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After they'd finished their last sortie, Fox had fallen into his usual routine; helping Lefty with repairs. Well, it was less "helping" and more handing the older woman tools as she requested them or holding components in place so they could be more easily worked on. A lack of a proper education limited what the wiry teen could do. Still, no mechanic worth their salt turned down an extra pair of reliable hands.

When the battle stations alarm rang out, Fox took a couple of moments to ensure that Lefty's tools were properly secured, knowing full well how badly the crusty mechanic would chew him out if he let any of her precious equipment float off. Ignoring the usual tit for tat between Holly and Lefty, the teen also seemed to pay the Bosun no mind; though those familiar with the boy's mannerisms would notice the slight tensing of his posture and minute tilt of his head as listened to the older man's movements.

"Tools secured. Moving to station." He announced quietly, just loud enough to be heard over the metallic din of the hanger and the blaring alarm.

Not waiting for the Bosun's attention to fall on him, Fox gave the securing for the mechanic's tools one last glance before smoothly flipping himself over the edge of the maintenance platform's handrail. Moving with the grace one gained by growing up in space, the teen coiled like a spring against the platform's rim before launching off towards "his" Hugo. The fancy movements the quiet teen's way of "showing off."

Having pushed off with fair bit more force than necessary, Fox let out a slight grunt as he strained his arm catching the grab handle of the elevated seat of the mobile suit. His momentum arrested, Fox slapped himself into the seat with sleek, deft movements. Connecting the Alaya Vijinana system, the teen quickly brought the mobile suit out of rest mode. With the thrum of systems coming online, the teen jerked from the sudden jarring sensation of the man-machine interface flooding his senses with input. A feral, half-snarl, half-smile pulled at the boy's lips. The fox had his fangs once more.

Alright, gettin' started on this. And Glisk, a thought/small request. Can we keep this to a small group? Between how terrifyingly powerful Gundam Frames can be in the right hands and how few are left; having more than a half-dozen of us seems a bit odd in light of cannon, esp. if we're playing after the show ends.

Works for me. I'll lay claim to the ASW-G-21 Morax. Not sure I'll be able to find a good image, as the one I have in my head is rather... unique. A minotaur Gundam. Larger forward swept bladed horns, a hulking upper body, heavy armor and overclocked/supercharged thrusters to compensate for the added weight.

Though I suppose the Reincar makes for a good close approximation.
Going off of this list on the wiki. Apparently the Seere is just mentioned and shown in silhouette only in the Gekko manga, so there's no real info on it.
Just did some quick digging, this accurate?

crossed out the cannonized ones so we know what's taken.
Fairly serious IBO fan here. Seen the show, but none of the supporting comics, etc. Interest will have to be tentative as I may or may not have the availability to play, depending on a plethora of factors. That said, crafting our own IBO Gundams and getting into all sorts of misadventures sounds like a blast.
Maritza Verenna

"No." The Naga replied to Lady Cal with blunt simplicity as she shook her head. "What prompted that line of thought was your guardian surviving the severance of his head. That is what put the idea of you practicing necromancy and other such ill thoughts into my mind. Of course, if Lady Radistirin says that said effects were achieved without the use of dark magicks, such an assessment is more than sufficient for myself." Maritza added, the accent of her formal learning of Thaln's language suddenly coming out in full force. "Regardless, the truth is coming to light and we share a common goal; securing the shard and preventing it from causing any more chaos. I can see no logical reason to not pool our efforts and work as one. Captain, Lady Radistirin, your orders?" She finished, her piece said as she turned to Fanilly and the senior knight.
Apologies, Life's been a lot lately, I'll see about an IC post here shortly.
Maritza Verenna

Staring somewhat askance at Lady Cal for several long seconds, the naga eventually relented with an irritable groan. Equating your actions to those of the man who sired you based on circumstantial evidence alone was out of line. My apologies, Lady Cal." She admitted somewhat reluctantly, shifting to gaze off in thought.

After letting the silence hang for a minute, Mari eventually shifted back to stare down Lady Cal; crossing her arms under her chest. "Still, I'd like to know why you chose to hire the quiet blade of mercenaries over asking for help from the hammer that we are. Because no matter what direction I approach the question from, I keep coming to the same conclusion. You believe, or know there to be, a group of traitors conspiring against the kingdom from within. After all, why else would you chose to discretely hire mercenaries over the kingdom's own knights for a threat as great as a shard of Angroron?" Maritza carefully probed and queried, closely watching the young noblewoman's body language through the slit of her visor.
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