Aidan follows behind her, looking around the room. "Looks like we found the lair of some Kesgana cult or something." The room was kind of lackluster. Besides the ritual sign, some candles and a stair leading up, it was quite empty. "So where are the sunbeds, massive orgies and never ending buffet?" He notices her clenched fist and narrowed eyes. "I'm guessing you dislike Kesgana. Hold off from blowing it up for now. I want to know what this tower is and does first. After that, you'll have the honors of to pushing the button to drop the Deepcore charges. But for now... we go up." He points upwards to the ever spiraling stairs.
He turns around for one more time, looking outside. Something changed. There was no forest and no more grass. It almost looked like an entirely different planet. He takes a step closer towards the door, but hesitates. Now everything is green and nice again. One step back, red. One step forward, green. He looks down and finally sees it. He's standing on a part of the Kesgana symbol. Then it dawns... "Val! It's an illusion! Well... the planet is real, but what we see is an illusion! They don't need to cover an entire planet in a spell, just our sight! What we saw outside, the forest, the village, everything wasn't real. We probably fought demons instead of villagers. And the village was probably a... Yuck... Brood pit or something. And I can't imagine what we hacked through if it wasn't a jungle..." He shudders at the thought.