Avatar of FerriteFox
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  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 259 (0.07 / day)
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    1. FerriteFox 11 yrs ago


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I'm fine with whatever direction the group decides to take, I'm just excited for some teamwork. (And for Dai-Ball-Oh! to debut among the group)
Rou shot off the rubber band that was wrapped around his fingers. Would a Gunpla have enough flexibility to utilize something like that? He snorted as it pinged off of Alex's shoulder. He looked at Dani. "Picking a color right?"
Rou sat at his desk while Dani entered. He looked at Alex coyly. "You know, if you wanted to bring a girl into the room I'd have gladly left." He teased. Rou straightened his cap and toyed with an ink pen before finally breaking it on accident. As the ink flowed into his hand, an idea struck him. Slowly, his rubbed it into his hand, testing the stickiness and viscosity. When he noticed the others staring, he blushed. "Sorry...theorizing..."
Ah gotcha

Who's Gunpla is Dani referring to, because the Brave Knight is already painted.


shit ... *doesn't wanna be left out D:*

Introducing Seraphic Radiance Exia ...

when it makes sense for Alexis to have it ?

Its okay. Rou is gonna focus on using techniques that are derived from using everyday objects in his builds. Stuff like China's bearguy being full of stuffing or the super glue on the arm in the Sengoku Astray fight.
Scrap Gundam coming soon.
Rou leaned over behind Alex and swallowed hard. It was the girl in the wheelchair, Dani? He hadn't really seen or spoken to her since the first day of the academy, he wondered what she could possibly want. In her lap was a nicely made V2 Gundam, was she looking for a battle? Rou exhaled and looked at her. "Yeah, what's up?"
Rou smiled at Alex's enthusiasm. "Yeah, I don't really feel like I've learned much today." Rou laughed. "I'll probably realize it in the middle of a battle, anime style you know?" Rou said, mindlessly lining the inside of some spare parts of a HG Jesta Cannon with layers of aluminum foil.
Rou looked up drowsily from the desk. "Oh, what's up. How'd your battle go?" Rou brushed off some excess plastic bits from the desk, luckily he had hidden the new Ball modules he had been working soon before. He posed the Brave Knight on his GP Base and laid back on his bed. Kasumi had really done a number on him. If he had played along with her game, he would have lost so much sooner. Rou struggled to wrap his head around what today's lesson was supposed to teach him. Was he too reliant on his custom weapons? Was he, in reality, using customization as a crutch?
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