Avatar of Fetzen


Recent Statuses

19 days ago
Current I'm still knocked out by an infernal cold and all the ongoing activities during this time of the year. Apologies to everybody who's waiting for me.
2 mos ago
How about black hole day instead of black friday ? The entire marketing and advertisement industry obsessed with selling us even more shit can just go and be hidden behind a one-way path to oblivion.
2 mos ago
I've got an infinite number of favourite colours somewhere between 580 and 590 nm. I call them all 'yellow' because I can't keep that many names in my head.
2 mos ago
I can only invite anybody eager to watch a decent shit show from a distance to look at Germany these days. All vs. all why the gov broke apart and our chancellor's a stubborn polit tactician.
2 mos ago
So German government went boom just a few hours ago as well. To be fair though, that does not really have much to do with a certain other election *coughs*.


Welcome to my profile page!

Who the hell is this person behind those many miles of fiber optics and copper cable ?

  • I'm a 34 year old guy.
  • ... who's working as a software developer
  • ... and enjoys roleplaying as a casual hobby to distract himself from ongoing stress

And into which hell will I descend with you participating in one of my roleplays?

  • I'm a fantasy addict: medieval high and low!
  • I'd consider myself to be a low casual roleplayer, 3 paragraphs per post on average.
  • My schedule varies. It might happen that I won't be able to post at all for a week, but then again it might happen that I'll reach a sweet spot inside which I can go on a posting rampage. I'd say one can expect 1-2 posts a week from me, depending on the lengths involved.
  • English is not my native language, but so far I've not encountered anyone who had had trouble with me over that :)

Want to RP with me ? Shoot me a PM, but don't shoot me!

Thanks for visiting!

Most Recent Posts

"Thank you." The woman in her noble dress appeared shocked, but not extremely frightened. Her house was burning, but a building was replaceable -- especially if one had a lot of coin at one's disposal. What would not be easily replaceable was the emperor or her own family, but the former was too far away and too high up even for her to be more than a rather abstract concern at this point. The latter was an issue though...

"Akira." she said, offering the towering Mokeu her hand. "Whom am I to thank for my rescue ?" Her voice was friendly, but by no means soft and rather determined. Bó suspected her to be indeed of noble origin, even though 'nobility' was something his own background had not exactly told him much about.

"The-one-who's-been-buried-under-burning-rubble if we don't get away from here!" Bó replied, only offering her his true name after having declined shaking hands without a word and giving her a gentle, but no less determined push down the narrow street. Both craned their heads on the lookout for any archers looming above them, but as long as they'd stick to the narrowest of passages they felt comparatively safe from those still.

"Bó... so simple!" Akira sighed. "Finding my father won't be however. He lives in a different quarter." She turned, looking up to Bó in a sincere, but still somewhat charming manner. "Can you help me ?"

Bó weighed his options, but only briefly. He needed to get out of his hellhole anyway, right ? So... And if she was noble, than maybe there'd be even more of a favor to be returned than he already expected! Soon later, they were indeed on their way towards Akira's father's last known location. They only did so on a very complicated, overly long route that nobody with any degree of sanity left would have considered under normal circumstances. Avoid the plaza, at all costs!

Bó even considered using the next access point they could find to descend into the sewer system below where hopefully no attackers would be, but only for a not so long moment. After some serious exchange of views with one another, Akira convinced him that the risk of an arrow to the knee was still preferable to wading through everybody's poo. At least he could argue very much to his own defense that, if one's own society was not advanced enough to have sewers in the first place, any of its members could also hardly know just how much of a mess those really were.

Event: Tall trees and long shadows
Location: In the forest close to Loriindton

Into darkness

Otios was never to find out the true cause for Lyen's death, but instead believed that the friend he had gotten to know in the Battle for Relouse had fallen victim to the very battle he himself had arranged for. He strolled through the woods around the smoking city menancholically and wanted to be alone with the emptyness he felt inside him. An emptyness that very much also felt like a battlefield between two different stances: The one being that the whole operation had been totally worth it, the other that this was absolutely not the desired outcome.

Never before had mourning about the death of someone he had gotten to know personally while not mourning about the death of many more anonymous people felt so absurd and so justified at the same time.

Otios was not even aware of just how much he was merely dancing on the top of a volcano with his thoughts. Neither did he know that Lyen's death had actually happened a lot differently and that he was not to blame for it, nor had any news reached him about just how much a certain Lady Talit weighed the loss of one of her own legs higher than the potential death of people who had been dragged into her personal plot of revenge. She had tried to suck him into it, too, and the only reason this had not succeeded was the fact that the Eskandr army had marched a significant tad faster than anticipated. He didn't even know how much he should have thanked them for that.

And, had Otios been able to eavesdrop on the events in the timewalker's hut, he'd by now have had no doubt about Lady Talit happily taking the praise all for herself should there be any in the future. It was him who had both engineered and executed this plan, having a vague and abundantly abstract idea about that something had to be done could hardly count!

History, given how things looked right now, would just forget about him however.

Muffled shouting. Boots running over something different than forest floor. The general feeling of panic.

Otios stopped dead in his tracks, convinced that he had heard something. Yet there was nothing but birds chirping and some leftover dew dropping to the ground around him. And the smell of burnt wood. Maybe this all had just been too much for his nerves right now ? He walked on not really caring about directions.

'Where did this come from ?' one voiced asked. 'I don't know! Something punched a hole in the wall!' another, female sounding one added. 'We must seal it!'

He stopped again, this time much more startled. What wall ? What 'something' ? Was his overstrained mind now playing dirty tricks with him or was there actually someone hiding in the woods doing that ? The thief took a much more thorough look around and also craned his neck to look for anyone up in the trees, but only discovered something eerily familiar hovering a tad over his head: The pitch black thing that looked like one of his lightning bolts, but wasn't moving like one.

Otios remembered: The fight in the wagon where the timewalker had surprised him. She had done this to his attack, something he had never witnessed before. It seemed the aftermath of it was still resting in place like an immovable object, waiting for eternity to finally become a thing of the past. At least that was what Otios presumed, given that absolutely nothing seemed to have changed about it the slightest. Now however he had the opportunity to look at it in all calmness. And the more he did, the more it mesmerized him.

'Too late. Nothing is going to stop it once containment has been lost!' a more elderly person added, almost sounding as if already having yielded to some kind of fate. Then there was a hissing noise as if air was trying to escape from something under immense pressure, quickly followed by what must have been a deafening explosion had it not been muffled like everything else.

Was that thing making these noises ? Now that he was so close, even putting a small log in place to stand on so he could actually reach up to it, the sounds and voices appeared to be louder, but still they were nothing but a low whisper in total contradiction to the kind of event they appeared to carry over. A brief silence set in, then the faint echoes burst out again and repeated the catastrophe that appeared to happen at their origin.

The very verb 'to walk' implied some sort of movement. So if somebody was called a 'timewalker', then said somebody had indeed some potential to move along time if language was supposed to have some logic to it. So... had she sent his lightning strike to another point in time indeed ? And what point in time then... had she even had any time to take aim or had she just defaulted to some random destination not caring about what the bolt might hit there ? The idea felt quite a little frightening.

Still, Otios reached out with his large hand slowly. He wanted to touch it, yet the moment he did something else came to haunt his mind.

History might forget you, but your reward is here, in front of you!

A different voice. It didn't match any of those already heard and didn't sound panicked either, but had an enthusiastic tone to it. Otios identified it as his own.

You can't undo what has been done, but you can make the echoes stop!

Otios' hands were itching to reach out to their fullest extend, grabbing the whole of what was before him. This was beyond mesmerizing, this was tempting.

The fabric has been torn and lies bleeding like a wounded tree. Its sap is bitter sweet, but it has no equal! Your deeds have made yourself equal that inequality! It belongs to you!

Otios' mind was on rails. He did not even truly know what he was doing, he just did it and started drawing from what had felt like the least preferable thing to draw from just moments before. A patch of nothingness so devoid of matter, energy and just even the bare potential to be understood truly, yet now it produced a surge of energy the thief had never felt before. Part of him wanted to let go of it for it just felt not right and dangerous, but things were descending into a state of craving faster than that part of him could cope with.

At some point there was nothing but sort of a scream to be heard in the forest. The voices, the noises, everything had stopped. The black entity was no more as he collapsed to the ground, releasing what little food he had eaten previously onto the forest floor the front way out.

Otios was not another Eskandr army approaching Loriindton, but he felt like having the mood of one. His hairs were halfway standing upright and seemingly hating each other as static electricity had built up in them. His eyes had not so decorative rings around them as if he had either been in a fist fight or no real sleep for quite a while, and he had figured already that whenever he touched something wet or metallic connected to the ground, a punishing amount of current would flow through and out of him. An electromagnetic hangover asking for a particularly thick pair of leather gloves!

The Yasoi didn't want to see anybody right now for he'd see all of them early enoug on his way back. He just wanted to leave. Yet as he had finally prepared his bags with far less patience, but a lot more headache than he was used to, his horse evaded his touch even before it could happen and refused to be mounted. When had that happened before ? Stupid beast, now he'd have to walk for a while or what ?! And of course it was all the fault of this wierd, black, floating piece of shit he had gobbled up!

Strangely enough, while at one point he had started calling it 'black shit', at the other end he also felt all the more intrigued about it. Were they all the same ? Did they all exhibit this weird form of communication if one could even call it that way ? And... just how rare were they actually, given he had never seem something like it before ? Stumbling upon another one would have been a nice diversion from war!

One could argue that Otios no longer was dancing on a volcano, but had become the volcano himself.
The first rocket did not much in terms of attracting Bó's attention. Mistakes and accidents could happen even with the most disciplined and best trained crew on the ultimate occasion, so why bother about it ? The first bunch of arrows did go rather unnoticed as well as it was headed for a target far away from the Mokeu and the crowd was cheering way too loudly to hear the projectiles' hissing noises. Only when even in Bó's immediate surroundings started to panick and more screams could be heard from different places did he recognize something was really off here.

And suddenly the place just felt so much more like home! Even though... this was a particularly sneaky bunch of contesters for the lead, weren't they ? And their general modus operandi quickly appeared to be illogical and counterproductive to say the least as well, for the competitors in the succession wars Bó was used to normally tried to kill each other primarily and not so much anybody else. What was the point of leading a tribe if there were no tribe members left alive to be lead ?

Bó felt little interest trying to find out today so he was quick to get moving the best he could in order to get off the plaza. Being heads taller than those around him and looking so much differently overall, he realized just how much of a tempting target he probably was for those who had the high ground at the moment. Down here he could do nothing but wait for the next arrow!

The Mokeu did not follow the general rush for the gates though. These could wait -- greater safety was to be gained within a bunch of solid walls right now instead of maintaining public exposure. Such a bunch really wasn't hard to find if one wasn't picky here and the door did only pose more of a temporary obstacle as he started kicking and ramming against it. Yes... Technically speaking this was an unwanted intrusion, but Bó had already won the battle of arguments against himself on that: exceptional situations required exceptional measures!

He did hold his staff at the ready though as he dashed through the building's interior. The latter's layout was completely unknown to him, but anything that looked even remotely like a staircase leading upwards had to be the right direction and people tended to place those centrally, didn't they ? He wanted to get upwards until right under the roof, or preferably even find a hatch to get on top of it. Seeing the attackers face to face could never hurt!

A sudden deafening explosion shook the entire building followed by the unmistakable crackling of black powder. In the panic outside a cart of fireworks had been left behind and tipped over just beyond the building, an ideal target for one of the archers on the roofs nearby. A single flaming arrow had been fired into the overturned heap the black powder igniting and going up in a sparkling fireball. The explosion itself made the entire building rock, sending furniture tipping over and glassware and ornaments shatter against the wood floor. Sparklers whistled about and skirted over the thatch roof outside as the walls splintered. The hard blast of the explosion had been enough to send Bó down hard on the floor as flames began lapping across the outside of the building.

A sharp snapping of wood could be heard as cracks began to run across the ceiling. No sooner had Bó oriented himself than with a loud crunch an entire section of the ceiling came down and smashed against the door leading back outside. The door was blocked now forcing Bó to either try and force his way back through the rubble or head on up the roof and look for an escape. The pressing heat overhead was indication enough of the fires spreading up top, even so the room was now unstable as more shards came breaking loose from the ceiling and the walls began to groan and creak. A sharp scream could be heard from above though feint amid all the surrounding madness and destruction.

A. tries to wrestle free some of the rubble blocking the door and make his way back outside. (Might)
B. decides to make his way up to the roof and the scream, dodging the spreading fires around and overhead.(Dexterity)
C. smashes through the cracking walls out into the nearby alleyway. (Chance)

Chosen option: B. Passed!

It was one of those moments when one could possibly wonder about the ingenuity -- or rather the lack thereof -- of using fireworks on a large scale in a city that was largely built using highly combustible wood. Luckily though for festival's organisers, Bó did not have the time to be bothered with that kind of questions. The much more important thing for him was: How much of his precious fur would he lose to the fire before he'd manage to escape ?

For a brief moment, Bó's legs wanted to go the route downstairs to tempting safety again while his head and upper body twisted very much towards the upwards direction where the scream had come from.

No retreat! Retreating was for cowards! That fire would hurt maybe, but one's bad conscience could so, too! And... and... and if the building would collapse beneath his feet upstairs rather than above his head downstairs as he'd try to work his way out there, he'd also have to deal with far less burning rubble trying to smash, incinerate or suffocate him! Up was bound to be a good choice in every aspect!

A large patch of cloth drenched in water would have been nice, though. As Bó ascended through the rapidly deteriorating structure, he did not even want to know what kind of things happened behind his back. The Mokeu felt satisfied by the thought alone that the roof would offer an alternative escape route towards one of the adjacent buildings or just a daring jump back down if he really had to. Also the barrage of evasive maneuvers he had to perform in order not to be scorched seriously did not leave much time to think about anything else in the first place.

The screams he followed guided him into a room that just amazed him with the number of expensive looking things it was decorated with. Even more outstanding however was the woman that now looked at him, her clothes revealing a bit more of her skin that their maker had originally meant for -- as exquisite as they looked, they simply weren't fireproof either.

A sudden loud snapping could be heard from below as the floor began to buckle and quiver. The explosions and ensuing fire had weakened the supports for the second floor, the boards beneath Bó began to crackle as they threatened to crumble inward. The rumbling overhead also suggested that the ceiling was giving way as well and threatened to collapse at any moment. The Folk woman sensing what was happening threw her hands to her mouth, halfway suppressing a cry of fear. Smoke filled the air causing Bó and the womans’ noses to burn and their eyes to water as the acrid smell of burnt wood and fabric stifled their lungs. The floor continued to buckle, a noticeably louder crunching could be heard and suddenly the boards between Bó and the woman split apart as splinters shot upward - the entire section of the building was about to come crashing down and bury them both in the rubble.

A. leaps over the crack in the floor and grabs the woman over his shoulder - then leaping through the far window down below. (Dexterity)
B. leaps over the crack in the floor, past the woman, and out the window down below. (Dexterity)
C. leaps over the crack in the floor and grabs the woman over his shoulder, then makes a mad dash back down the stairs and out the front door. (Chance)

Chosen option: A. Passed!

If the unburdened floor between them was already giving way, then the floor beneath Bó's not exactly lithe feet would certainly be next. A fall through burning building floors was not an option, but he also didn't feel like challenging the downwards staircase again with a woman on his shoulders. The window it certainly was, and there was no reason not to try and rescue her if she happened to stand in his way out anyway.

The amber orbs that were his eyes were only able to produce blurry hints about his environment by the time the window's frame whizzed past them, barely not colliding with either of their heads. He had honestly not checked whether there was anybody standing on the ground below before jumping out. Even during the fall, Bó could feel the heated air blasting out the building's lower levels and rising upwards around them. Good thing that there was only solid ground to be felt and not something much softer at the end!

Maybe searching for a building had not been such a good idea ? On the other hand now he felt the need for some sort of shelter even more. If not, then he might only have traded a woman's death by fire for a woman's death by arrow. And... who was she in the first place ? The oddity of holding a seemingly noble woman in his arms and on his shoulder in the middle of chaos struck Bó quite a bit now that the most immediate danger was over.

Event: Tall trees and long shadows
Location: Loriindton

Perhaps one could only wonder just how far Loriindton's signals went these unfortunate hours. The sheer sight of a burning, smoking, vast patch of a giant forest might already have overtaken the news about Merit's sudden death on its travel out into the world. Or were these really unfortunate hours actually ? Everything went according to plan from a strictly logical point of view, but the environment the Eskandr were creating right now, filled with the screams of many of Loriindton's inhabitants, felt more than just a little discomforting still.

Otios' thoughts were filled with different things than remorse, but he himself did not really know at this ploint whether this was simply due to his convincement not having changed a bit or just because there were too many other concerns competing for his attention. The rapidly increasing amount of burning wood not only consumed a lot of oxygen, but more importantly it created a violent updraft that in turn sucked in fresh air from all around. A firestorm was about to develop and if things came to worse, it could become powerful enough to pull people into its very center.

There were still trees standing that were not, or at least not fully, engulfed in flames yet. Whatever piece of housing or hovel was mounted on those could be used as a starting point to launch attacks from above. The same held true for those hanging bridges that were still left in place, but these were much more dangerous as a long free fall was in store for anyone unfortunate enough to stand upon them in the moment of their destruction.

Otios felt like the third dimension could be a decisive advantage. The typical Huusoi settlement barely made any use of it and even their capital cities had always seemed comparatively flat when directly compared against Loriindton, so maybe the Eskandr warriors were not so accustomed to it ? On top of that those under the effect of berserk did not seem to know much in terms of left and right anymore anyway. The only direction they still were very much aware of was straight ahead -- and one could not simply rush into the sky!

The one factor standing in the way of exploiting this dimension were the gifted Eskandr hurling spells all around. Even if the precision was a bit lacking at times, the destruction was imposing nontheless and made precision less of a necessity in the first place. Otios could only guess whether the fact of those mages just burning themselves out would actually become an important factor in this battle. He still deemed Lyen to be in a prison cell for he had not witnessed her retaking her freedom, but maybe a prison cell was not the unsafest place right now ? He therefore focused on trying to take out those of the Eskandr blessed with the gift. He had initiated this, now he felt obliged to minimize the... negative side effects.

Otios and a few other Yasoi had gathered on a small platform high up in the more Eastern part of Loriindton. Those gifted with thunder knew just how useful others having the same gift could be. They had formed a row winding around the massive trunk. The one on the front side held a short iron rod in his outstreched hand while the one on the back side had a firm group about Otios' wire and whatever other piece of conductive cord they had been able to find that was long enough to run all the way to the ground. Everyone between these two was holding the hands of his front and rear neighbour.

A living series circuit! That way each of them, even those with a much more humble amount of the gift, could contribute to a much greater amount of range and power than any of them would have been able to achieve individually. Those Eskandr they managed to hit with their lightning bolts coming from the metal rod did not just die. The parts of their bodies hit by the lightning strikes burst into a cloud of vapor, smoke and molten armor.

Not so great was the whole aspect of coordination though: One of the Yasoi had given in to the hectic at one point and not paid attention to the correct polarity. The poor man had thereby not only worked against the overall effort, but also put himself into a state somewhere between 'overcharged' and 'fried'. They had no idea whether he'd let his magic smoke out or not. And that hadn't even happed while switching hands and handing over the metal rod to another person who happened to have a more preferable point of view!

Event: Tall trees and long shadows
Location: In the forest close to Loriindton
Interacting with: Eskandr army detachment @Tackytaff


The voice amplified by the gift made whatever small flock of birds had settled down in the canopy above Loriindton rise in shock, but it were also the heads of many, many people down below that were craned to find the thunderous warning's origin.

"Predators! Two miles southwest and closing!"

Predators ? Otios could only wonder about the city guard. All predators dangerous to Husoi or Yasoi alike had gone regionally extinct a long time ago, at least the last time he had checked. It took his mind a serious moment to actually start theorizing about 'predators' not necessarily referring to the city's people as being prey or that the whole thing might just be a case of a very bad choice of words. These were times of war after all and some unexperienced, young newcomer in the lookouts way above their heads might have some frail nerves because of that, causing him to classify just anything of significance that was unfamiliar and with an unclear motive as dangerous and volatile. It would be somewhat hard to blame him for not finding a more proper word in that kind of situation.

Yet as the thief was pondering about times of war and unexperienced guards some other, much more serious prospect dawned upon him. Could it indeed be that... ? That was when he started taking flight after flight of stairs in a hurry, almost bursting his way up the dense, three-dimensional network of pathways that turned Loriindton into a giant riddle until, somewhat out of breath, he finally reached the top level to try and take a look for himself.

Predators ? There were no predators if one left out the growing number of people who had already started gathering to watch the upcoming trial session. These probably hoped for it to turn into Lyen's downfall, but could hardly be the target of any warning. Closer inspection of the horizon, as far as it could be seen, revealed an error in the otherwise fairly regular pattern of early morning mist that had gathered around the massive trunks. A heat source from below that made things billow upwards ? Or was that an actual source of smoke ?

That ignorant... Otios cut his own thoughts short for he hesitated to use that kind of derogatory word for a person he honestly respected so far. That hardly was a day since she told me and we talked about it, was it ? It was hardly a full night and they are already almost there! He engraved a mental note into the back of his head to have a word with Lady Talit later on about fancy space magic messing around with one's perception of time or the like. What did he know -- or rather not know -- about that!

In Otios' mind, it would have sufficed to deal with the Eskandr while they had already been on the leg of their journey leading away from Loriindton again just as long as the latter would still have been the only thing in range to go for if one's food was no more. They would just have been forced to turn around he had figured. But now ? Half a day worth of time available for his plan had just disappeared! Was there still enough tolerance and wiggle room left for that to work out ?

His thoughts were now racing as he tried to weigh his new set of chances. Lyen was locked away in a cell unknown to him, so dealing with that time walker Talit has described as shady at best was the chance to get her out. But... what if he'd just find nothing ? What if that blinded woman was just too clever to have suspicious shit laying around in her small, private bit of Loriindton ? Or what if she was just flat-out more innocent than Talit suspected ?

He could no longer afford to spend time he no longer had on pure gambles! What little was left now would have to be spent on things with more certainty to them. These primitive Eskandr would not hesitate to turn into what they had already been announced as once they couldn't fill their stomachs anymore, would they ? That would have to do! Maybe their aggressive arrival could even serve as a distraction to... break into the prison Lyen was locked away in directly and get her out ?

Otios made dealing with camouflage before his departure a very secondary priority. This was Yasoi territory and very close to a large city on top of that, so if anything was not suspicious here, then it was encountering a Yasoi even if the latter was in proximity of an army of maybe a few hundred Eskandr warriors. His whole plan, after all, was based on the assumption that without intervention, the Eskandr would go at long lengths in order to stay neutral towards his own kind, so he expected them not to bother him unless he did anything truly provocative.

The Eskand had formed a large, mobile outer ring about the more cumbersome, heavy equipment they carried around among the center of their ranks. Otios, from the careful distance he still maintained, could see what looked like some sort of portable fire probably meant for baking bread and roasting freshly hunted game or stolen cattle. Along that were a bunch of other wagons pulled along by draft horses: fresh grass and haystacks for their mounts, shields, swords and other weapons not currently in use. He didn't even want to know just how much of that had been taken away from dead Parrench people.

A few of the vehicles were also completely enclosed so he couldn't see what was inside at all. These were those of the most interest as the others could be ruled out as viable targets at single glance.

Perhaps these fools would let him pass through their outer ring unhindered if he just had the right fake story ? Maybe he could present himself as sort of a diplomat of a very worried Loriindton or the like who had been tasked to get in touch with them so to ensure there were no hostile intentions involved. The only problem was that his skill with the southern languages was fairly neglegible.

He considered just signaling his horse to get much closer only to then make a stop dead in their tracks. Maybe those Eskandr would neither be eager to guide hundreds of men around the tiny obstacle he'd pose, nor be willing to just let him pass through their ranks by gently flowing around him, nor allow themselves to just dispose of him for that would threaten their neutrality. Maybe they'd just have to tear down the language barrier for him from their side if they could and wanted to assess his presence here ?

What a rubbish idea! That'd never work out, so why was he even considering it!

Otios dismounted quickly and gave his horse a signal to just do what horses without a rider did. Hopefully he'd be able to find it later on. He had much more urgent issues right now and that was to find a good place to hide. A trench, a patch of very tall grass, some pile of loose dirt he could dig into or...

Or no... really ? Was that the only thing available ? A large puddle that had the stench of rotting vegetation to it! He evaluated the level of darkness it had and, very much to his disliking, found that it indeed was situated dead in the Eskand's marching route. So, albeit very grudgingly, he just allowed his almost eight feet of body in rather light clothes to sort of dive into it, laying low as much as he could as the Eskandr kept marching on and getting closer.

And then he turned into a black hole. Something that looked like an aberration, but had absolutely nothing to do with one. Light had a very electromagnetic nature, so he could influence it and just deny it to be reflected off his skin. He turned as pitch black as the swampy looking shit he had already drenched himself in, forming a merger that would hopefully be flawless enough not to be detected. This was what generations long after him would call a 'ghillie suit', just already far more advanced in a particular way while also being far behind in others.

Don't trample on me!

Don't trample on me!

Don't... Hell just chop off your fat, blistering feet with all their rotten nails and levitate over my head if you have to! Don't you idiots even believe in some kind of ship being built somewhere with the nails of the dead ? Naglfar or how do you miserable wretches call it ? Go! Feed it with all the building material you have! And don't trample on me!

Otios almost tried to shield himself from the fact that the Eskandr warriors looked all the more strong and unrelenting the closer they got by internally throwing curses at them. He just needed to survive the outer ring and then hope that the carriages wouldn't change course so much until they were where he was. It almost felt like a good thing that he couldn't allow himself to raise his head too much at this point.

Heavy boots of metal, leather or even just fur sploshed through the dirt all around him, but nobody dared to step right into a pool of liquid that looked as if would burst into a cloud of flies, frogs and leeches the moment anyone disturbed its innocence. The cart and wagon drivers however felt much more comfortable in their high seats and just kept going straight. Good! Otios made a sudden roll to the side and grabbed the first thing he could find on the rugged underside of the first of them, thereby moving on silently with the army.

As he used a gentle electric arc to slowly cut his way into the wagon's inside, some residual grain already rained down upon him and Otios had to suppress sneezing. He had found the right wagon, or maybe they were all the same... he didn't care. Sabotaging just one would hopefully suffice.

The Eskandr appeared to have found a rather lazy, but no less efficient way of storing their grain and flour. Basically the hole wagon had been built not leaving much of a gap between the different wooden boards and metal parts, so there had not been that much of a need to store things in many small bags or the like he'd have had to open and mess around with one by one. Instead there was just a large heap covered thoroughly with a thick fabric so there'd be no spilling. Excellent.

Not so excellent however was the fact that the mushroom spores he now unpacked from the inside of his clothes also had only half the time to grow and ruin things by now. It had been long since he had used them the last time and in a far less serious context on top of that, so Otios felt great insecurity rising inside him whether that would actually suffice still. These mushrooms were fast, just not... insanely fast.

He'd have to get going anyway. That oblivious army around him could make for a rest and access their food supplies with him now effectively trapped inside them anytime soon, so he opened his jar and started pouring things over the pile of flour he had uncovered. Yet, just as he was ready to dive his arms into it in order to mix the two components, he heard a a voice coming from behind him.

"Stop what you're doing!"

It was an elderly and rather female sounding tone, but completely up to the level of commanding the words it carried called for. Otios twisted on the spot, fully expecting some Eskandr he had not seen and a large spark shot forward from the tip of his hand as an involuntary, yet much more powerful extension of the stimulus his nervous system had just been given.

The bright flash just vanished in front of the other person leaving behind nothing but a vibrant, still very spark-like looking, incomprehensibly dark something that now just floated in the tight space between the two Yasoi for a brief moment until it had slowly drifted out of the wagon as the latter moved on. Given the height of the vehicle, the phenomenon was well above the heads of the soldiers marching outside, and over all their urge to make progress in difficult terrain there was no indication of anybody truly noticing it in the air.

"I have been aware of you and your plan, I just had not precise enough of an insight yet to know where and when exactly things would happen, otherwise I'd have tried to stop you sooner. You will not sacrifice Loriindton for your machinations!" the time walker continued no less sternly, obviously blinded yet still staring at Otios. The latter found himself rather frozen at this point, taking moments to even just start speaking as he realized whom he was dealing with.

"Sacrifice Loriindton ? What tells you that ?"

"You think those Eskandr will just knock at the door and ask for food ?"

"Hell no! I think they'll be horribly unprepared for a raid they had neither planned for nor been given a buy-in from their king."

"Eskandr ? Unprepared ? Lightning fast, highly flexible strikes are the very definition of Eskand military doctrine so far in this war, didn't you learn that from your Parrench husoi friends ?"

"Husoi friends ? What husoi friends!" Otios exclaimed a bit more loudly, borderlining on what he deemed still save so nobody outside could hear it. "I don't have any husoi friends! I am just picking the lesser of two evils!"

The time walker arched an eyebrow and tilted her head slightly. "Huh ? Are you ? Weren't you still a young child the last time the Parrench unleashed their egostic horrors upon our kind ? How can you even dare to speak of lesser evils!"

"Look at the present and not the future for once, old woman!" he now almost hissed. "The Eskandr are doing at least as bad as the Parrench ever did, and there is no stable peace to be expected from them! You think they'll stop feeding off this part of the world once they're done with the Parrench ? No, they'll just be a replacement for their cruelties. A replacement we are far less familiar with than the Parrench!"

It was now the time walker's turn to raise her voice more loudly. He raised her gnarled walking cane and prodded his chest with it. "Why do you even care! You really think you're more clever than our elders, our leaders, those with way more experience in political affairs ? You didn't even live long among us for such a long time, but along those Parrench! You even traveled to Relouse to join their war effort, didn't you ?"

Just... how does she know ? The timer walker evolved into a more and more scary mystery for Otios by the second for some serious insight she was capable of revealing would have been an understatement.

"Lady Talit is one of the leaders, isn't she ? Isn't she even considered the most powerful of all or the like ? Then you might want to know it was her who convinced me to join all of this!"

The time walker's face almost seemed to turn into stone for a brief moment. "Oh..." was all she said, now frowning. "That bothersome person... She's sorta lost, just like you are right now. I repeat myself one final time: Stop what you're doing! And then just leave and let others handle this!"

How did this old, crooked woman even dare! Otios' fist just launched forward and aimed right for her face, but the cart rumbled over a pothole that very moment and he missed, momentarily losing balance and ending with his head banging against the wall. The sheer size and the presence of so much heavy stuff inside made nobody notice the ruckus from outside.

"You can't escape your fate this way!" She pointed her gnarled walking cane towards him more permanently now, denying him a second frontal approach in the very confined space they were in. "I can leave the way I have come and you might still leave the way you have come. You trying to fight me out of this will get you nowhere however. I am an old woman in no position to stop you physically while you could hit me with your gift or just your limbs any time, but what would the Eskandr say once they take their breakfast and discover my dead or unconscious body in here ?"

Otios' thoughts raced, going through the hypothetical situation, and the conclusion was that he just could not allow for that to happen. The whole plan was also based around the idea of it looking like sort of an accidental contamination and that would go out the window with any Yasoi seen inside once these doors opened. The whole story he hoped for -- the Eskandr attacking the Yasoi and not the latter going against them in the first place -- would be lost. Would the rest of the Yasoi nation outside of Loriindton even be willing to follow once learning who had been attacking whom first ? Leaving evidence behind for the Eskandr to discover and find their own, special solution for it was far too unpredictable.

"My very presence here, no matter what you do with it, makes your plan impossible. And... do you really want to end like your lightning bolt ?" she continued as she grew increasingly impatient about his thinking pause.

Otios was very much on the verge of giving in and accepting this whole affair as a failure he could still get out of pretty much unscathed. He could not proceed with her in here, but he could also not proceed with just even trying to dispose of her either. "Okay..." he started somewhat hesitantly. "I give in. I've not yet really started mixing spores and flour, I can still remove them just by carefully extracing that small spot I've opened over there." and he pointed to his 'workplace' not even really knowing if she had some way of noticing that gesture.

The time walker smiled as she gave a gentle nod towards him. Was that her way of feeling triumphant ?

He marched over and kneeled, digging his arms into the large heap so to gratuitously move away the clearly discoloured patch. Yet then he suddenly just cranked both of his limbs upwards, effectively shoveling as much of the flour as he could into the air over his head before moving his fingers close to one of the steel reinforcements running along the wagon's walls. That had just been one open threat too much coming from her!

"What does your lousy fortune telling say about sparks flying in a cloud of combustible dust ?" he taunted her. "This is a confined space, just like a windmill! You think you can work your magic fast enough to escape this kind of explosion or prevent me from igniting it ? The Eskandr will never find us since both of us will be scattered around the forest in tiny, bloody bits! Their food however will be gone and who knows how many of their proud warriors will be injured by the debris! I know how much pain and desperation can aggravate those berserkers when they feel like its coming from a cowardice assault! I was at Relouse, not you! Leave, or you might not even have the chance for helping Loriindton against the Eskand for you'd just be dead already!"

The time walker grimaced, then disappeared into seeming nothingness just the same way Lady Talit had. The moment that happened Otios thought he'd hear a few more words: "You will regret what you've done, one way or the other."

Slightly shaking, Otios now touched the metal to actually gently discharge any static charges that might have been waiting to strike. He'd have to clean up this mess, make it look like nothing happened, and then mix gently and properly. It was only during this cleanup operation that he was actually forced to inspect all parts of the wagon more thoroughly, thereby discovering some other items he had not really paid attention to previously. They had some fungus around here, too, and he had a suspicion what these might be good for. A tiny piece of them in his mouth and the increased heartbeat, sweating and slight euphory he felt soon after swallowing gave confirmation.

These elite warriors wanted some reckless, careless, highly aggressive frenzy ? They could have it! That would rule out a diplomatic solution all the more. Soon there were two fungi in the flour, one of them ready and another who'd hopefully act as sort of a backup plan once grown.

Otios left the wagon the same way he got in, putting the piece of floor he had cut out back into place so nobody would see any hole. Another burst of curses later and the rearguard had passed by him without noticing him laying flat on the dark, soft ground. Only once back on his horse, the Yasoi actually noticed the ugly looking, blood-sucking attachments to his legs that hid their activity with natural painkillers and anticoagulants.

These would fall off at some point, but would the time walker let go of him ? It was not the possibility of her spreading the word about his doings here that worried him. Who'd be going to listen when the Eskandr were already tearing the place down. And who'd give her any credibility given the fact she had not used her advanced knowledge to issue a general warning beforehand in the first place ?

No... it was that mysterious phenomenon she had caused. He didn't want to end up displaced in time.
Bó had always liked to wiggle his ears for, just as with the Folk, it was an ability not very common among Mokeu. Today however was the day he once more noticed just how limited to mere aesthetic effects this was for he really would have preffered to turn them away from every fireworks explosion altogether. That however was something only the felines in this city could do, but those had been clever enough to seek refuge from the neverending stream of visitors flooding the place altogether. It was loud, the plazas overcrowded and the air malodorous because of all the meat being cooking in an unimaginable number of variations.

How could they even eat this ? Bark and plantlife in general were just so less complicated to grow and prepare, but maybe they were just too many people in too crowded a space to have any forests left to feed off ? Yet at the same time Bó could also just admire those in the Empire, for the whole situation of festivities he found himself in right now was a very strong symbol about what his own kind lacked so badly: unity. Compared to the steady in-fighting, the Empire and Folk in general were a miraculously efficient entity.

Unless it came to actually serving some damn meals, that was... Bó had positioned himself in front of a rather large stand with several men hectically serving food to their guests, but by now he felt some strain in his legs coming up for they weren't accustomed to stand still for so long. Or was that just a fake feeling made up by some other part of his mind to convince him to give up the effort of eating something here and go on ? It must have been a lot of minutes by now and still one bowel after the other found its way into the hands of some individual who he was convinced had only started waiting for it after him. They were doing this on purpose!

So very efficient again after all, just not the way he liked ? Inadvertently ignoring yet another fireworks' explosion somewhere above his head, Bó dared to step closer and started to track one of the men staffing the stall with a distinct stare of his amber eyes. He'd get this individual's attention one way or the other...

"What do you want ?" the man's chesty voice ultimately asked, exposing a fair degree of annoyance along with his words.

"Food." Bó borderlined on just snapping back because he onyl realized at the last moment that adding provication to one's own provication would do no good to stop the other one from provoking. He slightly rolled his eyes as if they actually featured much of a clearly distuingishable pupil to make that visible. "A more orderly handling of the queue would suffice for the moment as well though."

The man laughed and some others behind the counter joined in, but not all in the queue did. Some of them just turned their heads and dared to give a subtle nod towards the Mokeu towering over their heads. Bó figured it really didn't take a genius to discover that most of those seemingly agreeing with him had spent a lot of time here as well without really getting to move forward. What was this here ? A competition of who was the most cunning and audacious ?

"Food ? We don't have any tree parts here, just rice and meat! But... some of the city's more outside parks might be pretty unguarded at the moment. You could try there!"

Bó hissed, baring his sharp teeth that had more in common with that of a feline than his ears, probably. There were some alley trees around here, too, but... harvesting them ? The man with the rice and meat had a serious point about the guards. And who knew if their bark did even have a good taste to it! Maybe it was even riddled with worms and bugs and whatnot he didn't like!

On the other hand his stomach was on the verge of starting a clearly audible rebellion at this point, so he had to do something about it now. His place in the queue was worthless anyway give how things were handled here the Mokeu deemed, so he set off -- for one of the alleys. He'd just have to wait for the right time and snatch away at one of those lovely plants. What did he have this knife for after all ?

As Bó proceeded, the large mass of people seemed to ignore him for the most part. It was such a dense and steady stream of people that those unfortunate enough to be inside of it had their vision blocked by the remainder, and the remainder in turn was too busy talking or admiring the fireworks to divert significant attention to a reddish-brown Mokeu casually leaning against one of the alley's trees. Yet as he slowly pulled his knife out of his pocket in order to start carving up a bit of the soft bark in the somewhat hidden space between his flexed back and the tree itself, one very guard-like looking individual worked his way out of the masses indeed.

Or rather: crept. A single glance revealed that the person, without the involuntary support of other people cramped around him, was listing even more badly to one side than a sinking ship. Yet at the same time some residual traces left on the man's beard also told a story about that state having persisted despite at least one very successful effort to get a lot of excess liquid off board again.

Bó discarded the guard theory. The city guard just couldn't be rotten like that, this had to be a visitor in arms. So he proceeded with his plan and found his worries taken off him completely when the drunkard just stretched out his arm to find some desperately needed support at the tree and bent down in a very foreboding manner. Fine! That would leave behind a perfect distraction until it'd be impossible to backtrack him.

Bó felt triumphant as he returned to the stand. He waved with the small chunk of bark and stretched his arms over other people's heads as far as he could so to get his meal into the vision of somebody who was serving stuff. "Here I am! I want that fried in some decent fat, covered in rice and garnished with some good spice! You didn't tell I couldn't just bring my own food, did you ?"

Did he have their attention now ?
Fynn LaPlace

Fynn frowned as he gave his intial answer: "Lying is not so much the issue for me, but making up good and credible lies is. It's not a server we're going to talk to..." He paused as it took him moments to realize something. "Oh, well, erm... I mean yeah it could be a server, but not... the kind of server I'd prefer because lying to the latter can be so much easier than to one with two legs walking around, you know ?"

He suspected that Primrose might not truly understand what he meant and blamed himself for the confusion. "Do your magic!" he made clear, then quickly tossed the surveillance drone out of the car's window before the uneasy feeling in his stomach had a chance to settle in. The flying robot would follow an automated, high-altitude search pattern and photograph pretty much anything within a certain radius. A lot of data to delve into later on, even though Fynn already expected most of it to be perfectly mundane trash. An on-board AI would try and identify anything of potential interest and send the images in question to his phone though.

Madame Lafitte's main entrance somewhat mimicked that of a ship's casino and as the two reinforced doors with large bull's eyes swung open, the person they revealed pretty much looked like a perfect match for such a place. A large, gold-rimmed pair of toned sunglasses put no weight on Fynn's nose, but certainly covered more than just his eyes. No hat was on his head, but the amount of styling gel pumped into the IT specialist's hair seemingly made it more bullet-proof than even a soldier's helmet could anyway. His pitch black, neatly polished leather shoes looked fairly expensive to say the least, but in that regard they still were in tight competition with the white blazer wrapped around Fynn's upper body.

It took Fynn a discomforting array of moments to realize all the extra features Primrose's illusion had added to him, but from a purely analytical point of view looking like a noveau-riche snob with a lot of money to lose actually made sense. The club's employees would surely see the opportunity and try to grab his attention while internally believing he'd be dumb and easy to exploit. A very nice technique, indeed. Double psychology could be so advantageous.

The club was still largely empty as the evening hours had not yet arrived, but a few guests were already there and, more idly than anything else though, dealt with their half-empty cocktails and followed a girl's nice looking curves with obvious greed written in their eyes. Fynn let himself down onto one of the empty bar stools and was not hesitant to order some tequila himself, soon featuring a fresh looking dollar bill he happened to find in his blazer's pocket. Would that thing vanish soon after having been rendered anonymous by being dumped into the register, too ?

His phone vibrated, maybe his drone reporting some finding, but the moment was just too enjoyable to be disturbed. Fynn tilted his head downwards so he could make eye contact with the barman over the upper rim of his sunglasses directly and twinkled in his direction. The man responded to his stupid gesture with professional ignorance, but how long would that last when subjected to stubborn repetition ?

He never got to the point of figuring that out though. Instead, a bunch of bent and even partially broken bar stools just like the one he sat one came into his view. Someone had apparently moved them out of the way in a very makeshift manner and nobody had deemed the heap to be a priority as long as things were far away from full swing.

"Hey! What happened here ?" and Fynn pointed towards the pile. Only now he spotted the Rolex around his wrist.

More professional ignorance. If Primrose had more skill in reading body language however, she'd notice how the barman's intestines momentarily twitched as if being hit by a deep frozen needle.

Fynn let go of a somewhat exaggerated sigh, then went fishing in his magic dollar pocket to extract some... serious overdose of a tip for just a single tequila. Even before the bills had stopped sliding across the polished table, they had already grabbed the barman's full attention. Eager to prevent any non-paying guests from eavesdropping, he started talking in a very low tone: "Some troublemakers. Good thing we have very tough security here for these felt like... not the usual, drunk kind of people. But what do I know ? I'm just the barman here and happy things didn't escalate even further. That poor man though. I thought they'd kill him!"

Fynn exchanged views with Primrose, knowing that he couldn't just say loudly what he was thinking right now. If this was their victim, then it could be worthwhile to get hands on all the club's secrets: security camera footage, internal remarks and reports from employees, anything. Now he really reached for his phone and indeed an aerial image popped up: a clear, somewhat fresh looking set of skid marks on the parking lot. Assuming that the owner of the vehicle had not just wanted to display some insanely good parking skills, he or she had probably had great interest in getting away very rapidly. And... just how much strength was required to bend and even break these bar stools ?

Avoiding to talk, Fynn just texted a message towards Primrose despite her being nearby briefly explaining his thoughts.
@PatientBean Would it be okay for you if I just think of what kind of illusion Primrose is going to wrap Fynn in and go ahead or had you something special in mind ?
@Fetzen Have you given a major clue yet?

As far as I'm aware I was not given the honor yet, but if anybody considers what Fynn has found out so far a major clue already I wouldn't mind either.
It might very well be that my leaky memory just lost it, but could anybody tell me who's the next one to give the main clue ? :)

Planning on finally doing my post within the next bunch of hours.
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