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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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"Sieg Zeon" Sakuya said playfully going along with the mood. "Also for unicorn I prefer the banshee gundam a lot more appealing design wise and unlike the unicorn I believe the banshee had a better potential." She went on stating her own opinion on the UC timeline. "Zeon had some interesting mobile suits your right there. Plus not to mention their the first to truly use the funnel system with the quebeley. Though one suit I did not like from zeon was the Gyan." She added also personally stressing her dislike of the gyan suit it was a annoying design one that seemed lacking to her compared to the gelgoog and the Gerbera tetra.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou smiled. "G Gundam is the favorite series of one of my good friends, he'd be proud of you." His ears perked up as he heard Dani inquire about Plavasky Particles. It was truly a subject of mystery. If Rou could truly harness their ability, his Gunpla could be unstoppable. He picked up the fresh Buster and eyed it. It had so much potential, if Rou understood the particles then this Buster would excel even in situations where it had a disadvantage. "Well, no more use sitting around." He stood up and cleared his throat. "So uh...anyone willing to go test these?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

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"The Acguy for me, though the Gyan is a close second." Alexis said, giggling a little and Sakuya's Sieg Zeon "I would rather be in a Ball then an Acguy. It's slow, ugly, and should have been canned the moment the Z'Gok became a thing" She said, adding her own thought on 'fail designs' from Zeon. "I ... appreciate, the Quebeley, for being the first suit to really use funnels. But, I favor the Queen Mansa for Zeon Funnel suits." Alexis said, then paused "Well, not counting Sazabi anyway."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Kasumi stands up and tells Rou: "If you request an opponent, i would be able to fill that request."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou looked down at the girl and nodded. With approval from the instructor he headed to the room next door and chose a battle system. He set the Buster firmly on its pedestal and waited for Kasumi. Rou felt tense. He hadn't battled with a straight build in at least eight years. He was so used to his own designs and functions, how would it affect him when he was so limited?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Kasumi had told Rou that she needed to do something quickly before she went to the battle room. While Rou waited, several other battles were going on. One of the doors open, and someone enters, wearing a Kimono with the lower part being Pink. It was Kasumi, who was holding onto her new straight built Shining Gundam. She approaches the battle system Rou was at and bows to him saying: "Onegaishimasu."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou turned bright red. "Uhhh...right back atcha..." He stammered. Thank god most of the other students were still building, if the room had been any more full then Rou probably couldn't have even participated in this battle. "Shall we start?" He said, swallowing a lump in his throat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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Kasumi nods as the battle system whirls up and begins: "GUNPLA BATTLE, COMBAT MODE, START UP! MODEL LEVEL DAMAGE SET TO C. PLEASE SET YOUR GP BASE."

Both players set down their bases, info edited to use their new models.


The flood of particles fills the area of the system. After a bright flash, the field appears: "FIELD 3, FOREST." The forested field was that of a bamboo forest, late at night. Wasn't going to be easy to fly around, but hopefully the suits can burst through it.

With the field up and the cockpits for the players formed, the system gives the next step: "PLEASE SET YOUR GUNPLA."

Kasumi sets her unit down. The scanner scans the unit, which after the suits head rises up and its eyes flash, showing its ready.

After Rou had set his own unit down and scanned, things were set up. To which the system begins: "BATTLE START!"

Meanwhile, in a room overlooking the battle room, monitors display information. Several people were inside, one of them was Instructor Satsuki, who was also finishing up a straight built model he was building.

The man on the left reports: "Power flow stable. System responding at 100%."

The woman on the right reports: "No anomalies detected. Continuing system scan."

Satsuki was panel lining the parts he had finished putting together now: "Excellent. We want to make sure these newer models are at their best before we mass produce them."

The male on the left turned to look at the model he was making: "Are you sure you don't want to modify it a little?"

Satsuki replies: "Not this one. I like it just the way it is."

He responds back to Satsuki: "Still, it seems like it would go against the same thing the Meijin had said."

Satsuki responded: "He had said that Gunpla is Freedom, you can build it how you like and fight with it how you like. Build it how you feel is the best, and enjoy the battles to your heart's content. For me, the joy of building these, weather its custom or not is enough. Everyone may be different, but that's the world we live in."

As he finished, the door to the room opens up, and there was a smile on his face, like he knew who it was. A certain female in a wheelchair, with questions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou exhaled and focused. He turned his hat backwards and gripped the controls for his Gunpla.

"Rou Gernot. Buster Gundam, deploying!"

He rushed his Buster out of the hangar and immediately set to finding high ground from which he could see most of the map. Kasumi and his Gunpla were on opposite ends of the spectrum. His Buster would excel from afar, but if Kasumi's Shining got anywhere close, he had very few options but defeat. He rushed his Buster up a rocky outcrop, cannons already at the hips. He kneeled and used his camera to survey the woods.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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To his surprise, he spots the Shining Gundam, Kneeling down in spot, like it was in preparation for a match, and wasn't moving an inch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou's instinct told him to light Kasumi up like a bonfire, but something was off. Was her Gunpla broken? He wouldn't find it fair to beat her like that. Rou attached the Gun Launcher to the back of the rifle, forming them into a sniper rifle. He took careful aim at a very large tree. The sniper rifle spewed a beam that grazed the tree just enough so that it would fall towards the Shining Gundam. It was a hefty tree that would definitely damage a Gundam if it directly fell on it, but nowhere near fatally.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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"It has been a pleasure speaking with you" Sakuya said as she put away her tools. Looking around at the people there Sakuya excused herself from her current conversation and went towards the one person she been looking for. "Alex!! I would like a rematch if you dont mind?" She asked as she saw he was currently talking to someone. "I hope you dont mind me interrupting your conversation my name is Sakuya Kawashiro it is a pleasure to meet you." She said to the other person with a slight bow of her head. "I want to make true on the promise of a rematch though our straight build gunpla if you don't mind." She said once more directing her attention towards Alex once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@SukuAlex's attention was grabbed by this girl after he was talking with another classmate about how he thought having Phase Shift armor effect on the Gunpla would make it look so awesome. Now noticing her he responds: "Oh you... ... ... ... who are you again?"

(Poor Alex didn't have that great of a memory, but once he is reminded of something or sees something familiar, it comes right back to him.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@FerriteFoxThe sniper shot from the Buster blasts a big hole into the tree, causing it to start plummeting towards the Shining Gundam. In a few seconds, the tree slams into the ground and creates a big dust cloud... but when the cloud disappears, the Tree was sliced right in half, and the Shining Gundam was standing with its beam saber drawn. It all happened so fast it was like a blur.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Yeah, was nice" Alexis said as Sakuya got up and left, and headed toward Alex it seemed. Alexis in turn walked back over to the her table to collect both her Gunpla and see about testing Zero out on some one. Wasn't sure who she'd pick a fight with yet, but, eh, she was sure something would come up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou smirked. Sure, he had given away his position, but he also caught a glimpse of Kasumi's abilities. If he had chosen a close range mobile suit he would have probably been hamburger after a move like that. Rou detached his guns and fired off a quick volley to each side of the Shining Gundam, so that the only way to move was backwards. As soon as the last shot left his barrels, he moved the Buster back down the slope of the outcrop, and swiftly moved towards another spot of cover.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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As shots rain down around her, she made sure not to flinch. Her opponent had opened up with that shot likely to see what kind of skills the pilot had, something she was taught back home. As she looks, the Buster was no longer in the spot. Slowly she advanced through the forest. Her opponent had to be somewhere, but where? She stops in place and takes a few breaths...... suddenly she draws out one of the sabers and tosses it, which pierces into a nearby bamboo tree... just inches from the Buster's head. Though still a good distance away that the unit would have to use the booster to reach him, it was still a close call... but now Rou has a chance to use the Shining's beam saber to make up for his Gunpla's lack of melee weapons if he were bold enough to challenge her to close range combat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou usually tried to play the the strength of the gunpla. Accepting the beam saber would go against that tactic on so many levels. However, his love of cheesy honorable battles got the better of him. He attached his cannons to form the Anti Armor Shotgun and fired a shot into the air to let Kasumi know he was coming. He took the beam saber in his hand and walked forward, letting the attached cannons fall to the side.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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The Shining Gundam turned to face the coming Buster. The Shining Gundam was already shorter than the Buster by about 2 meters, but since Rou's model was an MG while Kasumi's was an HG, it was even shorter. But the size of the suit didn't intimidate her. She takes her stance, mimicking her kendo school's form.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rou's Buster towered over the Shining Gundam, but he wasn't cocky. He turned the beam saber over in his hand so the blade extended from the bottom. The ZAFT Gundam held the saber in a manner that lined the blade along his arm in a defensive manner and gripped his wrist with his free hand to support himself. Kasumi looked like she knew what she was doing. It was like a scene from a samurai movie. Rou chuckled, he could practically hear the YOOOOOOOOOOO-"DUNK" sound bit.
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