Hi all. Currently takibg care of a personal emergency. Will be back and online by the weekend. If you see me online its because i just leave my accpunt on.
Guys! I made an RP, click my sig to check it out. Also I've posted for Chris. I won't reveal much about John Doe, but understand that he's a Sensate and he's gonna cause trouble for Chris.
Scientist have predicted that in the immediate future a number of hundreds if not thousands of large meteorites will hit the planet. It's size comparable to the one's that killed off the dinosaurs. The impending damage will wipe out billions. Those that survive the initial impact will die when the earthquakes, tidal waves, thunderstorms, and volcanic eruptions hit in succession. Those who are lucky enough to survive will die a slow and painful death in an short ice age.
Humanity will not survive.
The United Countries devised shelters to protect humanity, they planned to destroy the meteorites, some even planned to escape to the stars and find land elsewhere, but even then they asked themselves what if they failed. What if everything they planned failed, what would happen to humans?
As a last ditch effort to save humanity countries devised a plan to save people that would one day repopulate the earth. They would be put under and kept hidden away where they sleep out the death of everyone they loved until the time has come for them to wake up and face the world at it rawest and wildest form.
One such plan was The Thirteen Colonies. Thirteen groups of eight people would be frozen, a reference to the thirteen colonies that came to the US. Each group would contain one guide, a trained survivalist, and seven young and healthy people. They would have nothing but the the clothes on their back, their wits, and their desire to live. Their only source of help would be each other and gifts from the past, bunkers. These bunkers would be survival pods containing rations, books, materials, tools and equipment that would help the survivors to live and rebuild society
The chosen seven would be plucked from anywhere in the country, unaware of what the future entails, so long as they met the physical and psychological qualifications. Outside of the physical requirements, they also wanted the elites, young people who were the best at their field, gifted, youths that would have the skills and abilities to survive and rebuild society. Their guide would be put under the same criteria, but they will be a trained adult who will protect, guide, and police the chosen seven eight. The only difference would be is that the guide would be fully aware that they would be leaving their lives behind, the seven were going to be kidnapped.
The seven would be observed, and studied from afar. They'd introduce people that would get to know them better, to see what kind of people they were. If they fit all criteria then they would be chosen. Their parents would be approached, would be informed of what is to come, and pay for their child's lives no matter how much it would cost. Once their parents, guardians, and family accept they'd given a few days to prepare for their last day. On their last moments before being put to sleep their parents could do something for them, maybe throw a party, maybe them leave them alone, or maybe seconds before they are put under they may say goodbye and tell them what is to come. Once all is said and done the seven will be taken while they slumber, and the next time they wake up it'll be in the future.
Originally, they only had ten groups, but they decided to add three more. Physically and genetically speaking they were still perfect, but unlike the elites, they were the opposite of the blessed. They were made up of social misfits, deviants, special cases, and people who did not fit in to an ideal society. They were the people who would be considered as failures in a modern world because they were flawed, ridiculed, and rejected by society because who they were, where they came from, and the labels put onto them. Their psychological profiles were blurry, and their skills were questionable if they had any. They were a gamble.
Regardless of who they were they were all going to be frozen with their guide and be launched into space. Years later, an on board computer would begin launching machines. These machines would scan a predetermined area to see if living conditions were stable. Once approved the computer will launch the group down to earth in a large body of water. One by one they would wake up and face what the new world has in store for them.
How It Will Work:
Naturally we would be playing as the characters in one team. Unless someone explicitly wants to be the guide I will take up that role.
You will notice that there are two kinds of groups, the "Elites" or the "Failures". I'm open to playing in either kind of group. Bare in mind the "Elites" are people who possess specialized skills so please be able to write a character whom you can use such skills instead of it just being an implied ability. These people were chosen because they have them so expect them to be used.
This is going be a very slow paced story taken up mostly by dialog. Time Skips are also going to happen a lot as we will be skipping the quiet and lull moments of the story. Unless something relevant is happening it will be skipped.
This RP will be heavy on the details as well so keep track on your characters belongings. What your characters has on hand is all that he has.
This is a DRAMA. Most of what's gonna happen is your character being in his or her own head and acting in response to something going on. Sure there will be action and stuff, but for the most part those are limited to fighting creatures or with each other.
The daily occurrences and the time consuming stuff will be skipped. As much as possible all we want is the meat of the story.
This will be a heavily character driven story wherein each person has his or her thing going on, but we will be acting as a group. As the GM I will be setting up the scenario in advance to the players, and in turn they'll be telling everyone in the group what they'll have their characters do without spoiling the moment. Providing this information will allow the others to know in advance what you'll do without having your character pop in to mention the one thing everyone else needs to know. This will also allow us to plan how the story moves forward and avoid any pitfalls that will stall the story. For example:
Who's going with who if the group splits?
How will your character react to this one thing?
What will your character encounter while moving alone?
What will your character say when he/she talks with a character?
This is set in a Post Apocalypse world, but not in a civilization has fallen kind of way or in a desert wasteland or overgrown vegetation kind of way. This is a full blown planetary apocalypse that destroys most forms of life.
If there is any remnant of the past modern world expect them to be either buried underground, underwater, collapsing, or infested with something. If somehow something remains they're relics, antiques, and dangerously inhabitable.
As for the Fauna they're going to be similar to what's here and now, but don't be surprised if you see a giant insect or two, a feral saber toothed mammal, and some kind of weird bird and fish. Naturally they're all wild so you either tame it, kill it, leave it, or you run away from it.
For the Flora they're just if not more weird. Don't even count on seeing wild vegetation that resembles anything like you've ever seen. Expect lots of weird looking trees, annoying grass everywhere, and possibly downright poisonous and inedible vegetation. If you want edible rice, plant or anything you'll have to plant in.
If you think you'll find some kind of abandoned settlement expect that to be run down. Building your own house will be safer. In the rare occurrence that you do find something safe something probably lives there already. And let's say you find some sort of abandoned shelter well that place is abandoned for some reason.
1. This RP is in the advanced section for a reason.
2. This is a group story, so we will be working in a group. Be available and conformable doing collabss with other players.
3. If you're thinking of applying be sure that you're willing to play for more than just a week. I want this to last as long as possible to the point where our character encounter another team and explore more than one arc.
4. This won't be a first come first save kind of thing. I'll accept those who seem like they know what they're doing and is actually going to be in it for the long run.
5. If you decide to apply for this don't expect me to just say that you're in. I will read it, provide comments and ask questions.
6. You need to be active IC and OOC. You don't need to be on everyday and I'm not gonna make you do so, but be there for the OOC to see what's happening in the IC on a regular basis.
7. Contribute to the story. You're a player not a spectator. React and provide commentary in the OOC, and don't just have your character exist and not you.
8. I'm just as much as a player in this as you all are. If you think I'm doing something wrong or dumb by all means call me out on it.
The Characters/ The Chosen One's (In General):
Age: 10 to 24 for the chosen ones, and 25 to 33 for the guides.
Physically: These people are healthy, fertile and have no predispositions for any types of diseases, illnesses, allergies, or any sort of disability when they reach a certain age or state. If these characters live a healthy, viceless, and safe lifestyle, they will die of old age. Genetically speaking they are perfect. They will most likely have a good if not better eyesight hearing, hearing, hair, skin complexion, teeth, height, weight, metabolism, etc. and will pass down those good genes to their young.
Mentally: These characters will not be stupid, and that is a fact. They have an average IQ grade, if not downright superior without having any sort of disorder. They are perfectly capable of solving simple to complex problems as long as they have the chance to do so. They will, by no means, have any sort of disability when it comes to learning, which means that they will continue to become better, smarter, and be more capable if they choose to pursue it.
Personality: Specific personality aside these people will be “good” people in that they will do the morally right choice six out of ten times, the four times they will not do the right thing is going to be because of heightened emotions, and morally ambiguous cases.
Skills: These characters were specifically chosen because they have a or a set of skills that can contribute to their survival and the eventual reconstruction of society. These skills, no matter how they were acquired are things that they are capable of applying to most real world situations. These “skills” can range from having an in depth scientific knowledge of botany, anatomy, chemistry, or professional training in the fields of medicine, geology, astronomy, meteorology, etc. They could be talented in performing in arts like dance, music or even theater, or maybe their field is in sports like swimming, archery, baseball, chess, etc. or extreme sports like sailing, paragliding, scuba diving, etc. They could also be more occupational skills like political knowledge, farming, business, architecture, or something more cultural like fashion, cuisine, religion, and entertainment. They also are just skilled in something due to a hobby like rock climbing, pottery, hunting, etc. They’ll include any sort of field that a person can excel at, except for skills that are specifically geared to things that won’t be available to them in a world without energy, but they’ll include people who understand said things and will be able to recreate them. These skills are things that the government would assume are things that should be preserved when it comes to American society and surviving in general. However no matter how skilled they are in this field they are still fairly young so there are still some things they lack, but they are good enough in this field that they can apply it to the new world, and teach it to someone else.
Diversity: America is a diverse country and this will show in the teams in the group. The first criterion for someone to be chosen is that person must be an American citizen born and raised in America. For the purposes of this RP we will go under the belief that the government isn’t racist, sexist, and inclusive to all kinds of people. Essentially they just picked those that are qualified which means that the candidates will be composed of racially, ethnically, and culturally different people with different ideologies, religions, and even philosophies.
Opinions: A big part of the story is drama, introspection, and character development so things like their personal ideas, opinions and thoughts are a primary part of the story and the secondary cause of conflict right behind physical survival. These opinions they have on whatever sort of topic will be the secondary plot motivator. A lot of the times the characters will be subjected to things that deal with subjects such as loss, change, nature, evolution, government, death, religion, humanity, morality, sex, romance, friendship, family, nepotism, growing up, pregnancy, etc. so the characters are bound to, and should come into conflict with other people in certain areas.
Sex and Sexuality: For the purpose of this story, the characters will mostly be heterosexual, but this is not to dismiss gender and sexual fluidity, homosexuality, bisexuality, etc. This is so because the idea behind the project is that these people were chosen so that they may repopulate the earth. I am however open to the idea that there will be characters that are open to having non heterosexual and monogamous relationships, since it would be more fun and realistic that way. Other cultures have done it before, are doing so now, and it will be kind of fun to have a group that is more open to a different kind of lifestyle than the traditionally viewed American man, woman and child combination. This also opens up the possibility of having someone who begins discovering his or her non-heterosexual lifestyle.
Appearance: They are good looking people. Good looking in that they will have fair unblemished skin complexion, perfect set of teeth that, will have no predisposition for things such as body odor, bad breath, or even dandruff. They are most likely photogenic, and can be models for some kind of company and will probably do well. They are attractive people who can be considered to be good looking by a lot of people. Chances are they also sport a clean and fit body in that they won’t have any or a lot of tattoos, won’t have any piercing other than the socially accepted ones, and wear clothing that will look good on them and will attract a lot of attention in the good way.
Background: These people will most likely come from good, wealthy, and rich backgrounds that have nurtured them and all their abilities since they were born. They come from a good family that gave them the best type of lifestyle they could afford. Their family members may have also been influential and powerful in their chosen fields and in a way were probably famous. Ideally, they lived peaceful lives surrounded by nothing but good things and have never experienced any sort of serious life hardships like starvation, homelessness, etc. There’s also a possibility that some of the group’s families are well connected to certain people in the government that they made sure that their lineage is to survive, and made it so that even the people they are associated with are there as well (nepotism you know.). This does not mean that their family life is perfect as there is bound to be troubles in all families regardless of the prestige.
Personality: These people are most likely go getting A types that are deeply involved in whatever sort of craft they are in. They are going to be the type of people who will do what they want and will most likely get it through hard work and determination. These people are not going to be elitist bastards who only think of themselves, but it is not to say that they won’t be a little too proud of their status before. Not everyone is going to be some sort of saint who gives all their money to charity, but if they were billionaires, they will probably give a million or two to some kind of charity without having any serious issues with it. Overall, they’re just normal people in terms of personality. They are normal people though so they will still have issues. A big point however is that these people have the personality that in spite of the fact that they no longer live in a world of luxury they are, with some development be able to cope with their new life.
Skills: Their skills are something that a nation can be proud of to call as something they helped nurture. It is something that they actively chose to develop, and are/were formally trained in which would have likely lead them to a life wherein this skill plays an important part in what would probably be successful lives. An academic based skill such as chemistry or biology will probably lead them to working in a pharmaceutical company that will one day develop a cure for a life threatening illness. An athletic skill like Baseball will probably get them to a national game. A performing skill such as Ballet dancing will probably make them accomplished, famous ballet that are knowledgeable the things related to that field such as the dance itself to even physical therapy. A job related skill like Business will probably make them accomplished business owners who can turn it into some kind of empire in a few short years if given the opportunities. Simply put, in the field they’re in they are nothing if not exceptional that even those much older than them recognizes their skill. These skills are bound to them in a certain so it may limit their life choices so someone who is an accomplished athlete will never be able to become some sort of scientist in the short lives they have lived. Gifted, is the term that is often associated with them in their field. Naturally they have probably dedicated a lot of time and effort in knowing what they know so there are certain things that they have lost or given up while gaining these skills.
Flaws: NO matter how good these people are, they are human and they will have flaws. Their flaws can range, but are most likely related to their pride because they are capable people who were often in the right and will try their hardest to keep that pride and dignity. They may have Inexperience with the darkness of the world and the cruelty of humankind because they have lived peaceful and blessed lives (not always because those who are in the political world understand the darker aspects of the world). Thick headedness (not close mindedness) because they are the types of people who have strong opinions on certain things and view the world in a certain way so chances are they will not bend to another person’s will easily. Vanity because this world is cruel to them in an aesthetic way that anything from facial creams, combs, to even a variety of clothing will not be available to them anymore. In addition, inexperience in basic survival because they’ve lived such comfortable lives in the modern world that things like hunting, manual labor,farming, and construction is something they have never really done before.
Essentially: These guys are the conventionally and traditionally good looking, skilled, and comes from a nice family.
Appearance: They are still good looking people, but not as formally accepted good looking as the “Elite”. Unlike the elites that are conventionally and traditionally good looking, the rejects are not. The rejects don’t really have a set appearance because they don’t follow a singular identity. They do what they wish and they look however, they want. Their looks and lifestyle can range from being simple and carefree to the point wherein they let their hair grow and barely get it cut in years, or maybe they have a multicolored or bleached hair styled in a mohawk. They may not even care much about their clothing at all and just go for tee shirts and jeans, or on the other hand maybe they do care and do their best to express themselves through their looks so they give themselves tattoos, piercings (nothing too excessive though) and style and color their hair to make them feel good. What their style is who they are as people. They can either look just like everybody else you see on the street like a nobody or look like some kind of punk rock star who wears tattered leather jackets and steel toed boots.
Background: They’re not privileged or rich, and maybe they’ve been living a life poverty and hardships or just something simple. The lives they’ve lived is what who makes them as people and maybe that’s why they’re considered as failures because of where they come from and what kind of history they have. Maybe their parents are drunks and junkies, or maybe the parents are just normal people, but they take out their problems on their kids which lead to a lot of problems for them. They could have lived a life that was just simple, but unfortunate in some ways or lived a life that was hard, but otherwise manageable and nothing too cruel. Maybe their family life is great and peaceful, the problems lie in the misfortunes surrounding that family, or maybe the problem is the family itself, and that’s what needs correcting. There is a chance that they were the types who ran away, or maybe they did a minor crime that could forever be associated to them, maybe they are the black sheep of a prestigious family, or maybe they were just the types of people that weren’t so fortunate and nothing ever went right. In any which way you spin it whatever kind of background they have it’s going to be what makes them as people because they don’t really have a lot going for them other than their past.
Personality: They’re the type of people who have seen the bottom of the barrel and have lived there for some time and are probably still living there. They always know that they are being judged and treated a bit unfairly and they do whatever they want with it. Maybe they decided toughen themselves up and decide to rebel against society by actively being delinquents, maybe they just accepted it and don’t put much into making an effort of anything else and gave up their dreams, or maybe they didn’t deal with their horrible lives and hid away in their shells and became recluses who just rot away. They know the world is a cruel and unforgiving place because they’ve been called rejects and failures and outcasts their whole lives and maybe it’s because of this that they can be cruel and cold or maybe it’s the reason why they are idealistic and optimistic. They may be seen as the future criminals or wastes of space, but they’re good people at heart who make the morally right choices, whatever that may be. If given a two door option chances are they’ll just make third door if those two options don’t sit well with them.
Skill: In spite of what people may say they’re quite skilled people and can still contribute said skills in a new world, but maybe not in the modern world where the elites have them beat. What makes their skill a bit different from those in the elite is that they’re probably not as formally trained or maybe they don’t even have any form of training or studies in that field. Chances are the majority of them gained their skill because of where they grew up, through self-teaching, or maybe they learned it unconsciously. Their skill may be things that they’re actively or passively good at, but it’s not something that their future was entirely dependent on. Chances are their skill was just something of a hobby, a past time that they indulged in, or something they just rather learned, but whatever this skill maybe it was something they never really counted on for their lives as it was just something they had. There’s also a chance that they didn’t have a skill that they knew of in the modern world, but now that they live in such prehistoric times maybe they realized their potential for some sort of skill that can contribute to their survival and society. Skills that are considered to be more useless in the modern world may also be placed in here.
Essentially: They are the non traditional and eccentric types who come from a dysfunctional background and possess odd skills.
I'll provide more info as time goes on and if anyone actually wants to play. It will be ideal to have eight people total, including me, but if we have less than eight it's fine too. We have the option of someone or all of us playing multiple characters or just have those characters not survive the thawing out process. I'm also willing to do this as a 1x1.
If the premise seems familiar it is because I borrowed the concept from 7 Seeds, the award winning manga by Tamura Yumi.
When the phone rings in the middle of the night in a hospital, it only ever means trouble. If multiple phones ring, it’s a disaster waiting to happen. It meant battle stations for the nursing staff, the doctors, and everyone who works in the hospital. Everyone knew what they had to do, the only question was “What is it this time?”
This time it was a shooting gone badly. They weren’t rare when you live in the big city. Crime, violence, and all sorts of back alley dealings occurred. It was cops versus a local drug ring with innocent bystanders in the middle. Five were sent to them two cops, two criminals, and a John Doe. It was a tragedy waiting to happen.
By the time the clock struck midnight Christ had already lost a patient, one of the cops died as well. Lt. Adam Ambrosio died at 23:43. He suffocated in a room full of air as a broken rib slowly punctured his right lung. The broken rib was caused by a blunt force trauma to the chest. The other cop was still in critical condition, one of the drug ring memberswas already patched up and recuperating in the ICU. The other bystanders didn’t make it, dead on arrival.
John Doe was young man in his late twenties, athletic, good-looking, and a foreigner. He was covered in blood splattersacross his face and all over his suit. He three bullet wounds in his chest, two went right through him, and one was lodged inside his heart.
It was half past one when they finally got a solid break. It was the waiting game. The doctors were in the process of finding solutions and the nursing staff were on monitor duty. Chris was tasked to monitor the John Doe who had a penchant for watching her.
His dark eyes followed Chris’s every move. It was just her and him in the room. A cop was stationed just outside with a gun and everything, but it didn’t comfort Chris for one second. Even the handcuffs didn’t make her feel any better.
They didn’t know which side he was on or if he was just an innocent bystander. He was deemed incompetent when they did a Psych Evaluation on him apparently he was talking to someone in a foreign language. His belongings shed no light to his identity. They found three passports with different names, marked from places like New York, Copenhagen, and Sydney. They also found wads of cash, and handgun with a silencer. He was a dangerous man who watched
“Will you stop staring at me?” Chris said as they made eye contact when she began replacing his IV drip. He was going through them fast. She didn’t expect him respond given that he hasn’t been talking, but he did. “Why should I?” He responded. “I mean I came here just for you. Chris.” Chris didn’t speak, she watched the John Doe look at her. Even though he was handcuffed to the bed she felt like he could jump out at her at any moment.
Slowly Chris backed out of the room making sure to keep his eyes on him. Once she was out of the room she headed straight for the bathroom. She needed out, needed to see herself, wanted to feel a sense of normalcy, but instead she saw someone else. It was a woman, a brown-haired woman with neatly styled hair and darting green eyes. She was wearing some sort of suit. Chris had seen her before.
Turning on the sink to the hottest setting, she doused her face with water. Annoying, as it was Chris was somehow comforted by seeing the other woman’s face. It was like with Dalia. By all accounts, she should be fearful, but instead these strangers’ faces comforted her.