who is a step onto that track? well, if you had continued that fight, you might have found out." she said, smiling and giving him a wink. "All i know is that i'm a girl that is rather smart and loves little plastic models. For what others label me is up for them to decide."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Activating the I fields to block the shots she charged forward shooting her buster gun she quickly combined it with zanber saber to form the zanbuster. Using the newly formed zanbuster she let out multiple shots with it feinting to the right and letting out two powerful blasts from behind. Taking it apart she continued her assault using the zanber saber to slash at the reborns back before letting out a power shot with the buster gun. Putting away the buster gun and zanber saber she pulled out the muramasa blaster and ignited the thrusters on the muramasa blaster creating its signature look. Gripping it with two hands she swung it in downward fashion than following it up with a solid thrust at its back.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis saw the damage indicator light up. The wings on the back getting sever damage to them, she could still use them to steer, but she still lost some of the range of movement. Ether way they where wiggling a bit as Zero moved.

Ether way, it wasn't gonna stop her 'charge'. Zero darted forward, and up until the last second, looked as though she was going to ram him, it was really a faint, she was setting him up again. she hoped he swing at her with the beam saber, that would leave him the most open, if he went with the rail guns, that'd probably take something off depending on where he hit Zero, but she'd make damn sure he wouldn't have them after ward.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9 Satsuki says: "No... it would have taken someone who has something more than I could have to really see. Though it may be something that could change everything, there will be people out there who are afraid of something they couldn't understand, and that fear is why they would harbor emotions of anger and fear. But I have seen enough to tell how unique you are... I'll make sure to spare time in my schedule to meet with you about the Plavsky Particles."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@SukuThe suit continued to move from the firing trying to avoid what it could thanks to the Trans-AM. But when he saw an opening, he took his chance to charge in, sure he would take out the Crossbone before it could counter, but as he got close, his Trans-AM cuts out and found himself at the recieving end of the Muramasa. He cries out as his suit was slammed, head on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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She smiled at him as she undid her chin strap. "Arigato Sensei." she said with a bow. "Don't think this gets you off of the end of the battle. I don't like leaving loose ends." she commented.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9 Satsuki responds: "I'll be looking forward to that time. Plus, I'm sure you can help a lot of people here, especially one person I'm sure you've seen.

That person, still in a Gunpla battle, was now preparing to counter what seems to be a charge from his opponent. Alex: "Here she comes!" He starts a slash move against his opponent... but that's when it hits him again. Another sixth sense feeling. This attack was a feint! But Alex still swang his saber, to which she then moved out of the way to a vulnerable spot. But as she was gonna strike it, he too the reverse gripped saber and counters behind him... but now his backside is vulnerable to the vulcan guns and he knew it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alex blocked her saber strike, but she had is back, and at no point was she going to use just her beam saber, and opened up on the Freedoms back with her shoulder gatlings, mostly the wings and main thruster. Her sudden jerking around didn't agree with Zero though, one of the already damage wings tore it self off while the other just went limp.

However, even as she back peddled away from Alex and his Freedom, she kept firing on him with the gatlings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarThe Freedom takes a big pounding from the rear, as he tries to pull away, he also accidentally leads his Rail Cannons through the stream of bullets, leaving them useless. Despite a bit of damage, Freedom's main thrusters were still working fine, though his Himat wings were damaged too.

Alex got some distance from his opponent. He was trying to catch his breath. No doubt for sure due to only having several months of fighting experience that his body wasn't yet adapted to take this much stress as compared to his opponent. But the last thing on his mind was to surrender. Alex talks to himself: "We're not done yet. I know we can still go on. Can you do it Freedom?" His Gunpla's eyes light up bright as he gets ready. Alex continues: "Okay. This is gonna be it!" He combines the two sabers together to form its twin bladed configuration. The Himat wings, though still damaged, fully extend again as the Freedom distributes its particles.
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