Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

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Alexis hovered there for a moment, taking stock of the damage. Her main thrusts on the side wings where fine, but the back wings where shot. any fancy maneuvers where gonna be more problematic to pull off, not that she figured she'd need anything to fancy. With the Freedoms sabers in 'Twin Blade Mode' she didn't figure he come at her in more then a couple ways, both could be avoid be rolling slightly.

She took one last glance at her energy level. 'Heh, this looks like it'll be it, hit or miss.' Wing Zero's Combat Sight and eye did a long slow light up and glow, before just flashing. Alexis put one beam saber way, powered up her thrusters, and made ready to make one final charge. Avoiding his strike didn't concern her, that she figured she could do easily, it would be landing the finishing blow before her power ran out that would be the issue, if she couldn't do it in the initial pass, she would have pretty much lost.

With that thought in mind, Wing Zero darted forward, fully intent on splitting the Freedom in two.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarAlex shouts: "Here we go!" And charges forward towards the Wing Zero. A little before impact, Freedom flipped a bit so that it was now coming in with the intention to kick his opponent. The first thing to come into contact was the Freedom's leg with Wing Zero's blade. Freedom then flips forward and lunges at the Zero. One swipe had slashed off Zero's left shoulder and Alex used the other hand to grab onto Wing Zero's right shoulder. Freedom was now holding on to his opponent and only feet away from each other.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Following up her attack she kicked the reborns in chest with one the heat daggers impaling it before knocking it off with a swipe of the same leg. Taking aim with the muramasa blaster she let out a few shots hitting his arms and a few of the fangs. Before charging in once more slicing the reborns chest she followed it up once more by doing a close rage shot at his leg damaging that as well. "Trans-Am is a useful tool don't get me wrong but one should never make plans around it and or focus heavily on it." Sakuya spoke her voice cold and with a hard edge to it. Raising the muramasa blaster up she slammed it down once more creating a X shaped cut on the reborns chest. Backing away a little she took aim with the muramasa blaster and hit the reborns dead center on the x shaped cut.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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She giggled at the prospect of helping a former champion. "Well, i'll get him back on his feet." she said staring at the battle. Watching him move, it was clear that he had the fighting capabilities, just that he needed a drive. "If only to stomp him back down in the tournament. I don't plan on letting that boy be champion twice." Dani commented, then looked back over at satsuki with a smile on her face. "The help i'll get here will be great and fantastic, but using the position of champion to really get my ideas mainstreamed and accessible to others with my situation will make things much easier in the long run." she added, looking at the man. It was clear she had a passion about herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis was a little surprised by Alex's move, she was expecting a thrust or slash, not a bit of fancy maneuvering. but with the timer on her power ticking down to the final second she acted quickly. First she wrapped both good wings around the Freedom, effectively trapping it, just to further this she also grabbed it by the chest vent with her free hand, lastly, she drove he beam saber into the Freedoms side, under the left 'rib' with it coming out the right shoulder.

or that was the plan anyway, the power on Wing Zero finally gave out before the Beam Saber got more the half way into the Freedoms torso, the Beam Saber cut out, the eyes and combat sight went dark, and the whole suit went limp, as it, now being persuaded by gravity wrenched it self free of the freedom grip and fell, into a ruin that was some how still standing.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@Lunar TemplarAlex saw he was trapped when Wing Zero's wings wrapped around him. But he wasn't gonna let that stop him as he shouts: "Vulcans!" The Freedom's head mounted vulcans open fire at Wing Zero's head and anything else they could hit. That's when Alexis counters with thrusting the saber into his Gunpla. If Alex didn't do anything soon, Freedom was gonna be cut clean in half. Alex cries out: "HYAAAAAAA!!" Then he uses Freedom's head to headbutt his opponent in the area around just above the chest but at the lower part of the head. After that hit, Zero's power falters. Alex used what little strength Freedom still had to prepare the finisher. Alex: "TAKE THIS!"

But before Freedom could do anything else, all the controls froze as a buzzer was heard.

The system announces: "OVER THE TIME LIMIT! BATTLE ENDED!"

And with that, the battle ends. The particles disipate and both models fall down onto the floor of the battle system. Alex was trying to catch his breath as best as he could, but staggers a bit as the palm of his hands are set on the system.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis took a few deep breaths and sighed. "Damn time limits" she grumbled as she went to collect her Buster Rifle, then Zero it self, as well as the parts the where broken off in the fight.

"You did good for a rookie." Alexis said to Alex. "You need to learn to protect your suit on the whole better though, your dodging cost you an advantage in the Rail Gun and Plasma Cannons, an advantage that would have sealed the win for you given I ran out of energy." Alexis said as she looked over the Freedom in its 'ruined' state. "I'd comment on 'being to easy to read', but that'll correct it self with more combat experience."

"Anyway, I'm gonna go see about fixing Zero. Catch ya later."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@SukuThe shot pierces through the Reborns Gundam, and with a clear shot through it, the suit explodes.

With that, the battle system announces: "BATTLE ENDED!"

Sakuya's opponent was disappointed that his plans had failed against his opponent, feeling he had the faster unit.

A while later after his battle, Alex was heading back down one of the halls of the labs. He was putting together the pieces from the Freedom that broke off during the fight. Though he couldn't fully fix everything, he'd get a good start till he gets back to his room to finish up the repairs. Thoughts from the fight were going through his head. It was true that Alex was technically still a rookie when it came to Gunpla battles, despite winning the tournament. Though through all his fights, his usual preferred weapon that he uses the most was the Beam Saber, even if it meant heavy damage to his Gunpla. He had feelings during his fight that Alexis was no doubt a long time pro with battling, so he felt that he fared well, but still had a lot of work to do. However, he smiles when he feels that he was indeed on the right track. With that, he hurried his way back to his room.

@FerriteFox Alex enters the room and notices Rou at the desk nearby his bed: "Hey Rou." Just like that, he sits down at his desk and places Freedom at the desk. But instead of going to work on his new Gunpla right away, he pulls out his Star AGE Gundam and starts taking apart some parts, pulling out some tools that were provided at each desk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Nodding to herself for the victory well earned in her opinion she picked up her gunpla nodded to her "foe" and started leave. It was a decent battle she supposed she managed to see how her crossbone matched up though she supposed that despite the early lose of her peackock smasher it did real good. Just as she though though the main feature of the crossbone will become is I field and versatility in a battle. Though as she went back to her room she couldn't help but wonder just how would things turned out if she was against a stronger person?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou looked up drowsily from the desk. "Oh, what's up. How'd your battle go?" Rou brushed off some excess plastic bits from the desk, luckily he had hidden the new Ball modules he had been working soon before. He posed the Brave Knight on his GP Base and laid back on his bed. Kasumi had really done a number on him. If he had played along with her game, he would have lost so much sooner. Rou struggled to wrap his head around what today's lesson was supposed to teach him. Was he too reliant on his custom weapons? Was he, in reality, using customization as a crutch?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@FerriteFoxAlex continues to work on his Gunpla while he answers: "It went amazingly. Alexis really is a top of the line Gunpla Fighter. Just shows that i have a lot more to learn if i want to become a better fighter. Also, when i was using the Freedom, i was moving so much more smoothly than i had before. And if the tips i learned and the help i got from Dani, then I can only imagine what will happen when i finish with fixing up the Star AGE Gundam."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou smiled at Alex's enthusiasm. "Yeah, I don't really feel like I've learned much today." Rou laughed. "I'll probably realize it in the middle of a battle, anime style you know?" Rou said, mindlessly lining the inside of some spare parts of a HG Jesta Cannon with layers of aluminum foil.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

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Dani had totally not followed alex back to his room after the battles. This was now totally not the reason why both Alex and Rou heard a knock on their door, at about waist level height none the less. Dani was sitting in her wheel chair outside the door, her victory two gundam sitting in her lap as she waited for someone to answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@FerriteFoxAlex mentioned: "You know, i don't think there was one specific lesson that needed to be learned. Everyone had something to learn, and maybe they'll realize it later. I know i have learned something, and that's only gonna help make my partner and I stronger."

@mcpop9The door was knocked, catching their attention and Alex asked: "I wonder who's here?" He sets down his Star AGE Gundam he was working on and heads to the door, opening it revealing their guest: "Dani? What brings you here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou leaned over behind Alex and swallowed hard. It was the girl in the wheelchair, Dani? He hadn't really seen or spoken to her since the first day of the academy, he wondered what she could possibly want. In her lap was a nicely made V2 Gundam, was she looking for a battle? Rou exhaled and looked at her. "Yeah, what's up?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lunar Templar
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Lunar Templar going no where slow

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Alexis sat at the desk working on Wing Zero she replayed the battle in her mind, looking for things she could have done differently to win, and coming up with a few things, not over using the Buster Rifles for one. She'd need to work on that, she normally avoided the super high output beam cannons like Zero's Buster Rifles due to the energy drain, these kits practically demanded an upgrade just to handle that, let alone general performance, and it annoyed her greatly she wouldn't be able to make those changes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by mcpop9
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mcpop9 The Hidden Potential

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The V2 wasn't painted yet, but it looked beautiful none the less. "Alex, i'm here to be your mentor, like it or not." she said and rolled into the room regardless. "Rou... if i recall hearing your name correctly, if you want to sit in on my lesson, then feel free to do so." she said and rolled up to the work table and looked at the gunpla on the table. "well made and put together. however, i'm here to teach you how to paint it." she said to them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FerriteFox
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FerriteFox F-22A Raptor

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Rou sat at his desk while Dani entered. He looked at Alex coyly. "You know, if you wanted to bring a girl into the room I'd have gladly left." He teased. Rou straightened his cap and toyed with an ink pen before finally breaking it on accident. As the ink flowed into his hand, an idea struck him. Slowly, his rubbed it into his hand, testing the stickiness and viscosity. When he noticed the others staring, he blushed. "Sorry...theorizing..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

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Sakuya sighed to herself as she walked back towards the dormitory area but as she was passing she spotted Alexis sitting at a building table. Seeing that she was by herself she decided to try and see what she was doing it wouldn't hurt after all plus it gave her a potential person to help her with her idea. Walking up to her she tried to announce her presence as to not startle her. "Ah hello Alexis was it?" she opened up as she grabbed a chair and pulled it next to where alexis was sitting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pilot231
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@mcpop9@FerriteFoxAlex was a little caught off guard: "Mentor? When did, i mean, why would, i uh..." And when he heard Rou's comment: "It's not what you think! Could we maybe, um..."

Alex ending narration: "Well, I'll admit, i've had a lot more crazier things happen to me than this. But I'm sure this will likely end very well. After all, the more I can learn from others, the better things will be. Just like the AGE system on the normal AGE-1 Gundam, we'll both keep evolving."
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