Avatar of Force and Fury


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
3 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
3 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

Most Recent Posts

I'm not a big fan of ads and advertising, but I hate forum ad spam with a particular burning passion, because it is the lowest form of advertising and also a false flag. Man... if there were any spammers here shilling some product I didn't care about, I'd pretty much hate them. Also, is anyone actually dumb enough to click those links?
NGL: this looks amazing. If I wasn't already (too) full on RPGs, I'd join up in a heartbeat.

Location: Near the Dying Mistle @ The Ruined City // Date: February 23, 2057 // Time: 16:02 // Interactions: @everyone

There'd been banter - uneasy smalltalk to distract them all from their slowly deteriorating margins for error - as they continued on through the ruined city. Shadows pooled, deep and cold in alleys and alcoves and the sun shimmered, fat and orange, as it dipped below the tops of even midsized buildings. They were going to be caught out at night.

Lys had just finished replacing Princess' batteries and sending her back into the field, when she noticed Ajax's body language shift ever so slightly, like the human - or revenant - equivalent of a dog stiffening its stride and pricking its ears up. She shot a pair of quizzical eyes in his direction, but then it was her turn to prickle in warning. Princess' sensors were beeping. "Someone spot for me," she called out, "Princess has something. Horsie," she added, "push: terrain-following." Iron Horse was low on batteries, but should have enough left for that. Lysandra pushed the visor down and she was Sky Princess, peering at the world from fifty feet above ground through a fisheye lens. Licorice was swooping toward a house where Akaia must've been, and he let out an urgent screech presently, but he wasn't what had set off the sensors.

The drone had flagged movement - massive movement - and turned its camera that way. The solid brick wall of a townhouse rippled and collapsed in a shower of bricks and a billowing cloud of reddish dust that buffeted the surrounding area. Sky Princess was sent reeling, rotors straining to recover and, when she did, Lys pointed her back in that direction. From the dust and debris rose a towering hulk of translucent silvery-white flesh, fifty feet tall and weeping milky grey pus out of a dozen faintly glowing red orifices that had to be... eyes of some sort. Dozens of tendrils, many thicker than a grown man's body, whipped and lashed, battering walls and smashing windows. The beast stood there for a moment, swaying gently. Then, it reared up to its full height and threw its head back. A cavernous black maw opened and opened wider still, revealing thousands of small, black, razor-sharp teeth. The behemoth bellowed. Nearly half a kilometer away, Lys could feel the bloodcurdling sound as it reverberated through the air and her insides alike. The creature lurched forward with unsettling speed and hurtled toward the group of Erik, Dallas, Poppy, and Desmond, laying waste to everything in its path. A Tsar Bomba! Her blood went cold and spiky within her arteries and, for a moment, she could feel every bit of it.

"What the fuck was that!?" one of her group members shouted. Lysandra pressed the 'evasive' button on Princess' controller and tore her headset off. "It's a fucking Tsar Bomba!" she screamed. She hadn't seen one in years. The last time, she'd had legs, and she'd used them to run, but it wasn't for herself that Lys' blood froze. Akaia had entered a house right in that thing's path and hadn't emerged yet. "We need to stop it or they're all gonna die! Akaia's right in its path, in that house!" She flipped her visor down and sent Princess higher up, outside of the monster's reach. Her rockets would barely make a dent against a threat of that size and magnitude, but she could target the sensitive spots, like the 'eyes' and mouth, as well as any tentacles that tried to pick off her allies while they closed the range. That would have to be enough.

Hey all! This is just an update on the direction of this RPG. I'm going to give our current round one extra week, since I know that some collabs are on the way and some people are busy with life until the weekend. I've got a few points of consideration below that I think should be covered:

1) We've had a lot of very long posts and I think we need to reel these inn unless they're collabs and they're going somewhere. I'll be doing the same. I don't want anybody to feel the pressure to post a novella each time. One or two paragraphs are fine. Post in response to somebody. Post with a simple description of your character's thoughts, actions, or surroundings. Don't feel the need to take on a high burden.

2) After the current day's events (one or two more rounds of posting), we're going to be doing a bit of a time jump and there will be an event that brings all PCs together for a more linear plot progression. Basically, you're all going on an adventure!

3) From people who haven't posted yet or for at least three weeks, I am going to ask that you post this week or you'll be considered inactive. We're going to be going to some very interesting places soon and things will quicken and shorten up, so I need to see that you're on board and ready. Here's hoping that you all are.

Happy posting!
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