Avatar of Force and Fury


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Shilling a good medieval fantasy: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
Don't mind me. Just shilling a thread: roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
3 yrs ago
So worried right now. My brother just got admitted to the hospital after swallowing six toy horses. Doctors say he's in stable condtion.
3 yrs ago
Nice to meet you, Bored. I'm interested!
3 yrs ago
Ugh. Someone literally stole the wheels off of my car. Gonna have to work tirelessly for justice.


Oh gee! An age and a gender and interests and things. Yeah, I have those. Ain't no way I'm about to trigger an existential crisis by typing them all out, though. You can find out what a nerd I am on discord, okay?

Stay awesome, people.

Most Recent Posts

Welcome aboard, sir. Always a pleasure to see a gentleman of your calibre come aboard. I quite hope that you'll find what you're looking for.
Banned for being so keen on having people enter. "Enter what, exactly?" I would ask.
My neighbour needs better lighting, tbh.
Black Friday, because fuck a pseudo-holiday to consumerism, quite frankly. It'd also force marketers to be a tad more creative.

If you could have only two of these three - health, wealth, and beauty - which two would it be, and why?
I was... randomly obsessed with trilobites as a kid.
Welcome, fellow geriatric millennial! If you're old enough to remember AOL, you're my people! I'm trying to think of a third overenthusiastic sentence to conclude with an exclamation point, but I'm having no luck. Anyways, I'm a big fan of that introductory post of yours and most of the genres and subgenres you rattled off. I think you'll find some quality stuff here and I agree that group RPGs are the most fulfilling. I hope that we can catch each other around and, given how many of our interests seem to align, I think it's likely that we will. On that subject, allow me to shill my fantasy world, The Hourglass Order, for a moment. I'll see myself out now. Happy roleplaying and stay awesome!

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