Avatar of FerriteFox
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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Like good games
Rou smiled at Alex's exhaustion. "Come on, its gonna be evening soon and I want the good food before its gone tonight." Rou pulled Alex up by his noodle arms and the two walked to the dining hall. Rou sat down with Alex, a full plate of various foods in front of him. Rou was about to pull an all nighter on his new Gunpla, he'd need a full stomach so hunger wouldn't distract him.
I ran out pieces to truly finish my new gunpla. sigh oh well I shall post the incompleted version which by itself can be called completed lol. The three gunplas used are MSN-04II Nightingale, NZ-666 Kshatriya, MSN-04 Sazabi. The missing piece is more along the lines of the weapons and funnels but I can make due also the funnels will be a red color didn't get to painting it yet lol. also didn't add in the second shield so you can see the body details. will introduce this suit as for the builders tournament next chapter.

You need to stop

How do you make everything compatible?
Rou stood up under the tree and walked towards Alex and Sakuya, who were both moderately sweaty. "Hey you. Why are you guys out here running? Its hotter than a beam saber out here." Rou crinkled the shopping bags with his hands nervously. He had grown used to Alex and was comfortable talking to him. Sakuya was another story. Rou had only conversed with her that one morning and had rarely seen her since.
<Snipped quote by FerriteFox>

not Dai-Ball-Oh?

Potentially, depends on if by then Rou is comfortable being in the spotlight without being Ball Guy
@Lunar Templarwell it's not just a build tournament. the idea that came to mind was a full week focusing on the creativity of Gunpla. A building tournament is one idea in it.

Nominating Scrap Gundam for Blue Ribbon
Rou got off of the town bus and spotted Alex and Sakuya breathing heavily and exercising. Suckers. Rou sat down under a shady tree and sifted through the various office supplies to support his theories. As clunky and goofy as they would look on a gunpla, they were some of the best components for Rou to test in the field.
Rou walked along the aisles of the office supply store, tossing random bags on rubber bands, coin batteries, copper wires, ink pens, and metal alligator clips into a hand basket. He had some strong theories about what some of these items could do on the field, he just needed a gunpla to test them. He went to the rather large gunpla store down the street and browsed. What mobile suit would effectively hold and utilize all these contraptions? Rou reached the HGUC section. He wasn't much of a UC fan at all, but one particular gunpla caught his attention. The HG Unicorn Banshee Normal. It was one of his all time favorites. Rou vastly preferred the streamlined look of the normal mode Unicorns. Along aide it was a Stark Jegan. The larger limbs would definitely help hold onto his test weapons. He snatched it up, checked out, and rushed home.
Suku I am so insanely jealous of that Flag
Rou sat back wordlessly as Dani worked. Rou was a skilled builder but Dani was something else. Never before had he primed his models. How would a better paint job produce performance though?
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